Girl said id be really attractive if I lost weight. Guess lm gonna do it, any tips anons?
Losing weight
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smoke meth
trust me
Eat less
Blah blah blah
there's a whole board you fat lazy piece of shit.
Fuck that. Don't change who you are for any roastie. Become the bloat.
Don't eat
Any fat but not fat fat bros wanna help me out on a diet plan. 165lbs and 5ft7. I dont work out but like running and jogging. I want to get back to 140lbs. Gained weight after a pretty depressed period. Its just that im stagnant in the weight loss now. I honestly dont eat a lot but it seems like I cant lose the weight. I think Im gonna start the one meal a day thing to lose the weight. Im just tired of feeling trapped in this fat body, girls dont even look at me now or give me flirty body language like they use too.
Where is that thumbnail from
It's from one of Boogie2988's 'day in the life' videos
Check out /fast/ general on Jow Forums.
Eat lots of fiber. IT makes you feel full without adding calories. So beans, nuts, and vegetables are good. Calisthenics and jogging are also good, since it is excersize that doesn't require extra equipment.
HIIT cycling, eat less, cut out sugar
just do something easy like going on a keto diet and then walk/jog/run for at least an hour every day
if you wanna get Jow Forums at the same time then go ask for advice
Guys help
It's actually really easy, OP. Look up water fasting. I went on an extended one for 46 days and lost ~45 lbs after water weight. That might sound scary, but after the first week of not eating you don't even feel hunger anymore, like magic.
Use fenproporex diet pills. I used it and the fat melted off. Curbs apatite and keeps heart rate up even if laying down or watching tv so it burns the fat.
Maybe stop inventing and eating new things like cheesecake pizza?
You should try to lose weight but she only said it to signal that you're undesirable now without being rude. Lose weight for yourself, not for some hole
just count calories and try to work out if you can. also learn to love yourself along the way if you dont already or the weight loss process wont have an end. good luck op
Don't fall for the weight loss meme, OP, it'll just make you miserable. Dieting and counting calories is a complete meme and you won't accomplish anything... trust me, I tried for years before I finally gave up.
Dieting and counting calories is a meme, you're right. Time for OP to be even lazier than he's ever been in his life and literally stop eating. The laziest fat man in the world water fasted for over an entire year, I'm sure OP could do it for at least a month his first try.
Fast for a few days at a time, take a multivitamin and some zinc, and try to avoid too much refeeding. Helps reset your relationship with food and it's easy as fuck not having to plan your meals.
Don't try anything other than what health professionals have been saying for 50+ years.
Try to cut out junk food, especially sodas. Try switching to water, at least two litres a day.
Try some light exercising, jogging / running and swimming is good, biking less so, but at least try to exercise for 45-60 minutes three times a week.
Try to count calories - I'm a brainlet so I don't bother, but you should be able to calculate your TDEE and figure out how to work around that.
I think the two most important things are that you have to change the way you look at food, and that you must have a desire to really change yourself. It was a moment for me when I was working a dead-end job with people I hated and my stress was always at near breaking point and i was putting on a lot of fat. I haven't lost weight, but since changing the way I do things by just dropping junk food and doing some light jogging three times a week for six months I've lost a shitton of bodyfat.
>yea dude calories in calories out
Um? Ok what is a calories
>dude calories are this invisible things and shit and we can measure them in your food
Um yea sure ok. That makes no sense, because I dont intake high calorie food or a lot of food and I still gain weight, while others can eat a bunch and lose weight.
>dood fggt you are not counting right!!! Calories are real and so is god, even though you cant see it and both are made up
Eat less retard, after finally moving away from my parents and getting to college I started doing 1500cal/day with a 2000cal/day every couple of days, the first few weeks are the hardest you'll probably feel like shit but once you get used to it it's easy and then once you're too your goal weight just learn to eat at maintenance levels
>literally everything you eat has calories on the package
>easily googleable on the 0% chance they don't
wew lad
you don't even have to count calories you fucking retard. Start becoming self-aware whenever you reach towards whatever junk food shit you put into your self on a daily basis. Get off your ass, you don't have to join a gym or do a sport if your an autist, but start getting active you fuck. You're not going to lose all that weight over night.
Intermittent fasting. Its been the shit for me
You don't need a multivitamin or any electrolytes unless you plan on fasting for longer than a week.
>>dude calories are this invisible things and shit and we can measure them in your food
It's not invisible, you can test how many calories your food contains very easily at home.
have your diet consist of crackers
I have no experience, but you should just lift weights and get a paleo diet (meat/veggies only) and you should be much better off. Now if only I could get off my lazy ass and do things.
Eat less, exercise more.
Weight loss is just about calories in vs. calories out. If you're serious about it, try tracking your calories (cooking your own food makes it very easy). Alternatively, you can use weight loss tools like intermittent fasting if you don't really feel like changing up what you eat, and only want to change your volume. Just remember that you can't out-exercise a bad diet.
Don't do it too fast or you'll have flabby skin.
Also gather some info about it, don't just go to the gym and start training, do shit right.
use this
it calculates how many calories your body naturally burns in 24 hours. The goal is to consume less calories than your body burns.
this calculator is a bit iffy so you can search for other mbr calculators, use them, and then average the results.
