Hey friends. Want to talk about anything, like your day or what's on your mind? I'd be happy to talk with you about it

Hey friends. Want to talk about anything, like your day or what's on your mind? I'd be happy to talk with you about it.
Sorry about last thread, I fell asleep after only being awake for 5 hours.

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I masturbated to scat again

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My boyfriend thought he was into scat until I tried shitting on him. It was not a good night.

I'm okay I guess. I don't want to whine.

I spent like two full days messing with my computers. then later in the week I see my parents and they ask what I've been up to and I can't say more than two sentences because I know they neither know nor care about all this tech crap. I wish I could be more interested in normie shit sometimes.

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Leave normie

I suffer w/ crushing loneliness after my ex pretty much killed my social life after falsely accusing me of a rape to about half of my friends. The rest I barely saw again after that due to them usually socialising w/ my ex. The worst part is that I don't what to recover from this, either emotionally or socially. What should I do?

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Woke up around 1 AM. Snuck downstairs for a bowl of Frosties and a cigarette. Now I'm gonna sit here until I'm finally tired enough to go back to sleep.

All sex is gross, don't feel guilty just because the type of gross sex that makes your dick sneeze isn't common. Fetishes aren't bad if they don't negatively impact your life.
You don't come off as a very ok person right now. Just say what's going on if you would like to, it might be helpful for everyone.
I'm no good with computers but it's cool that you have a fun pastime like that. What were you doing? Don't feel bad because you aren't the same as normies, it's better to be friends with yourself than have a stranger in the mirror to connect with random people. Stay true to yourself, but if there is normie stuff you can find interesting there's no harm in indulging in it.
>I suffer w/ crushing loneliness after my ex pretty much killed my social life after falsely accusing me of a rape to about half of my friends
Your ex is a shit person, lying is against the commandments. If your friends turned on you that quick without hearing your side of the story they were fake to begin with. Rejoice that they did you a favor and kicked themselves out of your life.
>I don't what to recover from this
I do want you to. Find some new friends or find comfort in solitude, but don't wallow in the pain your ex gave you with such a low blow. If you get kicked in the nuts you don't really want to get up, but you have to. Good luck user, I really hope you can become happy.
Midnight snack? Fair enough. Don't know how you can sleep after smoking but I hope you have a good night of rest. Sleep well user!

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Thanks, user. Rape boi here.

>Midnight snack? Fair enough. Don't know how you can sleep after smoking but I hope you have a good night of rest. Sleep well user!
I'm not sleeping for a long time and I often sleep right after a cigarette.

Is there anything that you want to talk about?

I should be okay, I have no reason to feel bad really. I could spend all day thinking up reasons and whining about them endlessly, but none of them really feel like the reason

Nice loss meme.

Felt suitable.

Just got back home from Beerfest in the UP.
Had a good weekend hanging with some college friends and longboarding. Two little old ladies were really interested in our longboarding and they gave us pie and ice cream.
Thanks, Tracey and Joanie.

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Just got back from cape cod with family. Hung up on my ex who slept with her ex a few weeks ago. I just want to sleep forever. I haven't read a book in two years

I've had a shit day. I've caught a fever so I'm shivering cold and sweating at the same time, pain in my eye sockets, feel weak and tired, I puked all over my rug and my stomach hurts. I haven't felt this sick in my entire life.

Other than that it is the same old stuff, loneliness, sadness and boredom.

Hope you guys atleast have it good.

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Don't mention it. Rape boi is one hell of a title lol.
Sorry you can't sleep. I still hope you can get some good rest. I don't smoke often but I thought it would make it harder to sleep like coffee does. You know best obviously.
Not really right now. I slept 17 hours straight which was comfy. Thanks for asking though.
Alright, just ring if you need anyone to talk to. All those little reasons are probably contributors to why you feel bad, but since you single out one straw on the camel's back it seems stupid to complain about the pressure. Hope you feel better soon user, no one should be unhappy.
>Beerfest in the UP
Sounds nice. I saw a Chaz for the first time a week ago or something. What do you do at a beerfest? Is it like a party or like wine tasting?
>Had a good weekend hanging with some college friends and longboarding
Sounds nice. Glad you have long term friends to hang out with like that. Old ladies can be really friendly, hope the lie was tasty.
>Just got back from cape cod with family. Hung up on my ex who slept with her ex a few weeks ago
Hope Cape Cod was nice, sorry about the ex. It's best to just forget about relationships like that, sorry you had to deal with that crap. There's a lot of cool stuff in the waking world user, giving up isn't worth it. You can find new love no problem, and books are really easy to read when you get into the habit.
Hope you feel better soon, being sick sucks. Coupled with mentally being sad it's really awful. I hope you can feel better in both fields soon. I'm feeling okayer than usual if that's some consolation for you.

