Ever been swole shamed Jow Forums?

ever been swole shamed Jow Forums?

I went to FNM for the first time in forever.
>quit the game for college + broke college student.
>Went back to FNM at my old stomping ground
>Owner didn't recognize me till, I greeted him (we were good friends/customer/vendor relationship)
>Got all my shit fixed post job
>Better Clothes (no more hand me downs, and I can afford to shop at better places now
>got medicine for acne + and routine haircuts
>learn diet and nutrition and excercise cause of room mate.

Saw my old playgroup, and wanted to say hi to them, but they gave me the cold shoulder. They were also overall pretty rude to me during the night, telling me "don't I have a fucking party to go to or something" / "why are you here, did your douchebag friends left you?"

Judge didn't really do anything as he seemed to be good friends with them, but he did glare at me.

idk, I feel quite sad, I just wanna play card games...

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not really ever swole shamed

but that is a really dope, horribly weak card

Its brettu good for a 1 drop blue card

Seems like they're jelly or something. If this is how they act, they were never really your friends anyway

I dont know what the fuck you're talking about but it sounds like nerd shit. Dont be a fucking nerd

exactly the same happenend to me, i was playing magic cards with some dudes for a couple of months, due to work and sport i had to make a bigger break, but two of them i saw in uni anyway. i came back adn they were extremely rude towards me, Do you lift to get girls? do you have to compensate? are the questions they asked.

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So some weak ass beta males question your success and progress and your response is feeling insecure? Jesus Christ anons. Just enjoy the game for what it is, and ignore the haters. They sound worthless as shit anyway

That sucks, find a better game store.

Sounds like crabs in the bucket, you'll just have to find somewhere else to go

no... it's not.

The truth us, most nerds are fucking crabs.

I never play dungeons and dragons, warhammer, magic, yu-gi-oh or videogames as much as i used to because all the people i would play with are generally bad people.

they have extreme social problems, are exuberantly dirty, have no goals or are passionate about being solely consumerist. (i know that sounds cringy, but i have no better way to explain it)

Sorry you're having the same problems as me user, it truly hurts and makes me feel like i'm on a "high horse".


bruh its the definition of average and mediocre. 1 for a 1/1 with no abilities.

I used to like warhammer 40k as a kid/young teen. I walked into a shop recently for the nostalgia and was instantly met by the sweaty stench of unwashed teenage boys. I walked out immediately, and I'm never going back.

>tfw finally grew up
>tfw can smell the defeat of nerds

Don't let em drag you down.

I have gotten in shape just to be drug down by my fat fuck 'friends' then I abandoned them and started loosing it again.

They see everything they want to have but are too lazy simply to do. They will continue to stuff their fat fucking mouths and looking at their own bodies in disgust.

And try to make you feel like a try hard for stopping after 2 slices of pizza.

Just abandon em , get better friends.

Unless you were a giant twat to them with your old friends ... then they are justified.

xmage is a pretty great way to play, I'm 8FuckingBears if you ever join, I reccomend trying edh

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it's a horrible card only known for the flavor text

the fuck is wrong with you

>they play with cards to win not just cool ones they like to have fun

that's not a cool card though, a 1 mana 1/1 is probably one if the most common cards in the game

mtg arena came out a bit ago

not shamed, but people assume I'm retarded at magic because I look dyel which is worlds above the average magic player
my first set had white borders
I play like shit on purpose because it's more fun to play meme decks than win

>pic related one of my mtg:a meme deck staples

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don't be a nigger
of course I don't play to win
knowing what's a shit card and what's not doesn't mean you play to win
you implications imply that you're an fagget

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Playing with a meme deck and beating their expensive deck in shop tournament, and watching them get salty best kind of times at FNM.

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Damn that sucks. I mostly play edh and our play group is really chill. We have a couple fit guys who even bring their gfs. We generally try to avoid man children and play with successful adults.


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This isn't old Yugioh, senpai. You can't just play with whatever and win.

This, I played dungeons and dragons once, had fun, tried to go to a club in at my uni and they were just pretentious AND awkward, at the same time. Also the fact that d&d is a social game, means if everyone you deal with is a sperg it’s no fun

Because i don't play to win? I just use the goofy cards i like with my girlfriend.

people don't just act like that you were def being a fucking asshole

>They were also overall pretty rude to me during the night, telling me "don't I have a fucking party to go to or something" / "why are you here, did your douchebag friends left you?"

today on "things that never happened: it was real in my mind"

How do I unlock this mode

>God tier: House rules
>King tier: Legacy
>Baron tier: Standard
>Patrician tier: Modern
>power gap
>power gap
>power gap
>back alley dick measuring contest tier: EDH

>Standard better than modern

Swole shaming is just COPE, no matter how hard you try you can't really shame someone for something objectively good. Sure if a whole group is doing it it'll make you feel uncomfortable but not feels bad about it. They're equivalent to manlets calling a 6'4 lanklet.

