Why is Marky Iive streaming?

Why is Marky Iive streaming?


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>Why is Marky Iive streaming?

probably needs $$$

maybe to show off her new drawing tablet?

shes pretty cute desu
dotn know who it is tho

Who the fuck are the bitter virgins posting this girl on a daily here, where did she hurt you user?

Stop spamming here marky.

>hur dur I am not marky
Then fuck off you shit orbiters.

Dumb bitch needs money because she decided to marry some third world monkey that is barely middle-class in huehuehue land.

Will our gal Ciara ever live stream?

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why does she style her like a virgin yet is actually a whore?

it's false advertisement

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you seem to know about her what's her background? Is the guy in the OP pic her sugardaddy or something? Please user inform me

lurk more. actually, don't, you won't learn anything

I bet she still smells of Sam Hydes rancid semen

Holy shit how fucking new are you

That's Cody Cigar my dude, infamous cigar reviewer and sociologist

Stop shilling this worthless roastie you God damn NPC

How am I shilling for Marky LMFAO, just telling the newfag what's going on

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The guy in OP pic is Sam Hyde. I'm told he used to be an internet celebrity of some sort, though I confess to not understanding why.
She apparently got in touch with him and he took the opportunity to sample some underage pussy. Nobody is really sure what happened afterwards. I assume nobody really cares.

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Not that it matters to me in the long run considering they're just a couple of worthless degens but I do admit it did catch my eye a little when I found out that the slut is from my state.

>the Marky x Dog vid will never be leaked

end it

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Dude, how the fuck does Sam Hyde still have a following?

SOMEONE EXPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought Jow Forums fags had some sort of moral compass and hated people who prey on the weak

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>Jow Forums
>moral compass

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Well they hate pedos which is exactly what Sam Hyde is yet his fan base is still poltards

can i get a quick rundown on marky?
looking to orbit some new slut now that ciara is old and busted.

>looking to orbit
You are such a irredeemable faggot

she literally streamed not that long ago lmao

How much of a fucking degenerate do you have to be to hook up with one of the most disgusting people out there

i hope she od's
please stop worshipping women

Will she ever stop selling her panties?

you got a link for that, bud?