How far did you fall?

>lost virginity
>went to parties every weekend
>racked up n-count 41
>threesomes and double bjs
>fucked multiple girls in one day
>always looked forward to my future
24-27 (present)
>got worthless degree
>dated psycho gook who hollowed me out
>lost all my friends when we broke up
>only work exp is retail
>dont have a social life at all anymore
>pass the time by smoking cigarettes, shitposting, and playing fps shooters from the 90's
>nothing to look forward to
>perpetually feel zero emotions
>can't show anyone my life because there's nothing there

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Get a hobby and regain your sanity. Go /out/, go fishing, set up an aquarium. Do anything to help get your mind off your current position.

>had a chance at becoming a burger state legislator (Left opposition was split)
>media discovered Jow Forums powerlevel
>dropped out of race

No one cares normie go somewheres to humble brag

>Get a hobby
way fucking easier said than done. I hate going outside too(not op btw)

i know this feel so well. used to have hot gf and bitches on the side now i'm a social pariah who has to constantly settle for fatties. i miss high school so much

It's only hard to get a hobby once you already have one desu. Just search up random shit on your computer and read about it and eventually you'll find something you like.

OP here. im gonna sound like a huge faggot, but everything that isn't sticking my dick in a pussy feels like a surrogate activity. i have a theory that people who can't get laid get deeply immersed in "hobbies" as a surrogate to getting laid. i'm perfectly content just sitting around doing nothing if i had sex that day. i don't know why im such a worthless human being but thats how it all played out. i tried to join the air force when i was 24 but i got perm DQd. That shit pissed me off

Lmao fuckin idiot

You never had much to start off with, you were just so zoned out from hedonism that you didn't notice that you future you thought you had, didn't exist.

I gamer rose up in everything but socializing.
>years ago in high school
>mediocre grades, yelled at by parents a lot
>girls were constantly asking me out, inviting me into their homes, telling me they loved me out of the blue

>now, years later
>working towards advanced degree
>women show absolutely zero interest, being a manlet really turns them off
>no friends, spend most of my time studying indoors

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this is oddly a comforting perspective thanks user

I was on my way to the top. If I worked hard I could have had a 300k+ salary easily within the next 10 years. Good engineer at a good company. I got kind of betrayed and was pushed under the bus by my coworkers and managers. Now all those same people that I thought were my friends and I trusted just as easily abandoned me.

Problem is some form of that has happened all throughout my life. My mother had her bf try and kill me, I was homeless for years, got laughed at and talked about like a dog by people I called friends. Honestly I kept going and toughed it out for years, but it just keeps happening. I just feel completely empty right now. I can probably get another job without too much trouble, but it's like this same set of events keeps happening and I just don't know what to do. I honestly don't feel like I can keep doing this.

I find myself just wanting to dissapear into the woods or something and not coming back to this "society". I can feel the will draining out of me and I don't think I can survive another betrayal on that or any level again. I'm just so tired. So very very tired.

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>Quiet guy
>Long hair, mustache super edge
>Get called a school shooter, ugly, roasted
>Have online gf play COD day in and day out
>No gf
>Even longer hair and facial hair
>Heavily PC gamer and now gaining weight
>Social anxiety
>No job/friends
>live with dying mom
>Go on fake Facebook account and look every single person I graduated with succeeding
>Even the kid from Thailand had a degree, a bod, and a fucking white gf
>My only achievments are on steam


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No worries. It's a hard truth that not many people will share with you. I sincerely hope you find a more spiritual, rewarding life. See you on the other side, brother.

with that kind of earning power id go to a different country man.

yeah. quake 3 was a good game man

The monastic escape is a tempting one.

yea i like half life 2, both dooms, and yes, quake 3 is a great game

>online gf
see, now that's where you fucked up

>set up an aquarium
i want to do this but i dont have enough money to make a comfy, humane fish paradise. is there a cheaper way?

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>i have a theory that people who can't get laid get deeply immersed in "hobbies" as a surrogate to getting laid.
>Life revolves around getting laid
>Go on fake Facebook account and look every single person I graduated with succeeding
I mean im nobody special, going to college for a worthless degree because my uppers said so, and sitting inside day in and day out with no social activity other than online ""discord friends"". And family.

