would you rather
>add 2 inches to your height
>add 1 inch to your dicks length and girth
Would you rather
I'll take the dick option, I'm 6 feet tall with a 5 inch dick
I'd rather have my foreskin back but if that isn't possible under option 2 then I'd pick option 1. I just hate that part of my penis was stolen from me.
Let's put it this way
I would rather be a midget with a big dick than lanklet with a tiny mushroom
>short with big dick
Gee this is a tough one
>still having any attachment to physical world
>not being a 9000+ years old wizard
im 176 cm "tall" and have a 17 cm long dick
>add 2 inches to your height
Now i'm 5'11 with an 8 inch dick
>add 1 inch to your dicks length and girth
Now i'm 5'9 with a 9 inch dick
I'd take the dick option.
6'4 is the ultimate Chad height, so I'd pick that
Im already 6'5 so ill add an inch to my dick
>tfw 5' 4" tall with a 4" dick and would still take neither option
now would you rather shrink 2 inches in height but gain 1 inch in penis lenght and girth or grow 2 inches but lose 1 inch in penis lenght and girth?
much harder to answer when you bring in negatives
1 inch to girth and length I guess. I have a 7 incher so it'd probably put my dick in painful territory but whatever, I'm 6'0" and I don't want to eat even more.
I don't believe you dawg
Id rather add 10mm of lead to my brain
I'll take the 2 to height since 1 inch on my micropenis isn't going to make a difference.
how small is it user? whats your length and girth??
It's the truth. I like being short and having a small dick.
It wouldn't make a difference if we're 6' 9" and had a 10" cock, I would still be as much of a failure at everything
>I like being short and having a small dick.
bro just stop. no you don't. i believe you've accepted it but no way you are content with it.
2 inches to my height, my dicks okay but my height is dusty.
i'd keep it as it is desu
Same here, user. Wish i was a little taller
dick and girth
im already 6'3"
why? 9 inch sounds bad unless you're onto going to butt sex
Height and with no hesitation. It's well documented how being tall makes several aspects of your life easier.
Really? Does it? Does it fucking really?
>Really? Does it? Does it fucking really?
Not user but in terms of social and status aspects yes but that's probably got to do with people respecting you more and crap like that. Medically no since they have a higher chance of dying.
I'm pretty sure I know where you're trying to go with this, but the point is that being tall is an advantage ASSUMING EVERYTHING ELSE IS THE SAME. This means that being tall does not make up for being a useless neet, but rather that it enhances your life if you're a normie.
yeah i know i was just being aggressive
I would probably add dick length because im already 6'0 and thats enough for me
Shrink and gain those dick inches. Cunts won't notice my height changed when I whip out a bigger wang
I'll take that bigger dick. I'd still be over 6 feet tall. I'd like to be shorter. It'd be easier to buy fuckin pants if I weren't so tall. Every cheap place I go to get jeans only has up to a 32 length, when I wear a 34. So two inches would be perfecto.
dick obviously. posters like this need more of a brain. two inches to ur height is not enough for 1 inch in length and girth
ill take the icnh to the dick since im already 6foot 5
Dick easily, I'm 5'11" already
2in to height
Penis is probably slightly above average which is good enough for me and the girl I'm with at the moment.
For penis solution you can just always fuck smaller women so it'll be fine.
>thinks he's tall
>height starts with a 5
Sure you manlet. Keep telling yourself that you're tall while not being able to attend the ideal height club.
Yes but like me he is King of the manlets
Penis. If I could ask for it, I'd rather have my natural foreskin. I don't want a roastie, because I'm a robot, but being able to enjoy masturbating more would improve my quality of life.
how does dick size affect the quality of masturbation?
It's funny because 40% of Russians are either drug addicts or whores.
Add 2 inches to my height so that I tower above the majority of people and am finally tall enough to be on the low-side of heights for NBA players
Again, foreskin would be ideal, but at least if I'm a bit bigger down there, I can more easily imagine sex that's satisfying for me and fantasy waifu. The social status of being tall and impressing a roastie's friends or whatever doesn't matter to me, and I'm already pretty good on that aspect.
I'd rather make dick threads a bannable offense outside of /b/. seriously, why do you normie niggers care so much?
6' ish with 7 inch dick and pretty damn thick
So other?
Same. Better to be pathetic all around than experience the cognitive dissonance of improving yourself in some way just to fall short in the end
6'4 with 7 incher, gibe dat even number combo
>have 8.4 inch dick
I would choose the height option since i have an alright dick and i think the main reason it has to much girth is because its quite veiny.
I'm 5'3" and dick is already 6.5 inches so the choice is rather obvious
Former, being 6'3+ would be nice. Penis is already a respectable size when I can actually get it erect.
Already over 6 foot so I'll take the extra dicc since mine is only 5.5 inches
I'd still rather be 2 inches higher. I'd be a tad over 6 feet and look like a football player. Dick size wouldn't matter because I'd still be an awkward idiot who can't build relationships with anyone to begin with.
Neither. Im an incel and I only use my peen to pee and I dont need more height since the greater the body, the greater the caloric requirements.
that's a tough question. nobody is going to see my dick, but I'm already 6'2" with a 7x6in dick. 6'4" is definitely better, since there will be even less people who make me feel short, but having a 8x7in dick makes my dick undeniably big.
I'd rather be a short guy with a massive cock than an average guy with an average dick
Height without a doubt, my dick is all good but I'm shorter than most teenage guys
Im five feet and my cock is pretty decent already so I go with height