How do I get a butt-chin?

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Kill self and hope you reincarnate or plastic surgury

It's genetic, it's also 100% aesthetic

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My brother in law have an asshole chin. It's even less aesthetic.

It looks good if you have strong and square chin.

ass face master race

Had a friend with one, always joke about it. Called him ass face. We always had nicknames for each other like that. Great guy, after highschool he got real Jow Forums wonder what he's up to these days.

That looks ugly as fuck
>inb4 chinlet cope

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so insecure

haha I had a friend like that too once. Well, not really a friend but we called him ass-head cause of his haircut; shit was a riot. he committed suicide last i heard haha


hack your genome

Thank god I don’t have this shit

a bench grinder you dumb nigger

Lots of testosterone in the womb

Are you not doing your chin-ups user?

I have one + recessed chin. Irish + Anglo genes.

It's called a mandibular symphyisis, it's the fusion of the two mandible bones, purely genetic

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said the nigger

I have one. I have also strong facial hair genetics so it’s never noticeable

Not always genetic, just means they didn't fuse all the way in the womb.