literally no one posting, and summer is over and school is back on
Proof that this board is mostly underage
yeah. also cali/west coast fags are the people who come here.
Now it can rebuild
>implying school stops people from posting
funny joke there, friend
>confessing that you're new enough to not remember any of the map threads
I think everyone is getting depressed in September
Just last week I replied to a decent amount of threads but now most of them arnt even passable
>expecting everyone to be the stereotype of a neet
I go to a trade school, and I mostly sleep until around 9 am. A lot of us are still in community college or uni right now, and we don't devote our lives 100% to the board like we used to. We are getting old, and there is less and less time to get on chanboards.
Whoa i remember those
why did they disapear all of the sudden?
does anyone have the link to the site where robots posted locations
i wasnt expecting that, i knew that you were mostly normalfags, this just proves it without a doubt
>haha i have set the standard for who is allowed here
>if you're not the same as me then your a normie reee lmao xD
But what kind of idiot likes being called an idiot by literally everybody?
What kind of idiot are you?
>confessing to being such a newfag he took interests in FBI the threads
>trade school
>N.E E.T.
I really really really really really hope this is a joke but you said it in such a serious way
i didnt think we were throwing around grade school insults in this exchange, my bad
yes user i am a newfag for having seen (and not participated in) threads from several years ago, thats how that works.
Nah your a fucking normie you don't even know what next means
You damn right!
That shitty marky thread is still up
I am regressing more and more back into this board after graduating from college. end of summer and decreased failed normies LARPing will only increase my spiral back into full robotic life.
>tfw i almost made it out of here
"spoiler" /spoiler how are you even surprised by this?
I think it's more to do with people being normie though. Like on weekends you see it getting slower because people aren't at home.
I just rarely post anymore because every is such a fucking normalfag now. Talking about gfs, shitting on "creepy weird losers", all that shit. I think the final days of Jow Forums before its demise are here. By the end of 2019 there won't be any losers left on this site.
I wish
Jow Forums is going to keep kicking until at least 2030, mark my words
It's not a grade school insult. You're an idiot. You have the property of idiocy. I'm not telling a lie.
A grade-school insult would be calling you a POOPY FACE. POO POO DOO DOO POOOOOOO FACE, and I did nothing of the sort.
>You have the property of idiocy
go ahead, explain how i'm being an idiot or having the property of idiocy. i'd be interested in learning this. i can't figure it out myself cause idiot.
>i can't figure it out myself
That's basically it. Being helpless and relying on others.
The good news is that you can just hire some consultants to put your life on autopilot. Plenty of idiots get by.
i see. and how does that make you feel?
I don't have to tell you :^)
the script is killing this board, it prevents replies that aren't fucking paragraphs
Please get the fuck out of this board user.
In fact, it doesn't.
One man's trash, you know the rest...
What's stopping kids posting here when school starts?
>there wont be any losers on Jow Forums left
Then go to wizchan with your "woe is me" bullshit.
You people ruined this board with your influx of self pity and competing to see whos the dirtiest pile of shit. You can't even talk about experiences, something which this board had going for it, without people just hammering it with "normalfaggot" for having something happen to him 10+ years ago.
we are all normies here.
No phones during class probably.
Yeah but kids all have laptops and shit these days.
But they are also probably too stupid to know how to get around a school blocker