>Normies flood this for months place to call everyone incels, see nothing wrong with it
>Lose their shit when they're called NPCs
How the tables have turned
>Normies flood this for months place to call everyone incels, see nothing wrong with it
>Lose their shit when they're called NPCs
How the tables have turned
It's because it really drives home that sense that we see them as lesser, to the point we doubt they are even human. Really rustles their jimmies to be so deeply question for their boring conformity. That thing they spent all their lives adhering too, trying to aspire to be, and suddenly some people they hate decide it makes them inhuman? Of course they did the same to us so many times but they have no self awareness. And that, of course, is part of what makes them an NPC.
This forced meme is cringy at best, its also ironic for neckbeards to be calling normal peolpe anything but there better halfs
I thought it was a normie meme, it's basically how they think
>post the same thread 26 times
>"laugh" about it affecting redditors
Nigger this isn't reddit. All you're doing is spamming the board.
>call random posters NPCs without reason except "they say something I don't like"
>they understandably get annoyed
angry 80 IQ NPCs ITT as expected
>the NPC is a sheep, job holding, money having, girl fucking scum lol we are the true heroes of this adventure posting this stale meme from our moms basements, virginity intact ROBOTS RISE UP
Yes, every poster with a life feels so attacked by these autistic assertions. Truly epic meme guys
You still don't understand, but then you're an NPC, so you probably can't. But let me spell it out for you: Normies spammed their retarded incel meme for months on end at everyone they could and thought nothing of it. Now that they're getting called this simple term they lose their collective shit. It's funny.
I have inner monologue and I'm a normie who calls people incels.
Sounds like something an NPC would say, better check your internal monologue, user.
Well you seem to feel that way since you bothered to bring it up, npc.
>using gangweed
You need to go back, NPC
Bump for NPC rage
t. Angry NPC
Dont you have scripted conversation with other NPCs to get back to?
>Lose their shit when they're called NPCs
Where does this even happen?
>NPCs call other people NPCs
>get told to fuck off
See, I'm kinda normie'sh, meaning, while I think waaay too much, am probably on the spectrum and all that, I've also had some actual relationships before. One even four years long with a beautiful specimen of a woman. In the end, they were all kinda somewhere on the spectrum, 95% of women I just want to ignore...
When I read that whole NPC shit, I was like "Haha, you're kidding right, how could you possibly NOT use verbal thinking, like WTF?!". Yet here we are.
the NPC meme is just another self gratification tactic for autistic imageboard incels, it claims that the self indulgent over-conscious autistic pseudo-apollonian virginal underman is infact superior to the normie despite being entirely more repulsive and impotent. the tendency to talk to yourself and generate simulations of other personalities in your mind is not a remarkable ability to be proud of, its the product of a frail insecure depency on ego fulfilling social interaction that can only be found in the fiction of your own mind as real people will never give you the respect and attention you desperately crave. your autistic visualisation of feeling as abstract forms is merely a pseudo schizophrenic deIusional pretension of understanding that arises from the understimulated under practiced over confident mind. those who need to sub-vocalise in order to understand books are objectively inferior to those who have the innate ability to take a more efficient and optimal route to learning.
t. NPCs. Call the normie anything and it washes off him like water, but call him an NPC...
Call the incel anything and it washes off him like water, but call him an NPC...
>shitposting has a deeper meaning
Just look at these pre-programmed replies.
Oh, and guys...there are girls were you can just let whatever you are thinking out uncensored, despite of how autistic it may be.
Not everyone can make it, and really, it's only true for a small percentage of women...but, they do exist. Now, finding one of them is obviously the hard part, but you have to put yourself out there.
What a well written NPC dialogue.
i looooove evergreens !!
Also, you need to go back faggot
I'm already expecting NPC to be filtered by October
stfu NPC
npc is the most low effort /v/eddit meme in a long time
The meme sounds forced desu
>job holding, money having, girl fucking scum
Only an NPC could think those things are virtues instead of shackles.
cringe and forced
> look at all of my materials and assets. This indicates I am a successful individual and functioning member of society. After the big game I will go to sleep and wake up early for my shift.
NPCs must know this
It's a hard game.