Can anyone provide me a proven list of ways to increase test levels so I don't end up like pic related?
Do those "testosterone enhancement" supplements really work when they say they can increase free testosterone? Also opinions on legal steroids?
Can anyone provide me a proven list of ways to increase test levels so I don't end up like pic related?
Do those "testosterone enhancement" supplements really work when they say they can increase free testosterone? Also opinions on legal steroids?
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just dont eat garbage and dont watch rick and morty
a lot of women manage that so i dont see why you need test boosts for it
stop watching porn
don't take any of those meme test supplements.
Optimal test is going to come from proper diet, exercise, and spending time actually in the fucking sun.
I'm not a grill.
Any more image macros like this?
Eat a lot of food with Vitamin D and Zinc
Including but not limited to: Oysters, shellfish, beef, spinach, salmon, eggs, and mushrooms (not magic)
i know youre not a woman, im saying that testosterone is irrelevant to being a degen redditor
I try not to go there unless it's for specific information.
f.lux is a fucking lifesaver for me. I'm usually up until 1 or 2 in the morning doing studying or doing homework and my eyes used to get really strained and red. F.lux fixed it completely, mandatory install on all my computers.
just so you know this is a built in feature to windows 10 now. it's called night light or something. never used flux though so it might not be as good.
testosterone is 80% genetics 20% enviroment, diet, exercise, sun whatever
what also matters is how sensitive is your body to testosterone and things like that
usually high testosterone people run FAST despite their fiber make up and are naturally STRONG and gain strenght and muscle easily, specially strenght
>Suggested: How to Tell if a Girl likes Me
How fucking embarrassing, never post here again you incel fag
next time turn down the contrast you idiot
I run my brightness:contrast at 32:45
I like the way it looks in the daytime, but nighttime used to fuck with my eyes.
I find the implication that the guy in the pic had a girlfriend very questionable.
>his girlfriend
He also said that masturbation is immoral because you're using yourself as a means to an end rather than an end in yourself. And that sex is immoral because it's, at its essence, slavery. He did some hand wavy shit to allow for marital sex, but it's honestly bullshit.
His metaphysics are his only decent contribution. Kantian ethics are worthless.
Night light turns itself off of its own accord. The fuckers offer you options to set the times it comes on and turns off, then it doesn't obey you and turns off after half an hour.
But all of that is true, user. You're just angry it tells you something you don't want to hear.
Did a test recently and it came back with 490ng/dl. That isn't low test but on the lower end and it isn't great either for a 25 year old male. Now what?
I feel like a major factor is your psychology. If you are a basement dweller you are gonna stay low to mid test no matter what. You have to take risks and lead and your body will adapt and increase your test. Once you get this rolling it will stack onto itself, you take more risks because of your higher test and be rewarded with higher test.
I've never seen so much pseudo-science crammed in a single image.
positive caloric intake
diet high in fat, especially saturated fat
healthy level of bodyfat ~15%
It's gay self aggrandizing bullshit that should be simplified as "long term fulfillment > short term"
play ameriball or do martial arts
literally me
Use your mind to control your body. Don't think like a basedboy and your testosterone won't fall that low.
win10 makes me comtemplate Linux.
I hate how I dont have same control over my pc unless i shell out hundreds of dollars for the privilege to delete microsofts godawful bloatware.
fucking zune music replacing windows media file and its filled with literal ads.
fuck that.
jerk off like 6 times a day
noporn tho
debatably you're fine
>no hiphop qt gf
>consistently lifted/ate/slept properly for 8 months
>all I gained was fat thighs and a bum
>my brother
Just got blood back, 280nmol and they womt treat it
Cold showers
Noporn but never nofap (this actually kills your libido and test)
Proper diet
Heavy lifting
Its literally average
In order of importance
>Get enough sleep
>Proper nutrition
>Regular high intensity exercise
>Less drugs/alcohol
>Don't eat phytoestrogens
>Supplements (Zinc, Ashwagandha, multivitamins)
What do your lifts look like? I got to like 105kg squat/120kg DL/70kg bench/50kg OHP on SS for 4 months @ 80kg before I stalled due to bad form (knees and back were hurting). Program jumped after that but haven't really progressed much, doing PPL atm and the fatigue is killing me even eating at 500 over TDEE and sleeping 8-9 hours a day.
>They won't treat it
Why would they? You're at optimal goy levels
Only actual supp I'd recommend is either ashwagandha or tribulus, bretty good desu
Fenugreek is a hoax.