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I'm addicted to energy drinks. I had 4 yesterday, 4 today and I was up all night last night. Can you offer me any help at all on getting rid of them?

Beerfest is a celebration of Michigan beer culture. All the biggest breweries come up to the Upper Peninsula to celebrate beer. Music, food, and lots of sampling beer.

Didn't get to see all of my friends as much as I would've liked, but I had a fun time regardless. The apple pie was fucking awesome.

I don't feel like I can talk to anyone. Why would anyone care about my problems? At the best they'll listen out of sympathy, but I can feel that they don't really care about my minuscule problems and it makes me feel stupid and invalidated.

I drink 3 pots of coffee a day. I don't think it's that bad for you, but if you want to cut them out you just have to tell yourself no and stick to it. Caffeine pills are a lot cheaper, maybe substitute energy drinks with those for a while until you get off of those too. The sugar and taurine and stuff is probably half of your addiction. You can get off them user, just really try your hardest and want to stop. That's the only real honest advice for any addiction.
Are people walking around drunk at beerfest or is it a high class kinda thing? Just don't understand that dynamic. Sorry you didn't get all the time you wanted with friends but like anything scarcity makes them more valuable to you. Glad you had so much fun.
Sympathy or empathy, doesn't mean they don't really care about you or your problems.
>they don't really care about my minuscule problems and it makes me feel stupid and invalidated
Some people might not, a lot of folks are caught up in their own issues. Doesn't mean others don't too. Whatever your problem is I hope you can feel better and know you are important. No need to look down on yourself like that It's self destructive. Others are around so we can mutually support each other, it's the basis of society.

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Stop drinking it and drink water instead. Get a good nights sleep.

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It's definitely a walking around drunk sorta vibe. Are you familiar with the Upper Peninsula of Michigan?

They love 5 things:

It was a great fucking time.

As OP and said, your addiction is most definitely the sugar and bullshit they put in those things. You're addicted to those drinks because 1) You're not getting enough sleep, 2) your diet is probably full of garbage, and 3) you drink them everyday. Substitute for coffee and tea if you have too. Fuck, even throw just a little sugar in there. I had a Mountain Dew addiction in HS that I was able to kick by freshman year of college. It's not heroin or coke. You can get past it with a little self control and effort. I believe in you, user.

OP I just made out with a picture of my ex help

Are you serious or just trolling?
In either case, you're better than that.

Glad you had such an awesome time man, all those things are pretty fun. Don't remember being in upper Michigan, don't think I've been but might have to some day.
You can cut holes into pictures. You're welcome.

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100% serious I miss her
Game changer. You're the best user

That's for the advice. I'll have to put more effort into it and go back to my "No excuses, no exceptions" mantra.

Anyone have that feel when being ganged on by 2 people with opposing views and they assume things and parts of what they say is wrong and in your head you intuitively just know it is wrong but can say why properly?
So you kind of give up and feel like a moron knowing that thousands of other educated people also share your view and you can't be that wrong.

Another thing. Is it just that im autistic and an INTP that i just value truth? I don't care about the outcomes i only care about truth and i feel that everyone should live their life knowing truth and the worst thing for a person is to live their life a lie to make them feel better.

I hope you can make sense of this autistic rambling whoever reads this im pretty blackpilled now.

i think i might be in love ):)

I worship emotions because I'm scared I might not be able to feel at all.


if you know they are wrong you ask yourself why they are wrong, then tell them what you told yourself. There's no shame in having a moment to think while in an argument

I touched my dick to the thoughts of my ex for six hours as I drove home today. You're not the only one user.

But Jesus, you're better than that.

How long you been seeing them?
Happy for you, user.