Maybe these thoughts just haven't hit me yet. Maybe when I hit 25 in 5 years ill start thinking shit like that, depending on how things turn out. But I just can't bring myself to give a shit about anyone elses success or to compare myself to others. Who literally cares? If you don't interact with them on a weekly basis, drop it. That seems like a bad rabbit hole to go down - living out my life and taking shit slow seems good enough, and from what I can tell the future will allow me to do this.

"Nobody knows what they're doing in life" is a comforting thought. Its mostly true, seeing how stupid people can be sometimes in positions of power.

>only parties i go to now are the same 7-8 people getting fucked up in a dark room and talking about better times
getting older is great

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I've never been to a party. How does that fall into your master plan?

>extreme promiscuity
>not already at rock bottom
I can see where this thread is going.

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keep shrimp bro, they're rad

Can't, I'm Computer Science and it's only this big in America unfortunately.

Yeah I kinda really wish I could go that way. The worst part is that every year that goes by I regret more and more not killing myself earlier. It just seems like I'm less and less of a person and more just an automata as time goes on.

I used to report people for not being virgins. It sucks Jow Forums turned normie.

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this, shrimp are chill dudes that like to clean and eat veggies. they're pretty too

I think late 20s are kind of a hole user. You compare yourself too much with others and start wondering why you have no achieved what they have.

As the stale saying goes. Surround yourself with supportive and like minded people.
Not R9K though, do not surround yourself with robots.

your kind fucked off user, r9k is ours now

yea dude, i sort of like /wiz/ but they have this uncanny ability to sniff out tourists and ban them immediately. even if you merely mention sex or procreation indirectly they ban you. its peak autism

>failed normie humble brag thread
k den

Jow Forumscucks never learn to shut the fuck up.

I have a similar experience. FUCK

So basically you are complaining that your life isnt as good as it was when you were young and in your prime.
Jesus Christ normalfags are the fucking worst.

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so you had a good life up until 25?

kill yourself you attention seeking piece of shit, i hope your life comes crashing down

>skip a grade
>finally get my black belt
>junior world champion
>fittest I ever got to
>switch to athletics
>make nationals
>beginning of mild depression
>lose virginity to very attractive 16 year old
>have heaps of friends
>strongest, fastest and most muscular I ever got to
>graduate with near perfect score despite not studying at all

>depression gets far worse
>move out of home
>start uni
>never go
>stop sport
>stop going to gym
>fail subjects
>dump gf due to constant emptiness
>start drinking, smoking weed, doing mdma
>basically cruise through uni doing fuck all barely passing depending if I hand in assignments
>as above but depression worsens further
>new gf, less attractive, but lovely girl
>gf leaves me for being fucked in the head
>get on anti depressants
>try to OD on fentanyl but get caught
>end up in hospital
>do heroin occasionally as it's the only thing that makes me feel anything
>never attend uni
>weigh 15kg less than I did at 17
Right this minute
>turn 22 tomorrow
>am alone in my room playing AOE waiting for my Thai food to be delivered

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Your suffering brings me great joy, thank you.

OP you're living the most normal life possible. It's typical for guys like you to fuck a bunch and party in high school/college and burn out afterward. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but you should know that there are shit tons of people like you on this planet and there will continue to be more. Problem is you're now approaching your 30's and you have to figure out what the hell you're going to do

>junior world champion
In what?

How'd you manage threesomes and double BJs?

>computer science

>Chad hits the wall

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Damn you lost everything

>prettyboy chadlite
>amateur boxer
>at least 2 roasties in each class want my dick
>any girl I have a crush on likes me back cause good looking and athletic
>mysterious guy
>went to parties
>so much sexy high school pussy
>date the girl I always wanted
>out of shape
>drinking so much made me look old and wrinkled
>bad skin
>working cuckwage jb while in college
>invisible to women
>fucked up rotator cuff, can't do passion anymore (probably the worst feel)
>have to eat shit food so look and feel unhealthy
>2 friends left
>unmotivated and depressed
>wish I could turn back time
Why is life like this

Im gonna be honest man, i know guys like you.