But the user who posted that picture with the 8-9 steps is correct. You can look at Art of Manliness Natural ways to increase test too.
anyone have the 4plebs link to this post?
>>Any more image macros like this?
What more could you need? There's a ton of content there to keep you occupied in changing your habits.
>nofap (this actually kills your libido and test)
That's false
when people who know nothing try to act like they know something
Surely taking test (with shit that can negate the extra estrogen) is the best way?
Just get test off some gym roider. Srs. I don't do roids but if I was this fucked I'm do it in a heartbeat.
tl;dr: be disciplined to live well
they just use "nofap" as an example of being disciplined
it isn't that big of a deal
just do what needs to be done; always
>>all I gained was fat thighs and a bum
Stop doing some bullshit "strength" program
The main things to do would be to sleep well, get enough zinc and vitamin D and to have a good body fat percentage.
In terms of supplements other then that the only one that has good evidence in my opinion is Ashwagandha, for that KSM-66 is likely the best extract.
Try to build up confidence(Don't let your anxiety hide your personality) and keep lifting, likely try to avoid soi as it does seem to lower DHT, which has the most effect on personality.
If you reach 25 you can consider injecting testosterone, my main advice is to do lots of research, avoid evolutionary, and to be safe about it.
How so?
When i nofap it usually kills my libido.
Get off the computer. Do something productive and competitive.
That's just because you were addicted to porn, and without porn you aren't getting the same stimulus for arousal. You've basically given yourself ED.
1: Inject it
There are no others.
This. Do Starting Aesthetics instead.
Nah, lots of guys on here are probably suppressing their test with piss poor habits (insufficient sleep, poor diet, living in a cocoon, not getting sunlight, not doing cardio, not doing anything competitive etc.)
No you're wrong. There are studies that show that frequent ejaculating (once a day) leads to higher test and higher libido
Yeah, ejaculating into a woman, not into your hand as you hunch over your laptop. That doesn't even pertain to the issue here though. If you don't jerk off, and your libido dies, then you're fucked up.
Would jerking it once a day help me raise my libido and test? I only do it maybe every 4-5 days. I dont get horny often. I get my blood work and my test levels are around 600. I think maybe doing it once a day will remind me of what I'm missing out on (if I'm doing it myself) and also allow me to train kegels/edging so I can rail hoes
90 percent times its just a mental thing.
r- really? every time I do nofap my libido dies completely and I end up jerking off to get it back. still on noporn though, porn is always bad no matter what.
It goes down and comes back generally. It's just a flatline period. It will come roaring back.
Do you know how powerful "mental things" are in life? It's practically everything.
No, you need to get actual pussy to remind yourself what you're missing out on. Your justification is just an excuse really. It would be inconsequential.
I get what you're saying, but when i dont fap I practically forget sex is a thing. I chase paper, but I'm thinking my problem is that I dont fap regular enough. I can do it with just thoughts, a video (I normally use the same one over and over) or a picture, doesnt matter to me just what mood I'm in. But the days i do remember " damn I haven't fapped in days" and run to the bathroom
A million fucking posts.
A million fucking bullshit products.
Lift. Sleep. Avoid Stress. Supplement to avoid common deficiencies.
That's it. The rest is mostly bullshit with minimal effect no greater than placebo. do seem to have an issue with testosterone. Healthy men don't try to hate things because some kids on the internet tell them it's not cool.
>all I gained was fat thighs and a bum
Doing anything later?
> avoid stress
Fuck my life up wont you
You don't need high test to not eat cereal, not smoke, and not watch Rick and Morty. Just don't do those things, fag.
i don't smoke weed, eat cereal, or watch cartoons, BUT that whole post is cringe as fuck and full of assumptions
t. reddit
Thanks for reminding me that I am on the right path by sharing that image.
As far as test goes, just don't be a shitty person. Do the things that you would rather not do. Constantly challenge yourself. Dead lift. Take cold showers. Eat better.
There is no 'easy way'.
excellent rebuttal
decent sleep schedule
lifting heavy weights
doing manly things in company of other men (it's not a fucking meme, psychology does affect your hormones)
eat fucking carbs
the rest is genetics
I second this psychology thing. I was at the gym earlier and I felt like this Asian dude was competing with me on squats. Fucking hell I hate people.
>when you get mogged at the gym by a chink
>Implying the chink mogged me.
You must be asian. I didn't capitalize that A because fuck them.
Never handle thermal receipt paper.