In earnest I hope you can get over her user. That has to be hard. Missing someone like that stings, you deserve someone to give that love to.
>being ganged on by 2 people with opposing views and they assume things and parts of what they say is wrong and in your head you intuitively just know it is wrong but can say why properly?
Not completely sure what you mean by that. I do know the feeling of being caught between two extremes and not wanting to take either side. I normally cam piece together an argument as to why something is wrong, I hate appealing to ethos.
>thousands of other educated people also share your view and you can't be that wrong
An unexamined thought that is correct is less valuable than a fallacious consideration in my opinion. Just educate yourself more on the topic until you are close to an authority and then you and others will benefit from your wisdom.
>Is it just that im autistic and an INTP that i just value truth?
I'm the same way, but I try to avoid confrontation to prevent serious clashes. I threw away a year of my life because I wouldn' t compromise, but I don't regret it. The truth is eternal, everything else is temporary. The highest thing a man can do is discover what is true, even if it costs everything. Might be autism, might just be having a man crush or Rorschach, but that's how I look at it too.
Hope the love is mutual, really happy for you user!
What do you mean by worship? My emotions are pretty blunted too but I still get emotions from time to time. They're really great but only one part of humanity. Keep them in high regard but they aren't the superlativly important part of being alive. If you care about feeling then you still are, it's a paradox in a way. Hope you can become less inhibited in expressing what you feel though, best of luck to you.

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>tfw spent another aimless birthday browsing Jow Forums
Can I at least have a birthday (you)? All my siblings and my dad forgot about me today....

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I need to start using my time productively, but I can't seem to stop the things that are not conducive to productivity. I want to actually become something, do stuff, but I don't know if I can. I know if I don't I'm going to die, it's just something I know I have to do. have been depressed and lethargic all my life, I'm 26, and I usually want to change. Sometimes I just say fuck it but I do want to become more. I need a Simba-Lion King type thing. Where's my painted monkey to yell as I run off to confront my destiny. I mean, obviously I haven't put in the work to get the monkey, but shit I've laid in bed and smoked weed most of my life and I need to not be this way. Secret or unconsciously I know I hate myself because what I've accomplished is shit. I'm terrified of losing the potential for doing something meaningful with my life.

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I think I'm becoming the human embodiment of envy.

Talked to a qt today though. Only for like 5 minutes and with other people but that was nice.

About that last statement about truth, you're right. Fuck everyone. The truth is literally the only eternal thing that can be aknowledged. Thankyou i feel better now.

By worship I mean I treat every little thing with such reverence and overplayed drama

Happy birthday. There is no one to blame but yourself. Change your life or stay/become human dust

Thank you, I'm not so sure myself tho. We are friends but not super close friends. We went to the same school a couple years ago and there has definently been some interest from her part in the past.. It's a long and complicated story

Here's your birthday catgirl user! She's my present, treat her well please. Hope you aren't too sad about family forgetting, birthdays should be happy times with love and hugs.
>Where's my painted monkey to yell as I run off to confront my destiny.
Confront your destiny user! Laziness and decadence will be forgotten, work and willpower are remembered through the ages. If the things worth remembering were easy they would have already been done. It takes a lifetime to become great, and that life don't be comfortable. Keep working at it until your bones grind to dust if you need to, because your work will be what makes you special!
D-did I do ok? I have the monkey part down IRL but not the other half. Stop smoking weed, it makes you lazy. I know how you feel, you can do something meaningful with your time, all you need to do is start as soon as you can and never stop.
>I think I'm becoming the human embodiment of envy
Why? Glad you had a nice time with the qt and company, but don't let envy work it's way into your heart. The grass is rarely greener on the other side, people just pretend like their business is in order to others.
Other people are still important, not quite saying to abandon all your humanity. Being alone hurts a lot, it's nkt wlrth experiencing. The truth is quite valuable though.
You pretend to feel more than you do? I can't wrap my head around that, but I hope you figure out a solution that makes you feel better. That sounds like a bad way to cope with apathy.
>There is no one to blame but yourself
That isn't always true, no need to pin poor situations on a person's character all the time. Good people are often lonely.
Things will work out in the end, I really hope your feelings are reciprocated though. Just try to get closer before opportunities slip away.

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I spend so much time in Jow Forums and I can't rip myself away, hell I spend most of my time doing nothing that I forget to do or think anything important or worth something.

>Just try to get closer before opportunities slip away.

Honestly, I really needed to hear that. Thank you. It's hard to explain but I'm sad at the same time as I'm hopeful. It was long since I had these kind of feels and they have ended horribly all times but one.

I know, but I'm not starting classes until the spring and I have nothing better to do but be a sack of media-consuming brainrot. Living in a third-world country doesn't help much either.

