>tfw observant pleb
Tfw observant pleb
come on, istp people are cool too
>he's not a mage
Just look at him
Look at him and laugh
actually I'm as mage as it gets, but I have an istp friend and he is pretty cool, o thought him how to code and now he can code better than me
why isn't intp an npc? it's the most common male type by far and every no personality retard automatically gets lumped into it because there's no where else to put them and their rejected life styles appear as introverted.
*taught him how to code
Who /Knight/ here
cool, i'd take that
NPCs indeed
Nice cope
Bet you cant even summon a succubus faggot
Jow Forums =/= typical male
>tfw you have to write a fucking giant page explaining why you're more special than others
pretend it's not true. answer an mbti test pretending(lol) to be a retard with no friends and see what happens.
I love it when rpg's have heavy armor that actually looks nice. It's usually eastern games that do it right.
>NPC Famer
Whoever made this is an NPC
druid reporting
>mfw druid
the blossom which comes into being through adversity is surely the most beautiful of them all
None of these
>dead inside
>complete lack of motivation
>unsociable bordering hermit
>no imagination
>ammosexual gunfag irl
Yeah I can see that.
just call me gay already i want to be a fucking knight or something
so I'm an ultimate bitchboy huh
>used to be ISTP when I was a young man
>became INTP when I got older and sorted shit out
>all the benefits of being a wizard without being a helpless retard in practical situations
i'm okay with this
>is a cleric
>normally main healers or support classes
>want to be a housemaid for a strong gf
>also sub
I want to reroll. Clerics are too squishy.
I'm pretty sure that's just a big description of ISTJ with ISTJ replaced by NPC. SJs have always been refferred to as NPCs in these threads.
That's not how it works but what is it that you think has changed? If you're an ISTP you're probably just developing your 3rd function which is introverted intuition. Using your intuitive function doesn't make you an intuitive type but it does make you less of a one dimensional NPC so congratulations on that.
>ESTPs are NPCs when their personality type is the most common among protagonists in any form of fiction
>INTP who isn't self loathing
INTPs just prettend to be self hating for upboats. We all know they start sucking their own dicks as soon as everyone else leaves the room
Fitting as fictional characters are always written by somebody else.
>start sucking their own dicks as soon as everyone else leaves the room
That's because we're surrounded by the self-loathing, which we aren't (despite being total losers), and we just crave solitude but we are forced to interact with people, who ruin our mood.
yeah, stop that nigger
>yeah, stop that nigger
Yeah, stop that nigger.
2 can play that game faggot.
I'm a mage but aspire to become a grand wizard.
>tfw Cleric
Who /cuthbert/ here?
>quiet and mystical
finally, an explanation why I have no friends
>play as mage in most games
>implying being a retard with no friends is common
>That's not how it works
you realize this bullshit is on par with horoscopes right
Yes but it still has rules, you can't just change your star sign at will.
>Just drawing a line on a picture of what is effectively the internet version of horoscopes and declaring yourself superiors to others based on where you put the line
Imagine being this sad of a human
anyone know a good test for this that won't ask for my email or take forever?
>the most common male type
It's the least common of all types you retard
>internet version of horoscopes
cope harder brainlet
Ayyy summoner master race.
Shows that I do enjoy playing the most annoying class to deal with.
Sure, keep hiding behind that mask if it makes you feel better, buddy.
turbo brainlet.
What's it feel like being an NPC?
Summoner. I would gladly cast every single NPC on this planet into Tartarus.
>Implying i need to cope about incels literally calling other people 'NPC's
You do realize that you have only ever lived in your own consciousness, and literally have to see yourself as the "Player"? How can ANYONE pretend to give objective commentary on who is an "NPC"?
>tfw some brittle, pathetic, little conformist calls me an npc
I tried to answer as truthfully as possible to every question and my result is really not matching. Sure there are some similarities but thinks like goals , virtues etc are complete bullshit and out of the ass
>more coping
Sorry Pinocchio, you're not a real boy.
>NPC projecting
lmao, did I hit a nerve?
you fucking got me god damnit.
Its the least common type of both genders you actual mong
INTP-A reporting in
if you are not a fellow mage i do not grant you permission to look in my direction
>soul purpose
It's "sole purpose".
What's your personality type user?
This was definately a reply to the wrong post right?
Mage master race
Here's the original robotos
makes sense
>yfw the NPCs literally keep the players from raiding and killing each other daily
>yfw NPCs are max level and give the players their exp
>always play mages in games
I just want to be a wizard
Man with a plan
Can I hit that ranch bro?