How do I overcome my eating disorder? I have anorexia

How do I overcome my eating disorder? I have anorexia.
I’m terrified of gaining weight, and I’m obsessed with the idea of being scarily thin & the skinniest person in the room.
People tell me I’m already really skinny, but I don’t see it at all. I overexercise till I’m on the verge of passing out, I go days & weeks without eating, then I fuck up and binge on everything in the house because I’m so hungry & my other illnesses tell me “fuck it, just eat whatever the fuck you want, nothing matters and you’ll be miserable either way.”

>inb4 nigga just eat lmao
How do I get rid of the mental block & shame/regret around eating? I want to be able to enjoy food again and exercise like a normal human being.

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Stop your psycho meds

Ask for anti depressant and pray to get the side effects that make you really hungry.

just shut the fuck up and eat, who cares if you are shamed l0l, u cant get fat within a month even, not even 3months

I'm not into /dudeweed/, but maybe smoking will help you gain an appetite?
I love psychology and anorexia has always lost me. I know families torn apart because of it. Interventions, medications, hospital visits, specialists, all straight down the drain.

Do everything you can user, its dangerous and your brain actually shrinks fro it. I'm so sorry.

Jow Forums is not a doctor, go see a doctor or someone who has experience with anorexia.


How about:
>dude weed, lmao, but unironically
>Getting some inspirational motivation
For the latter, I suggest taking a look at somebody like Furious Pete: He's got a really good life story, and he's not only battled through anorexia, but cancer too.

You need to find a reason to fix yourself, and pursuit that reason with all of your soul. It may be difficult for you to find that reason, but you need to find it user. If you can't find the reason on your own, then talk to family, friends, a therapist perhaps, or if you're really lucky a former anorexic (perhaps a support group of some kind?).

Only you can fix this though, so you need to get that mentality set. Good luck user, you're going to make it, I believe in you.

Honestly I'm not sure why you'd want to overcome it? You look amazing.

But if you're truly killing yourself just make sure to eat 1200kcal per day. That is enough so you will never become fat (normal weight) and will stay very skinny, but still get enough energy to not feel completely shit. Add 200kcal for every hour of exercise.


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Exercising in an unefficient manner is unhealthy, so whatever you're trying to do by overexercising isn't going to work. Binge eating, likewise, isn't efficient for anything except losing money.

Secondly, you would be surprised by just how slowly it takes you to gain serious amounts of weight. A caloric excess of even a few hundred can take months to net you a few pound increase, and that's barely noticeable unless you're weighing yourself.

If you're counting calories, increase the caloric limit by a hundred or two hundred (I'm assuming that you are a woman who is already quite thin) and roll from there.

It takes years up years of eating mind bogglingly high amounts of calories to get fat, user.

By eating food

Tried to help a girl with anorexia for 2 years. Got nowhere. You are mentally ill and an addict and require professional intervention. No level of meme shit on here will help you. I said everything in the fucking book to my friend and nothing helped them. No amount of advice will save you, so don't bother. Submit yourself for treatment.

You people are so fucking frustrating and annoying but you shatter my heart. You people need to be taken in and cared for, even if it's by force

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This user knows. It destroys everyone around you. I hope you're still not effected by the heartache brother

Seriously, go to a psychiatrist. One that specialises in eating disorders. It will be expensive but trust me you have some much deeper shit surrounding this than you realise. I know two people who've almost died from anorexia, it is serious if you do have it. It's something where there's almost a split personality in that some part of you takes over and needs control along with having whatever issues/body image/shame you have and does it via food, and the more you adhere to it the stronger it becomes. Acknowledging it is huge. Do something before it gets worse.

Both people it nearly destroyed their families and those closest to them. If you ahve people around you truly care about then unironically the best thing to do would be commit yourself to an asylum.

>it destroys everyone around you.
110% truth. She wears her family down and they resent her, and besides me her only friend is an anorexic alcoholic. Her entire fucking life revolves around working to get money to waste on idiotic amounts of food, which she then binges and purges so she gains no weight.

We fell out only a few months ago. It sucks. I think about her often and follow her through her criminal court documents available online. Towards the end though she just began to treat me as another tool to fuel her addiction. Sometimes I want to text her, because anorexia is the deadliest psychiatric disorder and it will probably kill her, but I have to remind myself that she's fucking toxic, like a heroin addict

I act tough about it, but I know that if I one day get the news that she died I will have a breakdown

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A girl on Joe rogan said its about realising its not your fault and that anorexia is an illness like schizophrenia. But I don't know shit. Like the other anons said, go seek professional help.

just eat bitch

either u eat or you fucking die, the choice is yours

ignore anything Jow Forums will tell you except those saying you shall go to a professionalist. He will know what kind of therapy will suit you and your case.
Humans are social beings, its no weakness in asking others for help.

bonus: leave Jow Forums, seriously. It will only drive your disorder or even create new ones. This place is full of insecure people trying to bring down others.

