Whats your excuse?

Whats your excuse?
> You have none

Attached: So you can remember hundreds of Pokémon, but somehow, my pronouns and gender identity are too compl (500x951, 162K)

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I don't easily retain useless knowledge, or uninteresting knowledge

Someone's "gender identity" is neither interesting nor useful. They're just attention seeking faggots, and who the fuck cares?

Why do normalfags caption shit when it's unneeded?

My and your definition of a girl obviously differs and I'm not bending to your whim. That's all.

Because Squirtles go around saying "Squirtle, Squirtle!", not "Buuulbasaaur"

Imagine unironically making a living off the patreon donations you get for making these low quality tranny bait cartoons.

The irony being I can only name 3 pokemon.

Seriously, if I wanted to waste my time with learning some bullshit that changes randomly and often over a short period of time I'd learn the weatherforcast or the names of African countries.

This is the basics start with this than we can move onto the others.

Attached: gender.png (1600x1048, 488K)

>Tfw imaginary magical Japanese monsters aren't as ridiculous as your excuse of a sexuality.

Attached: images (4).jpg (168x299, 6K)

It's not complicated, it's just that it's retarded and makes no sense and I'm not gonna bother pandering to mentally ill faggots who simply want attention.

Sucking money from dumb sjws is a good tactic.

'Gen Zed' is a cartoon starring a tranny that got funded years ago but literally nothing came of it.

Holy shit that one made me laugh

I know pikachu and kirby. thats literally it.

I can memorize them just fine. In fact I've memorized them just so I can share them with other sane people so they can laugh at how many gender identities you faggots have. Despite remembering all of them I feign ignorance just to piss you off.

Pokemon is a fun game that people get enjoyment out of playing. Trannies are joyless freaks.

>Whats your excuse?
Your made up names don't have a cool TV show.

My excuse is I dont care and you can call yourself whatever I want but all your exact genders are completely irrelevant to myself and my life so neh

Only NPCs can't remember someone's gender pronouns

A handful of people resent being mocked for their gaming hobby along with a condescending drawing, and don't respond well to the offender's requests. Try being kind to people and not overplaying your victim status, and see how that works out.

gender is bad
only two sexes
gender nonconformity does not make you the opposite sex, or neither.

I only know a few pokemon because these games interested me.
I don't care about trannies.
If you look like a guy, I'll use he.
If you look like a girl, I'll use she.

I know only know Pikachu, Fuck you.

Attached: CGdwLjk.jpg (800x766, 45K)

> I know only know Pikachu, Fuck you.
how the fuck did i fuck that up?

Attached: 123455111.png (480x270, 108K)

Is the joke that neither pokemon nor gender identities are real?

Whats a butch? A god male?

Dare I say it, but fpbp

>I'm not a fucking Squirtle how dare you assume that you misnaming fuck, kill yourself
>t. Squirtle

i care about pokemon.

here's the original response to this same question
now fuck off

Attached: fuckingfaggots.jpg (599x976, 112K)

My eyes hurt to look at it

Attached: 1536174890988.jpg (448x545, 31K)

Your feelings caused by a mental disorder aren't worth anyone's time even if it's an extra two seconds to say them, also this youtube.com/watch?v=yO5Hdidlh2g

A very manly gay.

Only NPCs care enough to remember and apply useless information in order to seem like a good person

I made up cringy LARP shit when I was 5 wasn't fun back then, can't imagine it is now, grow up faggots. No sane person outside of the diarrhea bubble will ever care enough to remember what kind of faggots you are. Deal. With. It. Also excuse implies I feel guilt, which I don't.

I'll learn their names as soon as I'm allowed to catch them and let them fight to the death against other non-binarys while I'm getting rich of this cockfight of mentally retarded beings.