My body burns about 2400 calories a day keeping me alive. I stick to 2000 calories a day and I've already lost 40 pounds in 6 months.
I stick to eggs, chicken, meats for dinner. no carbs, no fast food, zero soda, no candy and drink seltzer water between meals to fill me up
>google recipes for sugar free iced coffee
>n-no i'm just looking for no sugar
Actually, fuck it. I don't know why I needed a recipe to mix coffee, ice, and low-fat milk.
"I don't work out but like running and jogging."
Then run farther.
Then keep doing that even farther.
cut as much sugar as possible
Just eat less ffs.
Im already only eating like 1500k a day and starving and Im not losing weight. Ive seen ppl on 2000k diets lose weight.
>lose weight
>you look generally the same
>she just thought somehow weight was hiding Brad Pitt
>she will compliment you for being a good boy but that is it
Hmm, I think that's kind of fucky. I had a physical that said my BMR was 2400 (I am quite muscular), but this says its 1600
They are either fat or hoarding protein.
Depending on your macros, height and weight we can make a soft assumption at 1500(not 1500k you dingus) you will lose maybe 1-2lbs a week.
Calorie goal
Macros to fit
Excersize that makes you sweat and ache
5'7 and weighed 187 a couple months back now at 163 and goal is to reach 140 by end of year
Heres what you need to do cuck
Meal prep for your entire week, buy chicken breast at walmart then
Follow this video
For breakfast I eat almond milk and cheerios the ones that have the heart on the box, ditch dairy
Only drink water through out your week save soda for the weekend
Buy a ricecooker to make your brown rice
A pot is needed for brocolli or you can just eat some other shit been eating mainly an orange with my chicken and rice but I should probably go back to brocolli
I use 1 orange, 1 lemon, garlic, pepper and salt to season my chicken, usually leave it for 10 min on each side
For evening I make 1 or 2 eggs and cut some fruit or vegetable to eat with
Exercise has been 1 hour of jump rope but I go hard with that shit and by that I mean that I make sure my heart is beating fast
Now I can easily get to around 70-100 reps and rest 15 sec then go again and keep on repeating
Goal is to get to 140 and then hit the gym to put on some muscle but not too much
Tbh I think my daily caloric intake is like around 1200-1500
I would like to add that jumrope is the most effective form of workout to lose fat overall on the body
The rope I recommend is the black heavy beaded jumprope from elite srs
low carb for fast weight loss.
quest bars if you still want to eat choccy
pic related, me
>losing weight purely because some girl said to
Fucking kill yourself, it's already over you pathetic excuse of a man.
Seriously google calories in calories out. Originially do this, it is all you need to lose weight. If it doesnt work, you are literally lying.
>eat only lunch and dinner
>eat small portions
>try go for a walk 3+ times a week for 45 mins to an hour
you don't have to do much to lose weight, its just will power to not binge/eat when you've got hunger pains
Or just get a Ritalin prescription. Not very bad for you and will kill your appetite. Also will make you a work demon.
Okay so, long story short, I ended up going to a digestive health specialist, who basically told me I need to lose weight to help fix my liver. This is what he told me to do.
2. He told me to use the FatSecret app, which helps you keep track of weight changes, and count your calories and other stats. It's actually a really cool and easy app. When you start the app, it will give you your expected daily calorie max. You have to manually edit this and insert the max calories you got from the iifym website. The app has an easy food search function and automatically plugs in the stats after you select how much you ate. You can even scan the barcodes of products to pull them up on the app.
He told me all patients that stuck to this, have all lost weight. I've been doing it and lost about 20 pounds in a month so far.
just broke a 72 hour fast because i'm a p*ssy
going in for round 2 starting now
That's extremely unhealthy. Don't do that.
good god you are a fucking retard
how can you function being this fucking stupid, honestly?
>yea dude wash your hands they're covered in germs
Um? Ok what is a germs
>dude germs are this invisible things and shit and we can measure them on everything you touch
Um yea sure ok. That makes no sense, because I dont intake germs and i still get sick, while others can intake a lot and still be fine.
>dood fggt you are not washing right!!! Germs are real and so is god, even though you cant see it and both are made up
this original guy knows what's originally up
don't make me kek sam you'll be fat forever
i dont... what?
Eat filling whole foods. It's boring but you won't be hungry. Better to not feel hungry, and eat boring food, than feel hungry all the time.
You can do it. See you on the other side. I've been there.
> Lost 16kg
> Got laid
> Still dead inside
Don't worry about fats and carbs. Eat both. 20-30% fat is fine. 20% protein or more. The rest just whole food carbs. But whatever whole foods fill you up, it doesn't matter so long as you stay in your caloric deficit. Find the foods that work for you.
Hard cut, don't fall for the you'll lose gains meme
m8 get into FASTING or do OMAD which im doing today it's all about having the food prepared b4 you eat so you can't gorge like a fat ass
Psychiatrist prescribed metformin but I'm afraid to take it as I don't have diabetes.
no matter how much i eat im always hungry half an hour later
Read the sticky fatty.