Find a chess club and learn that swole game.

It could only be worse if it was 0/1

Just keep showing up. They'll get comfortable with you again.

That sucks OP. Just keep doing you. Would it be hard to find another game group?

>"ew, user, you're so veiny"
>"guys with low body fat don't look cuddly enough"
>end of a cut, feeling glorious "you look skinny, user"

It's the old "Lvl 1 Slime" problem.

You probably have friends that have no ambition, are unhealthy physically, are addicted to video games and weed and have no strong opinions that aren't imprinted on them by culture at large. These are called Lvl 1 Slimes.
When Lvl 1 Slimes see that a former Lvl 1 Slime has evolved into a Lvl 3 Metal Slime they get very insecure and scared, and try to drag him back down to Lvl 1 Slime. This is when you should shrewdly exit from the friendship or whatever, because the Slimes will continue to attempt to prevent you from leveling up to Human Warrior (self-actualization), because the Slimes have given up all hope and simply exist to gatekeep past Lvl 1.

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The best part is when people like that somehow think no one could possibly both have their shit together and be good at "their thing".

>In an ESO raiding guild, gradually progressing as we try to get a couple teams together
>big problem in ESO raiding scene was the gap between casual players and proper raiders, Hadn't heard the phrase "tryhard" used defensively so much since I was a kid playing Call of Duty
>people start posting irl pictures on the Discord server for teh luls
>all the shit players that regularly show up late and can't hit the requirements we need or follow directions are greasy looking nerds
>all the leaders, officers, and top performers are fit, well-dressed, and have a life outside the game

Why do you think most "nerds" have moved on to just having pure consumption of media as a hobby? Everyone with even a minor capacity for dedication and self-awareness started beating the fuck out of them in their hobby of choice once participating in it gets de-stigmatized.

>have d&d group
>everyone is a bitter nerd
>they think they're really smart for liking harry potter and other stupid bullshit like that
>extremely autistic about the game
>form a new d&d group
>everyone is nice and enjoys the game
>some of them lift
>respectful but also open about what they like/don't like
>game is so much better as a result
Nerds are fucking stupid and annoying. Buying fantasy shit and being autistic about rules is a terrible substitute for a personality.

1 for 1/1 is beyond bad nowadays. They're putting out 1 for 1/2 fliers these days. Granted in white, but white has the second weakest creatures in the game behind blue.

That’s a cool story, OP.
In my city, in general the people who are best at MTG are actually reasonably cool, not that nerdy. The real dorks do play, but they tend to kind of suck.
I don’t play anymore but some of my friends still do and they kill at it.

People hate to see you doing better than them. Even people who are friends and want to see you do well, they just don’t want you to do better than them in certain ways. This effect is even more so amplified if they looked down on you before or saw themselves as/were doing better than you when you guys met and hung out. Basically, the large majority of people are betas deep down. It’s like a weird thin line between alpha competitive nature that’s inside all men and beta self pity that holds them back because they didn’t put in the work you did.

This is a world where we must kill to move up the social food chain. Remember that. Friends are nothing. women are accessories. I want to spill their blood. I hate them all guys. Btw that probably applies to you guys because some spic cunt got up in my space trying to mog me so I stared him down.

This is actually funny

Yeah kinda.

>be a skinnyfag
>get brought to a pathfinder group by a friend after mentioning I've always wanted to try tabletop rpgs
>play with them for a year and a half
>have to transfer colleges due to major related things
>one of them mentions I can keep playing with them via video chat
>play with them for another 2-3 years
>got really into fitness and general health at the new college
>never bring it up, they dont really notice online
>come back after college for in person games for the first time in forever
>super happy, hugging everyone
>everyone seems off during the game and for the next few sessions
>keep getting joking comments on how I'm there put of pity, or how I'm totally judging them because I bring my own food dont order pizza with them anymore
>eventually get a private message from the dm telling me he doesnt think I'm a good fit for the group and I dont seem to be having fun anymore
>tells me maybe I can come back in another group later
>haven't spoken to any of them in a year or more


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Most people in general are mindless consumerist drones, it’s hardly unique to nerds. For what it’s worth though, I’ll always find social outcasts and losers more interesting and relatable than the norman hordes. Experiencing exclusion and ostracism can make you bitter and broken, but it can also give you more perspective on society and teach you open-mindness and empathy for the outgroup.