Were you primarily raised by your mother robots? Do you think that had a big influence on how you turned out?

Were you primarily raised by your mother robots? Do you think that had a big influence on how you turned out?

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Nope, raised by my pops whenever he was home and grandma.
Result is me becoming a thot blaster whos eyes glow at the even mere sight of thots.

Yep, she was paranoid and angry so she basically isolated me from everyone else. Now she wonders why I don't talk to anyone. Fucking crazy bitch

>those obvious teeth veneers

She argued with my dad a lot and turned me into a momma's boy
And I'm autistic so it was really easy for her to get away with it without anyone asking questions

no one really raised me, I guess I spent more time with my mother but like I don't think it influenced me much, also sauce NOW

I was mostly raised outside of the house. Shit, my parents actually had to put a leash on me as a toddler because I kept running off. Then as soon as I realized I could leave the house whenever I wanted I started spending all day outdoors with the neighborhood kids until we got hungry or it got dark and the old Mexican guy who walked around the block started yelling at us. Can kids still do that? I'm actually surprised that my older siblings don't let theit kids do that.

I'm not really sure if this jav site gives computers aids but here's the sauce javqd.com/movie/1pondo-081118-726-shizuko-fumino-tokimeki-the-most-erotic-cute-boasting-girl-in-the-world.html

>tfw I use to be proud of being a mommy's boy and wore it like a badge of honor

My based negro friend

yeah, my dad was a drunk loser that never really bothered so I got 90% of my upbringing from my mother and her family. I was also an undiagnosed autist that entire time, so being coddled, spoiled and turned into a momma's boy certainly didn't help my upbringing. never got into sports or anything like that, mostly just stayed inside all the time playing vidya. I had a good amount of friends in grade school though, so my childhood was pretty decent.

I was also homeschooled for 2 grades and that went about as well as anyone could expect, so when I went to high school I was a total sperg but it helped me become more socially aware/capable in the long run. had fewer friends in high school but friends nonetheless, although I've pretty much lost all of them now since they've moved on in life while I kinda stuck behind and stayed a NEET.

nowadays I still consider myself utterly socially retarded and I'm pretty insecure about being educationally stupid as well, among other things, but I guess it could be worse. I've started making an effort to improve myself so I guess I'll see where that path takes me.

rambling autist story aside, yeah it affected how I turned out. I think a strong father figure is necessary in child growth, as fathers are usually the ones that push you into doing new things or getting you prepared for the real world. when you're just spoiled your whole life by one parent without many valuable life lessons, you're just vulnerable.

Being raised by just a father is just as bad, especially if the father is an asshole. You'll just end up becoming as much of an asshole with sociopathic tendencies.

As long as that single parent can more or less be a normal person, the kid will generally turn out all right, save for some lacking in expectations when it comes to intimacy and relationships due to absence of the mother father relationship in the household, i wager

Mom and dad separated. Me and my brother got tossed around from family to family. My dad left to stay with his mistress and mom pursued a singing career. Stayed with dad for a while, we slept on floors, blankets never washed, food was scarce but dad made sure to bring food home. He'd sell dope in the backyard and hang with crackheads. My uncle came to visit, saw how we lived and took us in. After mom's singing career fell through, she came back then she got a new husband and they took us back in.

Tfw raised myself, bullied by mother constantly, father was always drunk..... they get mad at me for becoming a sociopath who abuses women and lies constantly. Pretty stupid of them desu

sounds like you were really sheltered and brainwashed too
it's excruciating to look back on

Are you changing your sociopathic and 'woman abusing' ways? (not implying you turn into a beta cuck btw)
But I agree - pretty fuckin' dumb
Dont' you guys find it hypocritical when parents take credit for all the good shit their child does, but then say all the bad shit is their own fault? but if a child says the same shit about themselves, they can be perceived as at least a little arrogant for not acknowledging their parents, or blame shifting by implying their parents might have some culpability in the reason they turned out a shitty person?
fucking retarded

My mum raised me and blocked me out of the outside world for a long time. So now i barley know how to talk to people my own age

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That really sucks but yeah man it's up to you to make the most of it and "fix" yourself and make your own path. Good on ya for trying.

I'm kinda the same. Father never ever bothered trying to raise me, and while my mom did try she was often far too busy working, so I spent most of my days in daycare and then later on by myself. I'm ashamed of it, but I've mostly been internet-raised. It is what it is, I suppose.

The worst part for me is I'm a super over-sensitive pussy (as far as being hurt IRL). Only adds to the embarrassment of being a sheltered sociopath.

no, my mom was mostly absent.

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I didn't have any parents and lived with my older brother all my life so I raised myself. I turned out pretty shit.

