Who /alcoholic/ here...

who /alcoholic/ here? i know the drinks are killing my liver but the only time i ever get any peace and quiet from anxiety is when i drink. it helps me forget things i dont want to think about, if only for the night.

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Isn't it funzors


and fuck it

I'm there too, right now I'm at about 400ml of vodka a day drinking only at night, I'm thinking I'll have to pick up day drinking too since the day wears on too much while sober

i've been struggling to get drunk lately, i usually go through a bottle of rum in a night and it has no effect on me anymore, even after a tolerence break.

i miss the days of blacking out on my floor after a bottle

I know there really isnt any other board but god damn its fucking bullshit we got kicked off of /ck/. I mean yeah some dicks where fucking with the jannie but why ban the whole general? Just ban the dicks fuck sake.

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good taste user, im drinking rum n coke right now. most ive ever drunk in one sitting was half a bottle of gin though, not up to your level of tolerance yet

I know your feel user. I never understood how anyone could be an alcoholic before, but there was a week in my life where I was so stressed and anxious I literally NEEDED a drink to stay sane. There was almost no period of time during that week where I didn't have some amount of alcohol in my system. But I did eventually get over it. I'm sorry if this is an everyday thing for you. I can't imagine going through that day after day. Maybe you could go to a doctor and get some anti-anxiety drugs?

More of a prescription pill guy myself but like a night of drinking every now and then, tho fuck hangovers (main reason I prefer Xanax and Klonopin)

>tfw physical pain pretty often, variety of health problems
>the low-level pain that lasts weeks and makes you want to claw your face off or jump off a building
>painkillers do nothing
>2 glasses of gin solves it right quick
>tfw can't drink at work

Drinking this tonight. I'm having the same problem.

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On and off. I like about 7 drinks, whether it's 7 beers, or like 4 beers and some other drinks.

Probably like an every other day kind of a thing. I'd actually like to stop as it makes it hard to get very very lean. Lots of calories in beer. I'd just switch to whiskey, but that doesn't give me a happy buzz.

when I drink I like to imagine a world I don't have to share with loud white women or their niggers.

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yup. first detox at 26. strung together about 4 years total sober but been to detox another 3 times since then. 6 months now, finally accepted that i have to go to AA regularly

sobriety sucks ass a lot but it's honestly better than drinking if you're a true alcoholic

I'm on gin right now. Usually I prefer wine as it tends to be a more euphoric kind of drunk and makes me feel less of an alcoholic. I do try to limit myself for the sake of my liver, but life is taxing as ever--weed is a suitable substitute but only sometimes. Also, anyone here ever have alcohol withdrawals? Because that is some of the worst shit I've been through, the other day I couldn't sleep so I walked to McDonalds for some much needed food and I genuinely felt like I didn't exist if that makes sense

I know that fucking feeling my dude. It starts as a low simmer but in time it whips itself up to an extreme pressure and I have to get rid of that existential dread, as well as the peripheral anxiety that has a source I haven't deciphered yet.
I don't think it actually goes away when I drink, it's just that I'm less aware of it.
Pic related my dude. It only sleeps when I'm drunk, because it can't handle it as well as I can. Also anyone who gets the reference is someone who I wish would be my friend in another world.

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ayy post songs you drink to lads


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i wish i was a kid again

This is ethereal really

pussy nigger lmao just put down the bottle lol

Love to drink, but definitely don't do it as much as I used to.
Every time I have a few too many I start frantically trying to talk to people;
it's weird. I don't completely sperg out but I do overshare a little. Very out character for me as my sober self has no desire to talk to anyone at all.

I missed 2 days of grad school and spent the whole weekend drinking. My parents were pissed and made me go to counseling. Shit sucks.

I'd like to erase about one month from my memory by staying in a state of black out or close to it. How much alcohol will I need to buy and stock up on so I won't have to leave? I have no tolerance to it as I've only ever had a beer once and cider twice. Also, I have some saved up Norco from a tooth extraction as well as Benadryl.

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have you already blacked out at least once? You do know a good percentage of people never black out even once in their lives, right?

I took 20mg of Klonipin a few years ago and had absolutely no memory of about 4 days and the rest of the week was a foggy. It's not the same I guess, I don't know. I just want to die without dying. I figure if I combine heroic doses of alcohol with no tolerance and painkillers and benadryl maybe I'll go into a long coma or choke on my vomit. I don't really care too much as long as my conscious perception is gone. Also, what's the worst body position to be in that's most likely to cause asphyxiation with vomit? I thought I'd ask you guys since you're experts. No offence user.

i'm /recoveredalcoholic/. i'm buzzed right now but i haven't drank in about half a year and it's only because i got my supply of benzos ripped out from under me while finishing a taper so i can be done with them and i don't want to have a fucking seizure.
i've had some pretty bad things happen that almost fucked my life up and killed me. there was a wakeup call eventually, and i listened. almost had the almost complete dream of "Dr." in my name tossed, girlfriend left me, almost died of overdoses 3 times, blah blah blah. i was drinking probably a liter of 80 proof whiskey a day and quit cold turkey. i'm still working on quitting everything else, but kratom is fucking minor compared to heroin and oxy.
cannot recommend enough to try and get off the path while you are ahead. everything gets clouded so slowly you don't notice and you wince from pain every time you try to quit, but once it's over everything gets so much better. i'm looking forward to being able to be completely sober.

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Oh is THAT fucking why

I miss the old talks

>>tfw can't drink at work
no, you just can't get caught drinking at work

I've started drinking pretty heavily (12-18) on the weekends (and often Thurs) and shit is starting to get hazy. It's weird. Dissociative. I'm both extremely irritable and "not here" on Monday, Tuesday

decent red wine of a good batch (doesn't even need to be expensive) gives such a nice serene and mellow drunkenness in addition to a mild relaxant sensation in the muscles. in my opinion there's definitely something slighty different with the intoxication provided by red wine.