
Are Asian Americans as annoying as I imagine them to be, or am I just looking at the small minority?

They seem to be really whiny, speaking as a non American.

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The trick is, don't marry (((Americanized))) Asians, only those born and raised in Asia.

Most other Americans seem alright though. Whenever I chat with Asians from America online they always steer the conversation to being butthurt about whites.

Lots of them are upset about their women dating/marrying out, which I could actually empathize with if it weren't for the fact they're hypocrites who love white women just as much as asian women love white men.

Only whites, arabs and iranians generally prefer our own kind. Pan-caucasian alliance against mongoloids when?

why is there a black girl there?

She's one billionth Cherokee, so basically like a blazian yo

What was the rest of the bitches gonna do? Oppress her with facts? Thats how white supremacy starts.

Why do Asians act like an oppressed minority when they are in control of the most xenophobic homogenous nations in the world?

I noticed that when you go into the more hipster type cities they tend to be just as annoying as everyone else there.

In flyover states its a hit and miss. Depending on where in Asia they are from and if there is any intermixing involved. A lot of rural Asians ive seen tend to integrate with everyone else.

t. Latin passing hapa with the personality of an Irishman

Their girls are often whiny and get into identity politics. They love to play the "we get racism too" schtick. Asian guys are usually fine and not as insecure as the internet makes them out to be.

Asian immigrants>second generation any day tbqhwy

Asians are really status conscious, face orientated people. They find it difficult to fit into mainstream American society even past the second generation because American dating isn't as much about professional status/money as things are back in Asia, so their parents say stuff like "when you become doctor, you get beautiful girl!" But Americans are more physically "shallow" in terms of relationships, they want to be with someone they feel desire for, just like Asians are more materially "shallow", they want to be with someone who has lots of money and can "provide" for them (handbags etc).

This I think is the root of it all.

What do you think of what I wrote above?

How much do you wanna bet every single one of these women exclusively date tall white men because "its just their preference"

How much do you want to bet each and every one of them is into raceplay and likes being called a dirty chink slut in the bedroom?

American asians are the most annoying people in the fucking world. Even more than blacks. I literally saw someone on normie gram post about how she hates how movies like Mulan and action movies are the only popular movies about Asians, and 200 comments agreed with her. How fucking retarded do you have to be that you get mad that your race is portrayed as great fighters in movies.

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becuz we wuz khans n shiet
t. mongol

I'm convinced the SJWism of Asian women actually has some weird feedback effect where it makes their desire for white dudes even more deviant and perverse.

You're right about them. They try to play both sides of the race fence, thinking they are better than other minorities but also claiming to be victims. They are also still insect-like and souless, but they lack the submission and thin body that makes asian women ideal.

Its really something how we don't call out this hypocrisy. Lets just start the movement already.

tfw asian girl
tfw the last part is completely applicable to me

Nice larp


Women truly are a meme. The meme gender.

we wuz mountains n shiet
Not him but I would say this is pretty accurate.

This. Asian Americans have an almost innate tendency to play both sides against the middle. Whenever I see an Asian dude doing the whole woke thing, I just know he doesn't really believe it. Something gut deep and instinctual makes me aware of his LARP. Ask yourself how many Asians who resort to outrage at the most minor of "microaggressions" would ever hold another Asian to the same standards for say, calling blacks monkeys, or calling whites pigs or whatever.

I think this is part of what pisses Asians off. Like not just whites but every race are aware of how ethnocentric and racially hostile they are, and as a result nobody ever takes their slacktivism at face value. Deep down everyone knows that their heart isn't really in it, and so nobody thinks Asians who adopt an "anti-racist" posture are behaving in a bona fide way.

>Only whites, arabs and iranians generally prefer our own kind. Pan-caucasian alliance against mongoloids when?
I've been calling for this for years. Then again I'm Lebanese so it's in my interest to do so. I do like to dick Bay Area asian chicks though, can't deny that.

I live in America I'm black and in my experience asian-Americans are by far the best race of people to interact with. They're polite, skilled, respectable, rarely see them chimp out or cause problems for other people.

Honestly I think they get a raw deal. They have higher expectations than other minorities and get made fun of and mocked pretty openly. Their women fuck white dudes and talk shit about their men. They have to score higher on tests to get accepted.

The whiners like pic related are a very small subset, I've never met anyone like that in my life.

>get made fun of and mocked pretty openly.

Maliciously? I don't think so. At least no moreso than other races. The only place I've heard small dick jokes has been on Jow Forums, ironically. I've heard plenty of Asian accented English jokes. But come on, that shit is funny. It's funny how they don't use definite articles and get plurals mixed up.

Did the black girl join the group by mistake?

A lot of humans desire status among their peers. Asians are no exception. The only thing different about them is a greater sense of spatial reasoning. Culture norms are just something that they are conditioned into.

As for dating the men are at a disadvantage because they dont look masculine like everyone else. Unfortunately looks are important from a standpoint of genetics. That way your child wont get bullied or discriminated.

I think that Asians have to play a different game than the white man. They would have to find somebody who can still value them despite their looks (which involves certain unconventional personality traits) and go through genetic counseling to make sure that the child will not continue to carry undesirable traits. Just like breeding cattle or horses.

I hope that answer your question

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Part asian american

We're a pretty variable group. Some complain a lot, and others are batshit insane like that asian neo nazi in texas. I do think asian men get mocked a lot, and I've met asian women who were extremely bitchy to asian men, and they are insufferable

I also see a lot of strange shit on Jow Forums about us. First it was that we were all insects. Now it's about how we like attention, as if other groups don't like attention at all. maybe I'm misinterpreting them?

There's a white girl there as well. So re you guys gonna claim Nike is oppressing you by presenting a non-full black man now?

>I'm convinced the SJWism of Asian women actually has some weird feedback effect where it makes their desire for white dudes even more deviant and perverse.
Do you think?


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dominant women are just one big meme

no more than your average american
white: basedboy hipster numale cuck
black: nigga gangsta blacked wewaskangs
hispanic: beaner youhavetogoback carlos mencia chipotle
asian: asianmasculinity bugmen tigermom-raised traps

I've been wondering this too. Do these ricecels really believe their datelessness is a civil rights issue?

They are right, they are definitely not even close to the cure for my yellow fever. ;^)

She's the child of an African who moved to China.

>I'm strong, independent and capable
>feminism pls help me

Humans are hard wired for tribalism. They think that anything outside their self proclaimed tribe is instantly a threat.

Thats why a lot of Americans would rather get mad and kill someone rather than accept the other persons grievances as legitimate.

Well, I mean, Asian Americans don't really have legitimate grievances. They moan about how 10/10 girls aren't attracted to 5'5" men who can't grow facial hair as if it's something beyond their understanding.

One thing I've noticed about Asians (not Asian Americans) is that they fight like animals, unless they're trained. I saw a fight between two Japanese guys. Japanese guy A hit Japanese guy B over the head, then stepped back waiting on a response. Then japanese guy A repeated the action until an actual fight happened.

It was such a strange interaction.

You are all insects.

Now that I look at this picture I think I understand why they are even doing this.

Its basically about racial fetishism. Just like Asian males they want to be seen as the person they really are and not be drooled over because of their skin color and eyelids.

I mean a balanced relationship is the key to a successful western marriage.