No, I'm still misogynistic. I'm currently getting my coworker fired because shes a narcissistic cunt who thinks she can boss me around. I'm basically just pissing her off until she burst off, framing her for being abusive and a disagreeable person. My boss is a cuck who hates firing people (an actual pain in the ass when it comes to this but good because I can be as late as I want and not get fired.) So itll take a lot more work to get her fired, but I always win so I'm not stressing. I also have literally zero friends, but I'm the highest paid delivery driver at my job (EBIc charisma btw). Also parents tried to set me up with a therapist becusee of my "shallow character" as if I wouldnt lie about everything to her too. I'm 18 btw, mods dont ban

>those ugly ass construction worker hands

You and other user are obviously not true sociopaths, just sociopathic tendencies
If you really work at it, you can change
>internet raised
what year were you born anyway?

what this is heh

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I understand man, it sucks being able to literally beat up women and make them say that wanna kill themselves and not feel anything,but not being able to "be hard" (gangster) because mother bullied me for 10 years.

'94. Pretty much all I did with my free time in early '00s was fuck around on the internet. Exposed me to porn really early (like literally 8 years old) so I'm sure that fucked with me a little too.

That's not misogynistic though
That's just you trying to give her her due. You'd be saying the same shit if it was some narcissistic dude
You ought to think about therapy though. In earnest. THe later you do it, the harder it will be to change. course, the later you do it the more likely you are to be earnest about it. fugg

Mate you are absolutely the most ignorant person who has ever messaged me. I didnt say I couldnt change, i just dont want to. I love myself way more than your tiny mortal mind could imagine. I get anything I want, no matter what. You can not possibly say you know what I am or what I am not just by one post

Ah, you're not too old then. lots of time to decide who you want to be (but don't take your time either heh)
Also i sorta hear you
One of my first lewd experiences was with ghost in the shell. that scene when motoko tears herself apart in the nude made me diamonds
but i dont' have any fetish about hurting women oddly. but it definitely felt weird to be turned on by that
and also by one or two women being destroyed by the xenomorph in the original alien movies

I dont need to change, I am the best person I can be. Tell me why therapy should be considered and I'll listen.

I didn't say you wanted to change. I said you can change. ie the possibility is there
You seem to like to read intent into people where none exists and are just being matter of fact. Interesting.

Yeah I know, it's just that at this current point in my life I'm kinda frozen in a position where I'm not able to do much, which ends up getting me depressed and influence me to just be a lazy prick most days. Anyone that would be able to "help" me is too busy and I have no means to do it myself other than the problems personal to just me.

But you're an adult. Now it's just your choice not to talk to people.

You sound like a 14 year old retard who everyone laughs at.

If I'm such a laughing stock, why do people tip me upwards of 20 dollars? Seems like you are just originally trolling because you are the real loser

>grew up paranoid and awkward
>missed out on crucial development periods of life
>literally can't comprehend how people interact and connect so easily no matter how hard I try

Shut up you fucking tard

Not him but people watch man. In a non creepy, non obvious way. There are videos of people and friends interacting with each other. There's also videos of fuck ups so you see what failure looks like (and what to avoid). Practice basic and short interactions with the cashier or something. Practice is important

>just bee urself
he never said nor implied that
He only explicitly said that it's your choice not to socialize with people (implying that its your choice you aren't getting practice)

fuck you sound like an insufferable faggot with a shit eating grin and eyes that shine red.

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My mother raised me the most as my father and he got divorced because he was a drug addict and she was insane and emotionally unstable. She would often berate me and flip out completely over incredibly minor things such as not throwing away the plastic when there was one water bottle left in it or forgetting to do the cat litter when I got home from school. Small infractions or mistakes on my part would turn into hour long screaming fits, often relating to how I was selfish trash like my father and a piece of shit. She would constantly get angry at me because of my weight and tell me that I looked retarded and unfuckable and I was going to die young. Sometimes she would throw away my stuff, she broke my T.V. once. You'd never know what would set her off, she would just make passive aggressive comments all the time or be in complete rage mode and often make scenes at family events or in public. She wouldn't hit me much, but I did receive a fat lip from her and she even bit me ounce. The thing that sticks with me the most is when I was failing math and she told me I was useless and I should get a knife from the kitchen and slit my throat. I wans't completely innocent, I was pretty lazy and introverted. I was bullied at school a lot and didn't like my home life so I used video games and youtube videos as escapism and didn't like to interact with anyone. Her boyfriend was also a huge asshole and would make fun of me for things like being week and "retarded". (all of this was when I was living with her years when I was 13-18). Senior year high school (at this point I lost a substantial amount of weight but was still chubby) of she got addicted to painkillers, got fired from her job and kept telling me how she was going to kill herself.

Because of her I have self image problems, eating disorders, and have a hard time interacting with others because of my low self image and self deprecating attitude. I never feel like I'm "worth" anything. Pic unrelated.

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I was formally trained socially. Manners were completely drilled into me. My posture, voice, eye contact, body language, and specific things to say or do were gone over. I was made to be friendly, greet people, and offer help. Yet my peers seem like aliens to me. What went wrong? I get along best with people outside my generation like people who went to high school in the 50s.

This formal social training was done by parents, teachers, and psychologists. I can relate to older people far better.

