The class clown in uni

>the class clown in uni

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> the guy that practiced pen spinning at home to impress people in his class and act casual about it

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dude I was class clown for all of my schooling but uni is seruious

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I was the guy who practices furiously and failed and was left destroyed the whole month. All because a quiet tard wanted to impress everyone and feel cool

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>be me
>class clown fag
>nobody thinks im funny
>get beaten up

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Everyone in my class was the class clown in high school. Easily the worst class, and we were damn proud of it.
Uni is boring as shit now.

>that kid that always talked about how big of a hacker he is and what hacker stuff he did last night

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desu depends on the teacher, most teachers i had were either really strict or we're those "chill" teachers that had some sort of god complex and often made fun of themselves or others

>be me
>english 120
>professor puts on twilight zone to show some sort of symbolism
>student asks why there's spanish subtitles
>i reply "so the professor can understand"
>student gets offended, professor laughs her ass off

the loner

>that extremely autistic kid that was always drooling and shaved his head for no reason so he looked like the ugliest motherfucker alive
>he'd randomly shout and cry out of nowhere and it was impossible to understand what he said
>loved the beatles and sang the songs in school
>all the lyrics were wrong
Burn in hell

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>when the class clown is a 35 year old boomer
I shit you not. And the best part is that he is in my group for home assignment.

What the shit how was that original wtf

He is just talking about himself most probably because he is sad

That doesn't answer my question at all user

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>managing to get bullied in college

>those kids who flirted with every female teacher
>that weird kid who got a 10/10 teachers snapchat
>that kid that threw shit constantly
>those kids that did gay shit to me as a """"joke"""
>that nazi polish kid
>that communist polish kid
>that kid who threw an orange at a teacher and barely missed her head
>that kid who put porn on the teachers desk
>that kid who only drew nazi stuff in art class and teachers didnt give a shit
>that kid that came to school for a day halfway through the year but disappeared
>that openly gay kid that had a crush on me
>that openly gay kid that got called a faggot infront of the class
>that girl that got pregnant at 15
>that kid that tried to set the school on fire
>that other kid that almost set a changing room on fire

school was fun lads

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this is a uni thread you fucking retard nigger

>that guy that makes a flat earth to the physics prof
That fucking dewb wasted our damn class time.

>that kid who tried to drink an acid in lab
Not my brightest moment


>The autistic kid who says "ILL THUCK UR MOVVER" to everyone
>The kid who got raped in the bathroom
>The kid who kicked a football at a girls head so hard she went into a coma
>That kid who claimed the teacher was a pedo