Learn the material beforehand

>learn the material beforehand
>come to class cuz we need to be present for 70% of classes cuz dumb rules
>think to myself "I will have fun anyways, fuck it"
>teacher keeps fucking up on little things
>whenever he fucks up I correct him
>he is visibly frustrated and angry at this point
>"Umm, teacher? Doesn't the current go from positive to negative and not the way you did it?"
>he just stares at me
>looks at blackboard
>everyone doesn't understand what happened
>he must have had a brain fart because I fucked with him the whole class on every detail
>"yea, you're right user"
>everyone starts laughing at teacher and few of my friends congratulate me
>few of the "cool" kids get jelly and try to act smart by yelling "omg this kid again with his interuptions"
>I yell back to them "go back to browsing facebook, nobody cares what you have to say"
>tfw they pussy out and keep mumbling to themselves after that
>tfw I managed to angry around 70% of people just by fucking around

Attached: 16b.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

bery nice user my boy

how devilish of you basedboy poster get them meanie npc's!

>everyone starts laughing at teacher and few of my friends congratulate me
everyone clapped and his name was albert einstein

wow grats on being a 1st year ee student you are going to go far xd

How dumb can you be?

3rd year EE
And it was just few of my friends, not the whole class

Current goes from negative to positive

Attached: R14kkDj.png (657x527, 13K)

No that is electrons

>that kid that corrects the teacher and makes the class twice as long as it needs to be. will also remind the teacher to check homework just because he did it and wants the extra credit.

Haha thats a funny! Whats your reddit username?

Devilish. I"ve had similar experiences. Glad to see you're keeping these worthless NPCs in line.

Oh shit dude i'm mumbling to myself rn I lack a rebuttal

>being this salty at others because you are unproductive and not interested in the matter
Stay mad
Smell you later

Way to BTFO all those stupid normies.

What was he referring to? Air pressure?

fake because user would never have the balls to correct the teacher
gay because they fucked with the teacher

>"Umm, teacher? Doesn't the current go from positive to negative and not the way you did it?"
Want to know how I know you're in highschool? Because current actually flows from negative to positive, and is only depicted as positive to negative in circuit diagrams as a matter of convention so as not to confuse fucking snot nosed underage faggots such as yourself. Faggot.

I think so, can't remember anymore to be perfectly honest

Attached: b69e5257d577848d1b348a2083fdc94bb7680bea06ff1b7920e430ca0355c57e.jpg (1125x948, 83K)

>so as not to confuse fucking snot nosed underage faggots such as yourself
all of the EE methods of solving circuits are based around this convention that physicists put in place.
From Thevenin theorem to second Kirchoff law

psssthhh nothing personnel


shut up KID.


I like you niggies getting angry over me being smart
post more butthurt comments

Why do you like hurting people?

maybe grug scared of being hurt himself?
ugga bugga

Bumpitty bompitty

>find out where OP lives and fuck him in the ass till his anus prolapses
>give him HIV/AIDS in the process

Now THAT is called being devilish.

Lol damn you are smart :-)

Extra salty with sides of butthurt
My favorites