>The grass is rarely greener on the other side,
There's things I want in life, and the fact that I don't have them make me always feel like shit. I also have serious anxiety about getting old.
At least I can come home to whine at some random user across the country about it

>mfw same

I have long periods where I spend all my time at the PC feeding my brain with stimulation in the form of video games to completely distract myself from real life and the future

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>all times but one
it didn't end great now that I think about it, but only time feels were mutual

I do the same. Sometimes I think I'm incapable of doing anything worthwhile and other times I think I'm just unmotivated. Either way I hope you can achieve what you want to user! Good luck in pursuing your endeavours.
Glad I said something worth hearing, no need to thank me.
>It's hard to explain but I'm sad at the same time as I'm hopeful
Tis better to have loved and lost and all that. Keep trying user, failure hurts but success is sweeter than the pain of the past. I hope she likes you as much as you like her and you can snuggle with her whenever you want.
>There's things I want in life, and the fact that I don't have them make me always feel like shit. I also have serious anxiety about getting old.
Get those things or realize that since you aren't working every moment for them you don't want them that badly. Pick one other other because the middle point you're at eats you from the inside. Live a life without regrets and there's nothing to fear about old age.
>At least I can come home to whine at some random user across the country about it
It's not whining, no need to be diminutive with your own words. I'm here to listen, nothing comes off as whining. I know I'm not the best person to talk to, but I try to be helpful at least.

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I didn't get the job, I'll be stuck in my shitty state until i die. No prospects, no money, no future

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I want to buy a chastity cage to make my dick shrink super small but I'm nervous about it.

The acne I had on my face finally went away after almost 2 weeks so I'm pretty happy for the first time in a while. I spent like the whole weekend putting bp on it like every 2 hours so I guess it was time well spent to be able to enjoy this week not looking hideous.

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I keep thinking of a girl that I worked with. She is in college now and I fucked up any chance of being with her, but I still can't stop feeling jealous about her or thinking about her.
Worst part is, I work full time until I leave for college next weekend.

>since you aren't working every moment for them you don't want them that badly.
>implying I'm not
>implying that I don't hate myself constanrly for not being fast enough
I am whining though. I come home from uni every night in a mentally broken daze

>I didn't get the job, I'll be stuck in my shitty state until i die. No prospects, no money, no future
Sorry you Didn't get the job user, but your life isn't over because of one rejection. Keep on trucking, everything will be ok. Do you mean state geographically or the other meaning of the word? I really hope you can cheer up and get a job that makes you happy in every regard. You have a future ahead of you user, but giving up now can only serve to make it darker.
What's there to be nervous about? I don't understand what the downside is if you want that. Not getting erections doesn't really make your dick super small when erect, but it is like atrophy when soft.
Congrats user! Glad your face cleared up. What's bp? Glad you feel and look a lot better, I'm really happy for you.
You missed a chance that would have served you well to take. Just remember this next time so you don't fuck it up. If you're off to different places it was probably doomed anyways, but I hope you can meet someone new and make it work out with them. In no time you'll forget about this one.
What do you want? Maybe your goals aren't realistic. Having goals that are too ambitious can be just as harmful as having none. If you're in uni you still have opportunities ahead of you, don't destroy yourself mentally over something that might not be super important.

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I'm feeling lonely, truly lonely for the first time
I want to lose all empathy, all simpathy
I can't talk with people online and be fully honest, they have a different image of me, I'm not even the right race
It's all bullshit

Why do you wan to lose empathy and stuff? Not critising just curious. Also thanks for the comfy thread OP

>Not getting erections doesn't really make your dick super small when erect, but it is like atrophy when soft.

My HRT I take makes my dick not get fully hard 99% of the time, and it makes it atrophy if you don't get hard every so often. I know it's kind of fetishy but it turns me on thinking about my dick shrinking and getting smaller. Having a cage would make sure I can't get erect and ensure I continue to atrophy.

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Benozyl Peroxide, it's an anti-bacterial that pretty much nukes breakouts. Chronic acne is different because it's usually caused by something like diet or hygeine, but it's really good for acute breakouts so you can treat the infection and then let your skin heal. The downside is that it will dry your skin out, but it's a lot easier to treat and handle dry skin then it is acne.

I care for all
Even if they hate me and they do I care for all
Every person can be beautiful in a way, Im such a fucking pussy
Why am I like this?
Why must I care?
Why am I cursed with this?

I only had one class today. I tried doing some homework but my schools system was fucky so I just watched Yuru Yuri all evening. Theres a job fair on Thursday and I'm not sure if I want to go.