(cont )Just to add an addendum, my mother realized how much of a collisional piece of shit she was to me as growing up after a lot of therapy and pot smoking and tries to make it up to me, but I still resent her internally despite pretending to be on good terms. The only good thing is that because I hate myself so much I constantly am trying to improve myself and because of that I'm better off than where I was, but I feel like I'm a hamster on a wheel and I'll never be the me I want to be no matter how much I try. I get compliments from people about how well I'm doing or even compliments on my looks sometimes but I don't even register it in my mind. People will tell me good things about myself and it doesn't even change my perception at all, I default feel they are being disingenuous or have ulterior motives. My goal in life is to prove myself as worthwhile, and to do that I want to become a political figure and be remembered. I want my life to have meaning and for me to be affirmed as having lived a worthy life and that I am good. I want to become as powerful and perfect as possible, to prove to myself that I'm worth something and that all the things my mother said about me were wrong. Even if I have to be the next Hitler, it's better to be remembered as evil, than to not be remembered at all.

my mom literally abandoned me. now im a 45 yo loser. she wants to reconnect but i hate her.

My mother is a deceiving cunt, pretending to be weak and gentle all the time, she ended up a failure and nearly drown me with her.

No. I was raised by the streets because I lived in a third world shithole at that time. I would spend like 8 to 10 hours a day outside with my bros every day. Sometimes we would go to an internet cafe but mostly we hung out on the streets.

God bless my mother. My father wasn't really there but my mother always was so I turned out alright.

Anyone watched this movie? You know what I'm talking about.

Attached: Maquia-When-the-Promised-Flower-Blooms-Trailer[1].jpg (1500x844, 99K)

>There are videos of people and friends interacting with each other. There's also videos of fuck ups so you see what failure looks like (and what to avoid).

Mind linking me?

I didn't have specific videos in mind user. Videos where the channel owner asks a friend about a certain topic. Granted its still a recording which means they put on a 'better' persona, its an interview-ish format, but you will still see bits of 'regular' interaction there. or videos from meet ups. hangouts sometimes if you count that. vlogs. shit like that

i was primarily raised by preschool and then TV + school

i turn out a shitstain btw but maybe was just born like this

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>Were you primarily raised by your mother

>Do you think that had a big influence on how you turned out?
Yes. Unfortunately.

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The fact I was a abandoned in a daycare before my first birthday should tell you how much involvement my parents had in my life.

Yep I can confirm the behavioral disorder part. I'm not a good person and I'm pretty ADHD.

There's another statistic that says ~40% of prison inmates have ADHD. Wonder where the rabbit hole leads.

>I keep seeing this webm posted over and over again, but source is never provided.


It's right here, fag

Yes and yes, my father is at fault, he should have fucked prostitutes elsewhere and not dispose of condoms under the bed.

My familly including all other normalfags deny it had any bad influence on me, it did, so why the fuck do they deny it?
I don't know.

Strange how this image blames the mother when the father being missing, 9 times out of 10 out of their own choice, is always the cause.

t. single mother or cuck

Women choose to get with those pieces of shit.

>but he just turned out that way he wasn't like that when we got together!
Is their excuse.

Yeah. Single moms are bad. It also didn't help that my mom is a fucking nut. That fucked me over pretty good.

22 yr zoomer(?) here and this is kinda how I grew up. Remember there still being kids like this up until the mid 00's but now it's less common. Good times.

Are you me? This sounds exactly like my upbringing.

>Dad was a drunk who eventually left when I was around seven or eight.
>Raised by my career focused mother.
>No male role models in my life.
>Not even an uncle or grandfather because my parents made the awful fucking decision to live on the other side of the country away from the rest of the family.
>Use characters in stories and historical figures as my male role models.
>End up with impossibly high standards.
>Always fail short because ideals are impossible to reach.
>Crush my self esteem.

No I was raised mostly by my self and television to be honest. My mom stopped washing my clothes at like age 8 and I had to do it my self from there. Same with most my meals.

>*ctrl f
hmm looks like I provided the sauce user

>those 'assholes' who were ironically abused by single mothers
>don't give a shit about their children due to women being women
>children turn out to be assholes
It's a never ending cycle.

>Remember there still being kids like this up until the mid 00's but now it's less common. Good times.
Yes, before iPhones and other smartphones happened. Nobody cared about handheld gaming devices when I was young (Game Boys). They did to a point, but you get what I mean. They could leave them at home, etc, even though they were meant to come with you. Now with phones people are full on mental over them and most are so addicted to:

>Whatever other social media

It is pretty sad. I remember you could walk into a grocery store or any store and not see everyone glued to a phone like a dumbass.

As much as I hate my father, it was really my father who did most of the raising. He let me work with him from 7th - 11th grade earning a paycheck, he taught me morals, and other shit of the sort. My mom kinda just was there as support but my dad was the real reason I am who I am

yes. ruined my dick destroyed my mental health divorced my father and was all around a retarded fucking roastie who shouldve been shot

I was raised by the streets!

Yeah, my parents broke up when I was around 8, since then I just saw my dad every other weekend with some exceptions. Also have an older sister which didn't help.