6"4 guys when theyre late twenties are literally always cranky because they had unfiltered access to the pussy tap for nothing that you earned, and it stopped, and you never actually developed any skills in life cause you didnt need to.

Honestly, the pussy game fucks your brain up forever after, i worked with guys that are in their thirties and the ONLY thing they talk about it pussy from their early 20s.

Honestly, congrats on BEING the cock carousel? Do you think that makes you above who rides you?

>have a nice job
>have a big apartment complex in the city center
>throw huge parties
>get pussy constantly, sometimes three new girls in one week!

27-29 (now)
>got promoted to manager
>have one gf
>have literally no free time
>always under pressure and anxious

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>improved on every level
>still on my way to being a wizard
You whinny bitches can all go drink bleach

I used to get laid and then I realized it's mostly emotionless and unfulfilling with most women. I'm super into motorsports now.

r9k is failed normie accepting now and I don't know how I feel about it. Makes the stories more diverse. There are still full blown virgin autists though. That guy yesterday had his drill taken away by his mom and I'm stilling kek'ing

God is punishing you for your sinful lifestyle

you will never have it again you will will miserable for the rest of your days or you can choose going the christian path

>disgusting normalfaggot ruins his life
>thinks he'll find pity on r9k

Get fucked you dumb normalnigger and get off this board. Nobody here cares about your non issues, fucking loser.

your state dodged a bullet there lol

So a fucking normie chad that fell to our level. Hope it will get only worse from now on for you.

Pretty much this.


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>went to parties every weekend
>racked up n-count 41
>threesomes and double bjs
>fucked multiple girls in one day
Holy shit how did you do any of this? I can't even talk to girls

too many failed normies on this board desu

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the only thing here is that in highschool everyone was super desperate to get laid. Trust me I know I got a few sex offers in HS yet im still a kHHV. After HS, most people wouldve had their experience racked up so you'll find trying to court a partner to be much much harder as women arent so willing to give their roasties away that easy.

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Don't worry about buying it all at once user, you can kinda buy each piece as you go, its easier that way.
Look on Craigslist to find cheap tanks, after that a filter and a light is ~50 and then you can start thinking about substrate/decorations/fish. Just make sure to learn about cycling before you start!

Normie tire

How tall are you? Original comment orignsjsjajajskslsos

You didn't lose anything, you grew up lol

>>have one gf
Why is that a bad thing...
Normies make me sick.
you have nothing to complain about, you literally lost nothing

No, it's a community dedicated to its survival. I applaud them for their dedication.

>i don't know why im such a worthless human being
Human beings are all worthless. Not one of us is divorced from being a self-serving piece of shit.

I've never fallen because I was never high up. I'm 27 and I've been the same since middle school. It's whatever. Kind of mundane.

> mfw Chads fall from heaven only to experience hell like the rest of us.
Don't worry bro you can bounce back easily, you're only 22 it's not old. Just fucking leave heroin. That shit will steal your soul.

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Some people who have never experienced hardship just completely fall apart after a small bump in the road.

Don't worry user
One day you will wake up and see your true self in the mirror, then your life will improve and become a chad again

>College drop out

>Smashed 17 girls
>Good job racking 80k + bonus
>Gf of two years who is madly in love with me. I love the to.

Feels real good. Don't know how long I'm gonna be riding this Cloud, but Ive been having this peace of mind for the last few years.

And yet you come here

What job is Satan working that requires no degree and pays 80k?

This whole thread is full of tourists and larpers.

this kek
I dont think these dudes understand
I'm a fat neet loser who trolls the internet all day. youre on the same board as me

Well I been here since I was 15, it's a bigger part of my life then most things.

I ended up going back to college and my uncle got me a job in the finance field.

sure you are, now GTFO. You don't belong you coddled twat.

Go work for a western owned company in Japan and live life as a happy and healthy weeb

i had two threesomes with an ex-gf and her friend and then two sluts i used to fuck showed up at my campus apartment wearing nothing but blankets they came in my room and dropped the blankets, started sucking me off, and we just started having a threesome.

the double bj was from my step-sister and her friend. we had a family vacation at the beach. i plied them both with alcohol and pulled my dick out

nah i don't think im superior or anything like that. im a loser