How many here would get shot if a female cop tried to arrest them? I would rather die than submit to a foid

How many here would get shot if a female cop tried to arrest them? I would rather die than submit to a foid

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No, no. I'd shoot her full of semen.

You'd get tased and watch helplessly as she cuffed you and hauled your ass into the back of her cop car.

they're all just godless pawns of a machine to me

What does foid mean is that a reddit term?

somebody called the cops on me and said I abused my dog (which i would never do, i love my dog and he is my best friend) and 2 female cops showed up and they literally had tears in their eyes as they yelled at me for this shit i didn't do. i could have backhanded the fuck out of them.

I have a femdom fetish so i'll take those handcuffs uwu

Yeah... that's exactly how it would go down. Lol. TV never lies or anything.

the -oid ending is for niggers

i would rather die than submit to a cop

I would find it very erotic to be killed by a woman but only if she's attractive

>having to get shot
Just wait for the bitch to approach you then bitchslap her to oblivion. She'll probably drop down from a slap if you aren't made of s 0 y and then you can take her gun and blast her.

Well it didn't result in him getting shot, which was my point.

I want a female to shoot me

Even with weapons? Explain the appeal naow.

She wouldn't be able to haul my 230lb ass anywhere

I admire your temperament. I would have asked to talk to a rational male instead. Cops aren't meant to get emotional.

It's literally what incels call women

that would have pissed them off. they were probably on dog patrol just to keep them busy and out of the real cops' hair.

>be male cop
>hold down perp

>be female cop
>try to hold down perp
>he's stronger because you're a fucking woman
>you are forced to either shoot him, get raped or let him escape

I understand what you feel, I think it's all about the mindset.
I personally never take woman serious, they are complete idiots so if a female officer where to arrest me I'd feel like I'm playing along with a child that plays pretend.

That woman couldn't do shit if she was on her own. I'm sure she'll have a child and retire early. She'll never get promoted further, shes gonna have her preriods and complain and cry like little insecure girl. In the end she will suck some dudes dick and get cum in her face, how am I supposed to take such a person serious? I feel sorry for her.

Female cops should be sent to the inner cities because they're more trigger happy and the people they'd be targeting need to fear the police more. I'd send female cops to the Islamic cities in Europe too. Again they are trigger happy.

Imagine raping a cop and getting away with it.
It would be impossible to not be alpha after doing something like in that webm.

She can because she has tasers and guns.

everyone on r9k would want to be killed by a female cop, including me