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I feel your struggle user. I am a similar way myself. I just try to ask myself whether or not this is someone good for me. I try to do this a lot over the day, snapping myself outta things. I also vent lot to others to get an outside angle on things

On the brightside though it makes watching anime so much better since I am literally always attached to the characters. Are you the same way?

i started going to community college recently and i don't know how to make friends. i really want to find a gf too but i have no idea how to even start a conversation with a girl without looking creepy or cringe worthy. Because of this I feel alone a lot.

Tbh, as a fellow uni user, Im gonna recomend no on the whole job thing. Work like a dog over the summers. But dont overburden yourself now

Hi niceOP. I finished The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat by Oliver Sacks recently, it was a very interesting book. I'm slowly but surely finishing all of the books I've picked up then forgotten about.

i tried flirting with i chick i met 3 weeks and she said my friend was cute and i said yeah i know right and now she thinks i'm gay which im bi and i gave her my friends number its really that bad

I'm sad about being so tall

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How tall are you? Unless you're crazy huge like 6'10+ being tall is a good thing.

I'm about 6'1 and a girl so I just tower over everyone and clothes never really fit me. I just wanna feel small while my imaginary bf/gf cuddles me

Of course you'll feel lonely if you never open up. You've locked yourself behind your mind, no one can get through if you put a wall up. A good deal of people don't think too much about race, don't let it weigh on you. People that look down on you for that aren't worth your time anyways. Don't lose your empathy, it can be painful to have but without it other people are 79 cents of chemicals. It makes the world special and most importantly, not lonely. I really hope you can chin up user, it pains me to see you sad like this.
Just go for it then. If you're on hrt your dick isn't functional anyways, who cares if you indulge in a fetish that speeds that along. I was speaking from personal experience not getting hard for a long time, maybe I'm mistaken.
Ah, glad you got your breakout covered so quickly then! Maybe I'll try that stuff one day, thanks for telling me about it user.
Hope only one class was relaxing for you. Sorry you couldn't do the homework easily, but relaxing is good every now and again.
>Theres a job fair on Thursday and I'm not sure if I want to go.
Jobs can be pretty valuable to have on a resume, but don't weigh yourself down so much that you'll feel constantly stressed or fail in school because of it. Just weight the benefits to the cons and risks and see for yourself. Wiring it down helps a lot.
>i started going to community college recently and i don't know how to make friends. i really want to find a gf too but i have no idea how to even start a conversation with a girl without looking creepy or cringe worthy. Because of this I feel alone a lot.
I've never been good at making friends but I think the best way is through common interests or common friends. Meeting friends by cold approach or chance is pretty rare to my knowledge, try to join a club or hobby or maybe talk to a classmate about your course and deepen the relationship from there. You can be less lonely user, I believe in you.

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That's not too tall, I'm 4 inches taller and plenty of men are taller as well. You're not so huge that you have to look into 0.1% of people at least.

Hungry but, not sure what I want to eat.
>Go out to a 24 hour diner type joint.

I think I've only ever met 2 guys that were taller than me and one girl, it just doesn't feel likely I'll ever meet anyone that tall whose interested me or even wants to be my friend

yea i was thinking about joining a club but im still a little nervous about it
>I believe in you.
that felt really nice for some reason. thank you

Diner sounds like it has more yummy options to choose from

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Yeah, I'm sure I find something Yummy but, money is a bit tight and I'm gonna need to spend it on something more useful then a meal.

I feel a great pain over being me, a flawed bastard being
As for fiction, yes it depends on the character if it hits too close to home its a no go
I'm unable to change too, decadent inferior being
Inferior because what if im not real? What if I lack that spark? What if im just a fucking failure? Failure itself
I'm falling into despair a lot more oftenly, it's horrible
I'm always rejected, was talking to this girl who genuinely wanted me to get better, but I ran away before she found out about my race
Same shit now
>chin up
Ive been depressed for quite a while now
Its in my nature to be alone
I apologize for any typos

That's surprising, I didn't think men 6'2 or over were so rare. What country are you in that it's like this? Also, what are your interests? I can consider being your friend.