I left this place for the good, only wanted to see if there is allready a thread about halloween costumes.

I'm so sorry user. Jow Forums will be here for you if/when it happens.

>I left this place for the good, only wanted to see if there is allready a thread about halloween costumes
See you tomorrow, faggot

Make a halloween costume thread, they always good.

sure buddy

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I’m a dude, but I went through a short period where I was terrified to gain weight after I cut from being a fat fuck down to a skeleton. I couldn’t eat enough to supplement lifting because of mental barriers, I had a powerlifter dude I knew tell me I needed to force myself to get over it and start with entire rotisserie chickens and just pick at it throughout the day. That worked for me, but you may wanna start with whatever you can eat it just slowly eat more and more each day/week. Progressively overload the calories until you’re at a better weight, then start some weight training so you fill out nicely and look even more attractive. Also, what kind of trumpet do you play?

Damn user. You are a great friend, and it is not you who failed her.

Edit: Realized that your pic related may just be a random pic. Do the entire rotisserie chicken thing. They’re cheap, already prepared for you, and usually have different flavors. Eat what you can for lunch, pick on it between lunch and dinner, then eat what you can for dinner. Save the rest if you can’t kill it in a day.

Thanks guys, it means a lot

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Like some other people pointed out, you should probably seek help from an experienced therapist.
From my knowledge by dealing with my own so-called "mental issues", you probably had some kind of trauma (accident, or some event which might have put your life in danger) while being very young, or even worse, while still being in your mothers womb. At this moment, your psyche does not know that the event has passed, and that's why your are still stuck with this survival strategy (not eating as a result of feeling you're in danger).
The only way I know of, to deal with your situation is to be aware of "what happened that I had to split from myself". IDK how good therapists are in the USA, but find someone who does "Constelations of the Intention" therapy. Just google "Franz Ruppert - Identity Oriented Psychotrauma" so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.
Good luck!

>I left this place for the good
yeah, me too

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Think of your anorexia as a demon that is trying to kill you by convincing you not to eat. Tell the demon to fuck itself. Eat just to spite the demon and show it whos in control.

I have a touch of this. I think most guys that start out overweight do. A lot of guys just reach their limit, get angry and then finally decide to get the fat off and the muscle on. There would probably be more men with eating disorders if society didn't also expect them to have muscle which requires eating more healthy proteins.

Op, I think the key is understanding you'really wrong. You'really just wrong. I've lost 50 lbs of fat but I still see a fat guy in the mirror and the shower. I went from like 30% bf to 18, but I still see a fat guy. It didn't really hit me how wrong I was until I put my suit on the other day for a job interview and it was falling off me. People had been saying I was looking great for 3 months now but I didn't believe them.

When we look at ourselves we see the flaws. Our eyes zero in on them. No one else does this. They look at us as a whole or zero in on things they like.

So, first things first, accept that you are wrong. Your mind is misleading you by focusing on flaws. There are probably all kinds of good things about your body you aren't looking at.

Secondly get some real metrics. Save up some money and get a real body fat % done. That's data. It doesn't lie.

Third, accept that you may never look like your dream ideal body. Your bone and muscle layout might not allow this. Instead, find out what body and face type is and research the best ways to dress and hair cuts for it.

Fourth, if your obsessed with holding a certain weight, try keto. I can hold the same weight or lose on this. People are going to birch about me recommendin this but a high fat and high protein diet is better than starvation.

Thirdly, yeah see a professional. Because you probably have something going on mentally. The starving is probably a symptom of something else.

Eating disorders are caused by "big holes" on your life and yourself. If you cannot identify which these are you should seek help, family, friends or profesional, and then work on fixing those holes. If you try to just eat while suffering from let's say extremely loneliness or maybe some traumatic experience in your past you'll be just bailing water out of a sinkiing ship. You have to fix the holes first.

Post nudes.


OP you should 1. get actual medical treatment because anorexia nervosa is a very serious disease and you are very seriously ill. A symptom of anorexia is thinking you aren't sick enough to deserve treatment, but you are and you should get treated
2. if this is not available, try to differentiate between which thoughts are yours and which thoughts are anorexia trying to kill you. It is not your own thoughts and it does not have your best interest in mind. It is trying to kill you and if you listen to it, you will die.
I wish I could help more OP, but while I speak from personal experience, I am not a psychiatrist

what the fuck is your problem?

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.