How do you convince yourself to keep going during cardio? I keep convincing myself that there's a wolf running behind me and that if i stop he's gonna murder me.
How do you convince yourself to keep going during cardio...
I just took up jogging 4 days ago, had to skip today though because my legs are in agony.
Any tips?
How much do I need to lift to fight a wolf?
When i was a kid, our school used to run a few miles around thanksgiving and it was called the "turkey trot".
Wed have to run the entire time no matter how fit we were. I'm kind of a weeabu dork and i'll always remember the most popular football jock running beside me saying "Just keep looking at the sky, its there to give you hope to keep running". He hated me and made fun of me usually, so this stuck out as unusual.
I'll always remember this and look at the sky when i'm doing cardio.
Stretch and roll out your legs a lot. I fucked up my IT band because I didn’t take time to roll the lactic acid out of my leg muscles.
Based jock
>being such a dyel that animals still strike fear into him
I pretend you're mom is behind me and when I stop we have to fugg
>he thinks animals wont fuck him up
Mental drum and bass that makes you wanna keep fucking moving. Macky gee, harry shotta, traumatik, devilman etc
If possible do class based cardio, the embarrassment of quiting is usually enough to keep you going.
>tfw family bear die just two month ago
rip my friend, I'm miss you
Jimbo died like half a year ago
What a beast. Watching that webm makes me anxious. I used to think I could take on a wolf barehanded. No fucking way. Those things can take down moose by themselves! If it got your arm, it would snap the bones easily.
Wolves dont really break bones. They will tear your tendons and muscles off, though.
take it fucking slow, if you're not used to running there is lots of shit your body needs to adapt to
>roll out your legs
What does this mean?
Wolves are ridiculously scared of humans. Insanely so, they'll give you a wide berth if they spot you.
Wolfdogs on the other hand...
Yeah but a lone wolf like that will definitely attack a lone human in the middle of nowhere.
Just turn your brain off so that you forget you're running. I do it all the time and it works a treat.
I listen to music and pretend I'm dancing at a rave, makes epilliptical fun.
Hehe *smiles*
In my mind, I am the wolf
He's not a bad guy. He just knows how the world works.
I don't have to convince myself. I don't think about cardio as a chore. I go for a run and either finish what I've planned or I just stop and go home if I don't feel well and it looks like I'm gona suffer through it (did this only once this year - terrible headache).
I love running and as long as I enjoy a run I'll keep pushing my limits, sometimes to a complete exhaustion. Allowing myself to stop if needed helps keeping it fun and not turn running into something I have to fight.
Other than that what other said. Trying to think about something completely different and good running music for the last few miles.
It normally works, but only when I have something else to think about.
This, I literally have a backup song I pull out of I'm tired but want inspiration to go on.
He's kind of a bad guy user. He sells cocaine and had a really fucked up childhood he can't deal with.
I'm studying law enforcement to become a cop so I just think of chasing a nigger that's trying to run. 10/10 has helped me get faster.
What about the niggers friends who're in a kill a cop mood?
generally this happens when im really far from home on a loop so i tell myself.. this is going to be a bitch of a walk if you stop now
Honestly, I plan out a loop, put in my tunes and just zone out. "Convince yourself to keep going"? Since when was quitting an option?
Well if I die I die. That's why I'm going into law enforcement desu. I'm just tryna die in a cool as gum battle user. Its entertaining for me to seek death.
>be slav
>go for run
>convince yourself there's a wolf chasing after you
>grab the closest vodka bottle and chug it
>turn around and wait for the wolf to male the first move
And that's how I wasted my running session, thanks a lot faggot.
what a good boy
Foam roller
Just buy a gun, dumbass
Its one of those situations where hand to hand is unavailable and its better to need a gun than not have it to have it and not need it
I kinda do the same thing, except there's actually a pack of 5 german shepards that live next door, so I don't have to imagine it.
>tfw started to get gassed while being chased by dogs
Not exactly the best for long distance, but it'll make a sprinter out of you
I knew i wasnt the only one. I often think im chasing some dude that fucked my girlfriend and I need to kill him. Or when im at the track I imagine Im chasing thots.
>my girlfriend
my ex-girlfriend
I do something very similar. I imagine that I'm being chased by cops/guards after a heist and the getaway car is around the corner
Gun battle?
They'll shoot you down like a dog.
Worse, if you really piss off the wrong niggers they'll come to your house and kill everyone there.
t. cuck soiboy
>Niggers are so powerful! They have guns!
Usually during a sprint I either mentally place myself back on the football field during a kickoff, or picture myself as an ancient warrior running through the forest towards an enemy encampment
I don't quite understand the point of your post.
Is it because I'm not playing into your big tuff police officer that ain't afraid of no nigger LARP?
I don't quite understand why you think no one should bother applying laws to some people.
I imagine myself as an Atlantic salmon. I swim against the current, leaping over the rocks and powering through the rapids. The current is against me. Dams and predators stand in my way, but nothing will stop me. If I die along the way, so be it. But if I am strong enough I will find the pool of my birth and continue my line as my ancestors did before me. And if I am truly strong enough, I will do it again.