Sounds like a wild book. I hope you enjoyed it a lot.
>I'm slowly but surely finishing all of the books I've picked up then forgotten about.
That's great. Books contain knowledge and insight, reading one is always good to stimulate thinking. Keep at it, good job!
Sounds pretty gay. Sorry user, hopefully you can recover from that bungle. I'm sure it don't ruin her perception of you or anything but that must have been really awkward.
Sometimes I wish I was less tall too because I stand out. I slouch a couple inches and am still a head taller than a lot of people. Don't be too sad though, if something is out of your control accepting it is the best course of action. Guys will always be interested, don't stress yourself over one abnormal attribute of your body.
If you have the money to treat yourself. Those diner places have coffee, very nice to go to.
Don't be nervous, what negatives are going to happen if you join a club? Worst case scenario people ignore you, which they're already doing. You've got this, be confident and you'll make some good friends.
>I'm unable to change
Don't lie to yourself to cope with misery. You can change, you just need to believe that you can and try and you will. Every part of your body is replaced every 5 years, It's delusional to think that your mindset and personality can't either. I'm not gonna pity you for giving up.

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New Zealand, I think there's lots of tall people but I don't go outside much
I play lots of vidya n watch tv shows, I like going for walks n talking lots

>Sometimes I wish I was less tall too because I stand out. I slouch a couple inches and am still a head taller than a lot of people. Don't be too sad though, if something is out of your control accepting it is the best course of action. Guys will always be interested, don't stress yourself over one abnormal attribute of your body.

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First two are standard, second two are nice. Talking is very stimulating, a good conversation is better than any piece of media. Walking is also very nice, sometimes I even pace back and forth in my room to get my fill of it. I was going to ask that, if the reason you never see tall people is just because you never go outside, I forgot though.

I try my best like, going to town and clubs every weekend or so, trying to find groups n stuff but no one really sticks

Got nothing much to share but just want to say hi to OP and all the other comfy/nice posters ITT.
Happy birthday user.

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I can change but I don't
It's odd

That's very impressive of you, a lot of people on here wouldn't go even go outside or try to find people. What sorts of clubs do you go to? Might be worth finding a hobby like electronics and going to a club for it, would be more laid back than other types of clubs.

What's that for?
Hi, It's fine to not have much to say. Hope you have a really nice day user.
Why do you think you won't change? Are you afraid changing will make things worse than they are already? Refusing to climb out of the hole you're in has only one outcome, and I really hope you don't see that one to fruition. Please start to want happiness from yourself user, it isn't fair to do this to yourself.

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I don't know what to do
I don't know how to achieve my dreams or if I can
And the weirdest one is if I should
I feel I am worse than many people

I'm slowly typing away at making an E-book and it's going painfully slow. I am starting to hate myself and work by the passing minute but, then again not writing this would cause me to hate myself even more.

Don't think you're worse than others for no good reason user. Please reconsider this mindset, I can't say any more to help but the easiest way to fail is to give up. You don't seem particularly happy in your current state so why not give it your all?
Hey user I think I recognize you from a few threads ago. Good job working on your e-book, slow progress beats no progress. You might be exhausted and frustrated, but I'm still proud of you for working so hard. If you have to taking small breaks is ok, keep working at it though. When you're finished you'll be really happy you put in all the time and effort to make your cool new book possible.

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I'm excited for the Hurricane Florence desu, I'll probably get a couple days of classes off from it.
Although I might not be able to eat when it happens, so that'll suck a little bit.

Thanks for the encouragement.
I'm using google docs and I wonder if that can be used to make an E-book?
I sure hope so. But, honestly, I don't know.

ive tried for so long to fix my life but i think im ready to give up. Im only happy when im distracted with my escapist past times like videogames, D&D, or browsing the web.

i always assumed one day i would grow up and start to live in the real world but the only time im happy is when im on my computer. whenever i get normie friends that accept me i get bored of them and isolate myself.

I might just go full degenerate and give up on my dream of finding the perfect girl to start a family with and instead just get into the whole waifu thing or w/e, i think monster girls are pretty cute.

I'll reconsider it, I'll achieve my goals
Thanks user

Hadn't even heard about it until this post. Hope you're gonna be ok. Enjoy some time off school!
I think publishers can take it in any form and make a book out of it, as long as you write it online copy pasting is simple enough regardless. You'll be ok.
Whatever floats your boat. If you can survive and enjoy it more I wish you the best with that. Some people don't like being around people, it's abnormal but natural. Hope you'll be happy by going down this route, good luck user. I've heard a lot of good things about waifus.

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I am content with life.
This on the surface sounds like a good thing. It is not.
I cannot get enjoyment out of anything.