Why do NPCs get so mad when you point out they're NPCs? They literally chimp out in the most predictable manner

Why do NPCs get so mad when you point out they're NPCs? They literally chimp out in the most predictable manner.

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Being an NPC is better than being unused data.

Fading into the background is probably too overwhelming of an idea for them to handle. When you're contemplating your very existence it's probably hard to come up with a witty rebuttal

sounds like you're chatting complete shit, what are you talking about

>Man, those stupid successful, normal, well adjusted people! Clearly, i, the virgin in his 30's who sits on his computer all day, hasn't gone outside in months, lives off NEET bucks, has numerous mental disorders, and goes to his moms for his birthday, is of superior intellect!

Is this the new bait, and i just don't know?

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They're attempting to maintain the illusion that everyone is a conscious being. When someone sees through their clever ruse, their last resort is to get defensive.
An easy way to tell an NPC from a player is their desire to affirm their own existence.

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>Implying only one of those two people wants to affirm the fact they exist

What did he mean by this?

This post absolutely reeks of NPC. Why do they make it so easy to spot them?



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An NPC is required to maintain the illusion of existence. A player knows he exists, and therefore doesn't care wether or not someone else thinks he does.

>tfw the only sentient people are depressed autists, and Chads being P-zombies means that no one actually gets to experience being a Chad
Life truly is suffering.

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>the only sentient people are depressed autists
No, most of those are NPCs, too.

Kinda ironic tpo considering a big characteristic of autistic people is the lack of inner voice, which makes us unsociable with others. But NPCs are constantly hunting and attacking and looking for flaws in people /worming them out of them/ building fake trust to do so. What makes us different from them is that we dont care about being looked at at outsiders. We already are. They are scared of being counted out of the group, the sheep mentality. Thats why we arent afraid to speak our mind about the truths in our society and not just repeating fake memes like "women are still oppresed!!!!"

This post is the socially-inept equivalent of chimping out.


OrigggggiNnnalll ohreganno original.

You are scared of being an outsider, just in a different social medium. You aren't the lone wolf you think you are.

I know what you mean; I see it here all the time. If you say anything that goes even slightly against approved inceltard dogma, you immediately get 'roasty detected' in reply. Practically every single time; though maybe one time in fifty there's a glitch and you get "white knight basedboy beta cuck" or some other equally meaningless spew. But mostly it's "roastie detcted", "roastie detected", "roastie detected". Now at least we understand the science behind how someone can be that simple-minded.

Everyone knows that only NPCs like you roll dubs. Im going to enjoy quicksaving before murdering you.

>Heeeheee I have fwends and hang out on fwidays!!
>Monday, right? uggghhhh
>How do I adult??!?!? xDD
>Don't say anything that goes against the mainstream line of thought, you VIRGIN
God, are NPCs just a hivemind?

>only NPCs like you roll dubs
Sounds like you're jelly, NPC.

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Someone tell him

>NPCs are sentient
>They have the same experience as a rock with feelings
>They only react to their environment, never truly thinking
>Only NPCs can be Chad
>Nobody ever experiences being Chad
Why are we here? Just to suffer?

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>Strawman this hard
>Implying someone that has internal monologue can't call this shit retarded
Cope more you fucking cockroach.

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>not an NPC
Choose carefully.

Don't worry, you don't have it as bad as you may think. Oh wait, you don't think.

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NPCs are programmed to remove non-NPCs, that's why they get so violent with sentient beings.

You know those mornings where you just feel tired, no matter how much sleep you feel like you got?
Thats because I spent the entire night murdering you and reloading my quicksave so I could do it again.
I think Ill do it a few more times to you tonight, before ultimately selling all of my low tier loot to you and moving on to the next city.

>Gets dubs
Like pottery.

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Exhibit A:

>anyone who is doing poorly in life is just doing poorly because they're bad people
>life is pre-programmed to make everyone live happy lives
>is this what I mean? I don't know. I just kind of say shit when people say something negative about the system

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Normalfags/NPCs don't want to think that there isn't a system that keeps everything in order. Religion is proof of this.
They want to believe that everything that they do is predetermined, and that they have no freewill because that makes their lives easier, and then they don't have to think about it.
And maybe everything that happens to them is predetermined, but not to us. Not to the non-NPCs.

Only chads and autists exist, only the boring normgroids are NPCs

this board is also a hivemind.

I feel like people turn to religion and determinism as a coping mechanism for loss and strife more than anything else

Yeah, that makes sense. Some people just really really want to believe that everything happens for a reason.

I shoulda checked myself before I recked myself

I talk to myself every fucking day, am I a NPC ?

>tfw all these homunculi think they're better than the common NPCs when in reality they're just an artificial counterforce to NPCs

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Fact: most weeaboos are NPCs

If I was given the choice I'd rather be an NPC than a disgusting homunculus any day.

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