For the last few months I have been going to little girl's bingo trournaments

For the last few months I have been going to little girl's bingo trournaments.

Last night when they were about to call the wining card "O 13" one of the men there running the event asked me who I was there to see. "I just like bingo" I said. He asked me to leave and to stop taking pictures and not come back

is this legal? it was in public?

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Why were you taking pictures user?

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yeah you cant be doin this user

>Why were you taking pictures user?
I liked the bingo cards and the tumbler they were using.

>yeah you cant be doin this user
why not, i have been doing it for months till last night

>Guy taking pictures in little girl's bingo tournaments "because he likes bingo"

user, people find that a bit suspicious, just think about it for a second

well what should i do then

i just want to be a part

But for what reason were attending them user? If you only wanted to take pictures of the cards and the tumbler you should have been done after the first few times

Honestly cannot tell if this is a joke. That's how depraved this goddamn place is. Ultimate fucking Kek

Old people bingo might be less suspicious but children? Fuck sake OP

find a bingo tournament that doesn't involve little girls

>But for what reason were attending them user? If you only wanted to take pictures of the cards and the tumbler you should have been done after the first few times
i like bingo and little girls and little girls bingo

old people are not cute though

>and little girls
>little girls
annnnnnnnnnnnnd that's why you weren't allowed

little girls are not illegal

So thats why you were told to leave

But for reason that I don't want to talk about in detail it is not socially acceptable to make photos of cute little girls, especially in public.

Btw. could you give us your age OP?

Tell them your dead daughter loved bingo and made you promise you'd go to her favorite bingo tournaments and then come to her grave and tell her how it was afterwards.

>has to be the one to break it to all these NPCs that this is copypasta
what a time to be alive

on Jow Forums we don't have copy pasta

there is a robot that stops it

Is it legal? Absolutely not. You should show back up next armed to the teeth just to prove to those little bingo faggots who's really in charge. They try to prevent you from entering? bingo their ass in the fucking head, that's what you do. And if the girls start screaming, shove the barrel of your sawed up 12 gauge into their mouth.

>I liked the bingo cards and the tumbler they were using.
If this is true, go to a senior person bingo game instead of one with kids wtf

Lol based response, do exactly this

public bingo?

you know, for kids

How did op get away with this for so long?

beta grade,shit security probably

OP I believe in your vision,and your passion for photographing little girls playing Bingo.Now go outside and keep doing what you were doing until you have enough footage to retire yourself into.

>OP I believe in your vision,and your passion for photographing little girls playing Bingo.Now go outside and keep doing what you were doing until you have enough footage to retire yourself into.

Robot stops copypasta. Holy fucking kek. This story has been on here always only differing in the activity. OP either wants to make fun of these posts or doesn't know any new sports to come up with since swimming, sprinting and all that shit has already been featured in the past.

the robot will not let you post something two times

the the robot will not let you post something two times


its so funny how people still fall for these

Is it true Ciara just had her 2nd abortion?

Fuck, this thread gets posted every day, how many variations can op possibly make?

Do you not understand? First it was little girls ballet, then soccer, then swimming, and whatever the fuck else he came up with.

that's not copy pasta

Copy text, change a word, claim you made it. Even if it isn't a complete copypasta it's still badly stolen and therefore nigger-tier.

>Copy text, change a word, claim you made it
modified text is not copy pasta

I think this kind of copypasta is called a snowclone, but I could be using that word completely wrong.

ur mom's a snow clone

I even said that you illiterate faggot. Learn to read more than one sentence, brainlet.

Stop making this stupid retarded thread retard

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don't stop op i like it