Abused as a child

>abused as a child
>made to suck dick multiple times growing up
>sitting alone thinking about how I never stood a chance at life
>tfw just want to be normal and happy
h-how is your day going anons?

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Are you a girl?
I want to abuse you too.

lol kill yourself faggot
livestream the suicide

Tell us about the time you got double teamed you never told the story

I truly do feel bad for your suffering, but I think the replies from this thread are exactly why you should never vent your feels to the weird normalfucks of this board.

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I'm a boy.
I will kill myself one day but I doubt I'd livestream it I have no interest in becoming a meme I'd rather just be forgotten about immediatley once I die

Thanks user. I havne't posted here in a long time. It used to be a place where people who got dealt a bad hand in life could commiserate with eachother, but I see it's mainly edgy 14 year olds from /b/ now.

t. normalnigger r*ddit shit
go back to your hugbox

>made to suck dick growing up
That goes without saying dumb anime poster

What anime is in the OP
Original post

Nobody above the age of 18 talks like this, I literally got diddled as a child and even I feel sorry for you

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What do you feel now when you see a penis?

>I'm a boy.


Okay answer honestly, do you think you are gay? Genuinely curious because I have been cultivating a theory

It kind of depends on the context, if someone were to flip their penis out at me unprovoked IRL I'd probably start freaking out and having a panic attack or whatever, but I ended up being a disgusting faggot so sometimes penises arouse me.
not like I can help it really user

So the theory is confirmed. You can almost always turn a boy gay by molesting them in their youth.

pretty good, i've been using the internet less and less and in turn am becoming more and more a normal individual. I've also quit squelking off and watching porn, sometimes i lose my cool, but i'm getting better at keeping it together. I had it pretty bad too OP, just hang in there.

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Silly quesiin, but have you tried a psychiatrist out?

are you cute and feminine?

Il take care of you, just suck my thick italian cock every day or two

While I don't think most gay people experienced sexual trauma in their youth you're certainly going to get screwed up if you go through what I had to go through. I'm a sample size of one though user, so take that with a pinch of salt.
Yup, it was nice having someone to talk to I guess but it didn't really help out that much in the long run.
I hate myself and by extension I hate my body so I couldn't tell you. Also you'd probably be abusive.

Italians are rude and abusive and hairy. What you need is the pink pill

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i'm not sure why taking girl hormones would make me any happier and it seems like a waste of money to be honest user

You were a faggot all along, the men you sucked off knew it.

I was prepubescent though...

Il buy you a gaming rig (8700k w/ a 2070) and a 1440p ips 165hz gsync monitor.

So long as you behave il treat you well.

Since you have experience doing it, you should be doing it for money. If you're gonna be unhappy and think about that stuff, you might as well do it and make money.

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How could I trust you though? I have good reason to be sceptical.
The thought has crossed my mind in the past but I've never bothered with it. I just dip in and out of periods of working and being NEET as money allows it.

How the fuck you gonna molest a child? Just jerk off nigga, no reason to ruin someones life over a few squirts of jizz
But for real though it's so fucking crazy how many atrocities are committed over something as stupid as horniness, it's retarded, kill everyone

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you do what i say, and i wont physically abuse you, its simple

you know you want to re-experience that trauma, it probably gives you an erection just thinking about, no need to be ashamed

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Jesus user... if you'd really stoop that low and suck dicks for money, you really must be fucked up. Leave this place and never look back.

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It's women's fault for only giving sex to the top 20% of males

that image is dumb and creepy and you dont sound very serious. you probably still live with your mother or something. go away.
>leave this place
I've been browsing here a long time, but having come in for the first time in a while and seeing it's ovverrun by children I probably will leave once this thread 404s.

have you never heard of aphex twin? cmon mane

Nothing wrong with sucking dick for money

I couldn't afford to buy some books so I had to suck a few dicks along the way

I know how ya feel M8, been here since I was a wee one. My life was worse back then, but at least I had this board to come to.

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time to open up bitch get ready to give the succ

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He's just some music producer right? I'm not super familiar with him.
How much money did you make and how was it?
Yeah, it got pretty bad a while ago and I couldn't be bothered to browse much. I don't really do much or interact with anyone online or offline these days, I just kind of float around existing.

Well... good luck out there, friendo. Hope you don't have to suck any more dicks.

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Green text your abuse as a little girl for me
let me go get my lube

Im going to bed, kind of drunk. Goodbye everyone.