Daily reminder that NPCs (normies) can't feel depression because they can't introspect

Daily reminder that NPCs (normies) can't feel depression because they can't introspect.

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NPC is in the same as a long line of memes with cuck, onions, boomer, normalfag, normie, etc. that gains traction from the fact that you don't need to actually come up with a response to criticism. All you need to do is call whoever is not currently spouting the meme that meme. It's a format based around mindlessly repeating and accusing anyone who does not follow the meme exactly.

Which, considering the NPC meme itself, is hilariously ironic.

Two can play this game, everytime the word NPC is used, people (like you) rush to call it FORCED MEME FORCED MEME.

This is the biggest bullshit I heard today.EVERYONE can feel depression and my normie friend currently HAS ONE.Be more emphatic for christ sake

That's not actually an argument. Tell me how NPC, as a meme, is anything special and not just the same format with the word switched around. It doesn't mean anything, like cuck means nothing anymore. This meme was ran into the ground in record time and we're just watching a dead horse being beaten.

The fact that the entire meme is build around being as uncreative as possible just does more for this. The image used is a wojak edit, the formats of the posts are identical to older memes, and it is built around mindless replies. The meme itself exemplifies what it supposedly is making fun of, which I suppose is sort of a fucking trend with these sorts of memes.

programmed response from average NPC

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Take your meds or you know what?
Fuck you.
You are just sociopath and you should be in a safe place

Actually true, based and redpilled, etc.

Normies do feel depression. They just aren't pathetic fucks who will get beaten by their depression, unlike robots. Instead they work on themselves and better themselves as well as their worldview, which will eventually cure their depression.

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This is by far the cringest meme to have come out of this website in a long time

>everyone else is a dumb sheeple! I'm the only REAL intellectual around here

Seething NPCs

>cant even you properly

wow, surly an intellectual.

>NPCs can't get the ultimate soi mental health issue
Sounds like a plus to me.

some people cannot picture things in their head

Angry NPC

He's going to respond to this even more angry

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Hail, friend. I collected these 12 rabbit pelts for you.

I've been away from this place for a few years, this NPC thing makes no sense. Normies are the main characters in the world, living their lives and playing the game. We're the ones who barely move and only have three default lines of dialogue.

>self-proclaimed "robot"
>not an NPC
Pick one.

npcs depression involves 'i broke up with my gf/bf' boohoo, then the next week they have a new gf/bf.

or their 'depression' is simply seeking attention

The virgin thinker:
>inner monologue consists of depressing and negative self-talk
>reads slowly because of subvocalization
>thinks he is superior to NPC's but nobody cares about him
>constantly stuck in head
>high verbal intelligence but garbage visuo-spatial intelligence
>hates how his voice sounds on recordings because it's not like his internal voice

The NPChad:
>not distracted by bad thoughts because he has no internal monologue
>speed reads a book every day and absorbs all the info Kyle XY style because he doesn't slow down to read the words aloud in his head
>is surrounded by other NPC's
>constantly living in the present moment with no concept of past or future
>bypasses mental use of language to solve math equations at lightning speed, imagine complex and beautiful images, and formulate thoughts about the world in a pre-linguistic space unfettered by the constraints of language
>has never heard the sound of his own voice mentally or on record in his life

It ain't forced it's legit.

Do you need to introspect to be depressed? Depression is just the result of not accomplishing your goals. You want to be accepted by your peers but failed, you become depressed.

Why the fuck are people getting angry at being called NPC's? It's not like your life has suddenly changed or that its a massive insult.

NPC's can feel depression just fine.

NPC's just can't do anything about it.

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They hate being called out. Simple as that.

>he was sad for a week or two when his gf dumped him
>yeah bro I was totally depressed too but I just got over it man why don't you

Someone with as much screen time and plot relevance as Asuka cannot be an NPC.

>plot relevance
No one gave a shit about her and she affected nothing.
She's a plot device, an NPC.

I haven't watched the show in its entirety, but I've seen enough discussion about the character and she appears early into the series as a main character. Even if it turned out not to effect the plot in a really technical way, that doesn't make her an NPC. I don't need to watch the full show to know she's not an NPC.

>Cyberman Wojak

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She's an NPC beacuse she affects nothing, has no will of her own, and just makes noise. She's basically a p-zombie as far as the story is concerned.

I feel like that there's tiers of depression.

>Tier 1
The most normie depression. Wherein most NPCs will feel sad and upset about their predicament, but will be able to get over it. They do NOT have any thoughts of suicide yet.

>Tier 2
Where a few normies will be at. They'll struggle with the depression but will be able to live with it. Some within this tier will think about suicide, MAYBE at one point, but a lot don't.

>Tier 3
No normies here. The people on this will routinely have thoughts of suicide and cannot cope that much with living.

>Tier 4
The depression is so bad that they will need heavy drugs and alcohol or medication to cope with life. Normies will not ever be at this point, since even though some take drugs themselves, they never go off the deep end into addiction and needing drugs like them. Other normies will try to help people at this tier.

>Tier 5
Where the more enlightened people are at. This is where people who have taken the black pill fall in and think about suicide on a daily basis. Medication won't even help them at this point. Suicide is a likelihood but not ensured. Normies won't help a person out at this point.

>Tier 6
Suicide is imminent no matter what.

t. butthurt NPC

Anyone good at editing? Can someone contextualize NPC wojak with scenes from the Matrix?

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