Remember the moid who was confident enough to approach the Stacy TA? Well guess what, I did catch him a few times staring at her (I rarely even made eye contact with him) but it seems like his advances didnt work out at the end, because I didnt see them say anything to each other the whole class period, and she looked pretty disinterested herself. I guess I overreacted over nothing, but this still doesnt mean anything to me. Oh well.
Remember the moid who was confident enough to approach the Stacy TA? >>47975171
Shove a pair of scissors into your eye roastie scum.
Get off this board.
I smell a r/braincels faggot. Kys
Scissors in your eye.
Rope around your neck
Not facebook.
female overreacting call the fucking press
>roastie cunt gets mad that """"shy"""" Chad is only going for Stacey
What a pathetic display
Who gives a shit what you have to say roastie? Why should he give you the time of day when a prettier, more emotionally stable, intelligent girl is into him? You're pathetic. Get off this website. Nobody wants you here. You mentioned having friends previously, god you're such a normal. You don't belong on this website.
I never had friends to begin with
>also intelligent
The dude is dumb as fuck himself. He just sits there, waiting for us to do all the work. I even had the courage to talk to him and told him to use a hydrometer, but apparently he doesnt know how to measure. Today I asked him to do something as simple as dipping his hand in the water and mixing the substances together in the bucket but apparently he is sick. He just keeps making up excuses every time or maybe he is genuine? Who knows, anyways, he is a lazy worthless sack of shit, why should he deserve a pretty girl (who is in the cheer team, mind you) when a productive chad in the the football team is her rightful match?
I even wrote in the post that the girl doesnt even look like she is interested in him.
And now that I think about it not only is he dumb, but he is also looks to be on the spectrum.
I dont understand if you hate this dude why are you so jealous? The TA should get with him so she is punished with his stupidity
So whats the next step in your master plan? Or are you just gonna keep watching?
yo OP, next time in class, position urself in such a way taht he would have to look directly at ur face/in ur eyes, and when he does, smile at him. is that so fucking hard?
roastie roastie, oh oh so toastie
Had to go and make a postie
Post a timestamp with your tits/pussy or gtfo we are fucking done with this Larping fags, anyway after you do that we will hear your pathetic stories
>I never had friends to begin with
pic related
I said that she is smart not him. And why would you want to be a retard anyways?
Also who would want to date a woman who calls him dumb and a worthless sack of shit? You sound like garbage.
And you care why? Do you like him?
Read the other threads. Of course she likes him however it seems to be only a physical attraction.
Because im forced to see his lazy ass every other day. This guy just sits in his chair, looking he like wants to kill himself once he gets home.
If he wants to flirt with Stacy, he should do that outside of class.
Nothing. Im going to do absolutely nothing, and just focus on getting my work done.
Oh god no. Ive been trying to avoid him this whole time since he never showed any signs of interest to begin with. Its a mutual decision.
He leeches off of the work of me and this girl I sit across from. Why isnt he worthless, at least in that sense?
Are you actually a real fembot? Do you contactfag?
OP, have you ever felt the pleasure and sense of mutual happiness that comes from having a good man's thick, hard member fill you up?
>Are you actually a real fembot?
>Do you contactfag?
I have social problems, also I wouldnt want to talk to someone who knows about this information about me, and possibly hold that against me later in the future.
im smol so no
fucking retard OP I told you to slap your crush in the face and he will be all over your boobs asking you out
>im smol so no
How smol?
Are you underage or just diminutive?
>I'm thinking all these things about some guy that doesn't even know me
>I hate him for not realizing how he's making me feel
Dummy, either go up to him and flirt with him and try to get his attention or shut up about him. Either work to get him or stop complaining and thinking about him. It's not the guys fault for not realizing you like him if you make no attempt at telling him and making up shit in your head and hating him for it. We are not mind readers and most of us can't tell what you're thinking or doing or if you like us.
>also I wouldnt want to talk to someone who knows about this information about me, and possibly hold that against me later in the future.
Knows that you were pissed off with some lazy punk? Trust me I have better things to do then blackmail someone for being mean to some random jerk
I cant talk to guys for crap, I can only comfortably talk to a female, and only if she is on the same level as I am in terms of appearance and social status. I cant even conversate with an ugly guy ffs, how will I be able to talk to a qt? There is this other guy ive been on-and-off crushing on since freshman year, and I would say he is somewhere around my looksmatch but way out of my league when it comes to social status (he has a mediocre face but he is a 6ft tall hapa baseball player with normie friends) Too bad I dont have any classes with him and I only see him when I wait outside my last period class, where he too waits as well, but for a different class of his thats right across from mine. As im waiting for my teacher to arrive I just see him with his earbuds on and his luscious black hair and tall stature.
god, why cant I have the guy of my dreams without working for it???
Is this some kind of femcel parody?
In any case, hit the gym, get geared and then go forth and rape some guy.
Your thought process makes you seem like the biggest cunt ever.
I'm so glad I got a chill, loving fembot gf who still doesn't think like you despite all her struggles with legit anxiety.
Listen, everything in life requires you to work for it AND take the chance to get it. If you are truly and seriously interested in a guy and want to date him, then you owe it to yourself to pull your panties up tight, stick out your chest, walk up to him and shake his hand while being yourself. Nothing will happen if you do nothing. If you go up to him and try talking to him or even straight up telling him you think he's cute and are interested in go on a date, the worst that will happen is that he says no. It will not hurt you or him to do so. Men feel way better about themselves if women come up and flirt with us, even if we aren't interested. As long as you do it in private, you won't feel any social cost in doing so. Just take the chance. Get his attention and make him attracted to you.
>legit anxiety
>has a boyfriend
lol your girlfriend doesnt seem like she is struggling a whole lot with anxiety. I actively avoid trying to talk to people who are objectively superior than me, thats why I spend my time alone in the library 99% of the time. And even, though I talk to my equals, I can only ever amount to small converdstions because i still get anxious and afraid of what theyll think of me afterwards if I say the wrong things.
>i have a bunch of specific reasons about my personality which are exactly the cause of my frustrations
>i blame everyone else in the world for my problems despite outlining my responsibility for them
kys you fucking faggot, leach attention somewhere else
>i blame everyone else in the world for my problems
When did I ever blame anyone else other than myself, you flaming retarded autist? Kys since you cant seem to follow along
Are you gonna make another pity post about this on reddit again? You really should get off that website, and this one!
Why did you say you have no friends when before you said you had a friend? Are you one of those roasties who loves to pretend to be le sad n ronery?
I meant to say classmate
Duck off
God you're such a poser. Why do you pretend to belong here?