Why do you lift?

Why do you lift?

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i dont like being ask questions

To pursue and conquer pain

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My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

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i must protect her

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I don't

For the Greater Good.

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A few years ago my life was in shambles. I broke up with my gf because I didn't have time for her emotionally, so I started working on myself in every way possible. Two years later I was still lifting for girls. Now, a total of 3 years after starting to get my life together I am lifting for functional fitness and to be fit enough to be good at my hobby. I have found enlightenment in this last endeavor. Godspeed anons, and thank's for reading my blog post.
PS Molly is better than Claire ;)

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for Her

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post claire

To become a divine being

order of priority

>athletic performance

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to give my ego substance

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner

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ew. why did you even feel the need to state molly's superiority? who would ever disagree?

plenty of people disagree m8, but they're wrong

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>be me
>5th grade
>"friends" come over because pool
>i knew they thought i was an annoying loser but i go along with it anyway
>soon they try to rip my swim trunks off
>i try to fight back but i was a skeleton at the time
>scream for help to no avail
>they get me out of my swim trunks and i had to cover my dick because i didn't think i should wear underwear beneath my trunks(the reason escapes me)
>they throw it into neighbors yard
>still nude and have to trek into yard to retrieve them
>force them out of my house with help of my parents
Its been years now and the whole story is traumatic for me, and i still have trust issues. I still don't know why they did it.
Why do i lift? To be sure it will never happen again.

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lol, user doesn't wear underwear under his trunks. What a loser!

To make other men feel inferior. To me its just an in joke taken way to far.

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To be better than others, it's fun to mogg people

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>t gay niggas
claire is fucking mommy tier, grey streaks are peak aesthetic- so long as they aren't cosplayers

Do it for her

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the alpha thing would have been to get out of the pool and pee in it with them in it.

My wife is pregnant with our first kid. I want to set a good example and not be a pathetic soi dad.

i enjoy it
and pussy

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i lift because it's the only thing that makes me happy anymore. i work, i lift, i drink.

there's nothing else.

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>Kill yourself at the height of your beauty
>So you can become a bloated ugly corpse instead, and later a dyel literal skeleton
Lmoa no way fag

For mu future korean qt

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>fags can't even fight in melee

I just want to be that big and strong guy that nobody knows, but everyone sees around.

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>I just want to be that big and strong guy that nobody knows, but everyone sees around.

So I can offer to help people lift things, and lift with no apparent effort something they struggle with. When I'm done I emphasize that it really was nothing.

this slut cheated on her husband
fuck off

what's this from?

did your rabbi teach you that?

Not OP but I think it’s from a movie about yukio Mishima

>ywn be Brad and make Claire laugh

Life just isn't worth living bros

For my Lancia.
I really need to update these templ8s.

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Amen, brother

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I tell myself it's for strength but rly it is for qt twinks

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fuck that would be alpha af

a Girl

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gtfo of my board you mollyfag. Clairefu is T H I C C

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That's a funny way to spell F A T.


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This is a thing? people wear underwear under trunks? What kinda gay b.s. is that.

Brah you can do better. Aim for the stars

Also, I wanna lift for Jesus but I am too focused on thots. I don't know how to break their spell

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to fight Islam and conquer their women


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He's right you know.
Straight cucked her betrothed for divine cock based on the word of some flying-guy-she-had-just-met's shady 30 second explanantion.

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Trips of wholesomeness right there.
Good going user

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only the beautiful women peasent.

viking style

Uh you know Jesus has David's kingly lineage right?
How is this possible if he is not Joseph's son?

i have no reason


I unironically lift to get attention from women and turn them down. Deep inside I'm still the bitter fat kid.

I've spent my entire life being a fat ass with something underneath. I want to finally shed it off and see what is underneath.

I Lift to get away from drugs because of Bordeness and to get Girl i can realy invest in.

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Purge the xenos, no exceptions


Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters

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Has the woman in your picture starred in a Spanish comedy per chance?

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for him

and to gain enough strength to unlock new hobbies and make physical life easier. I believe that strength and physique will allow me to open up new doors to new hobbies i would never have done if i was ugly or weak

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you warhammer fucks are the worst but at least you're lifting because of it

I want to FUCK mugi and CUM on her eyebrows

Like what


Based Mishima

To kill demons

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Works of art don't decay.

Why did he have such a boner for sudoku?

That's objectively not true

Because am chomck boi

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I want to be bigger

You’re not supposed to wear underwear under your trunks you dingbat


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I thought it would make people like me.

Categorical imperative.

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preparing for the incoming demon invasion because our world is getting unstable with all the retardation and degeneracy

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Honestly yes. Idk why but her harsh yet soft eyes make me want to do love things with her

For girls, manily. Also it feels good when i am done with the training, it gives me "something accomplished" feel.

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>Yukio Mishima (Narrator): The average age for a man in the Bronze Age was eighteen, in the Roman era, twenty-two. Heaven must have been beautiful then. Today it must look dreadful. When a man reaches forty, he has no chance to die beautifully. No matter how he tries, he will die of decay. He must compel himself to live.

aniki's physique is goal for me

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To forget what that bitch did to me. To become strong enough to beat the shit out of whoever I want.

>Lifting for that Thot Guadalupana
Kys amigo.

Is god the ultimate chad?? Or is he the ultimate manlet who needs magic to get pussy?

To be better than the person I was yesterday

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How do I into swole Jesus mode?
