Old School RuneScape

>Old School RuneScape
Do any of you guys still play this?

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I know they will be releasing it for mobile soon so it should see a resurgence in growth

Pretty much the only game I play now that they shut down classic. Runescape makes me so happy, even these days I think I'm just as happy to go exploring Gielinor as I was as a kid.

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It's on the android store already (open beta), you need membership to play tho.

I would still be playing this if they didn't reboot the combat system and not give us an alternative

They ruined combat on OSRS?

>Do any of you guys still play this?

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Not interested in the mobile release. Who seriously wants to play on their phone? And its not a game that is going to be easy to play without a mouse. Deleting classic was also pointless, there was a small market to be had there if they opened a F2P server.

Old School Runescape is the alternative you dumb motherfucker

It's actually pretty easy to use and it doesn't use alot of internet, pretty comfy to train slayer on the train.

nope. it was like that before but not anymore

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>tfw used to love MMOs when I was younger
>tfw I was so intimidated and excited by how Runescape felt to me that when I first started I made a handful of new accounts just so I could replay tutorial island
>tfw no friends to play Runescape with like when I was 11 or something
>tfw it just feels like a boring grind these days instead of feeling immensely cozy, infinitely vast, and so mysterious and so full of wonders like it used to feel
>tfw I will never be able to immerse myself in a game again

To be fair I think I got sick of MMOs when I was 13 because I realized even then how much of my fucking life I was wasting just getting a stress headache from chopping down willow trees for hours or picking flax for bowstrings or some shit to sell for gold.

i play it on and off. I recently got a bit burnt of the game again, Ill get the itch to grind around November.

In the last two months of Scaping I got two zenyte, a karyl top, and 25~ levels.

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>resets your account , xp, and items
>cost money
Kinda of a big middle finger to the player base

Ah fuck, wish I waited like a week then. Anyway like I said, pretty comfy to play on the train in the morning.

Yes. I'm working on getting the achievement diary cape right now.

Its free now

I quit around the time raids 1 dropped. The game is becoming way too geared towards normalfags. Constant "QoL" updates that wind up streamlining everything so you can do it as quickly and efficiently as possible is not fun. Constantly introducing significantly easiee and more afk methods to get xp is not fun for me. I liked osrs when you had to play for 6-8 hours a day if you wanted to be a high skill level in a reasonable time. Now it's just turned into yet another game you afk grind on your phone for 2 hours on the commute to work. You wind up getting just as much xp during that time in things like slayer, runecrafting, or fire making than you would have gotten from playing all day back in 2015/early 2016.
It's just yet one more thing casualized and ruined for me by nornalfags.

The community is terrible and I hate how they poll everything. Other than Clue Scrolls and a couple quests, all of the updates have been god awful for the game. In a couple years they'll need to bring back another version of the game again.

The clients like OSBuddy that most people use are also fucked, it literally ruins every part of the game and makes it a hundred times easier. Why Jagex hasn't banned it I'll never know.

on and off. what puts me off is that basically everyone you meet in game is in the end game which makes your own accomplishments feel kind of petty

Everyone uses RuneLite now.

>Why Jagex hasn't banned it I'll never know.
Because Jagex has a garbage client.

>In a couple years they'll need to bring back another version of the game again.
They probably will take rake more wallets clean of cash. The game is a business after all.

Most of those people grind the game unreal (combat) or buy tons of gold (real world trade) to go through the game faster (better gear for combat quickly).

>take rake
to rake*

>I realized even then how much of my fucking life I was wasting
All video games are a waste of time, but honestly deep down everything is really. All we have is time and then one day we die, so do whatever you feel like doing in life that gives you some sort of enjoyment. If something does not, then never go back.

This is exactly how I feel. They are currently waging a war against the right mouse button and have announced a dedicated "QoL" team. They are going to poll a Humongeous pouch(A fused runecrafting pouch), bucket packs, and a bucket filling sand spell next week.

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no. i maxed a few months ago and quit almost straight away. i wish i had something to fill the void

start a uim

Everyday. I play it alone. If anyone wants to be friends, I'm up for it.

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total levels??

Maxed as in 126 combat or all 99's, plus max cape?

lol I'm not gonna be your friend get fucked you anime posting loser lmaooo

rsn desu?


good. I want my friends only to be animeposting weebs

liz warren

1900 total

keep telling yourself that while you continue to play alone lmaooo'ing at your life rn desu

>1900 total
God fucking damn. How long have you been at it to get that far?

started playing a few weeks ago, I'm a F2P Player with 470 total stats rn.

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>(OS)RS is boring to me now
>can't get into proper MMOs like FFXIV or WoW no matter how hard I try

sounds good to me

I created my account about a year ago, actually!

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i play only occasionally for nostalgia/timewasting reasons, currently trying to get 99 agility on a level 3 character.

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How many hours a day do you play?

Not really, I played a lot on launch and I played the original private server that gave birth to the official one (Rs2006/2006scape.) Too many normies now though. Maxed a main, a pure, a ranged tank, and an Ironman. A lot of the new graphical assets just don't work with each other at all, let alone the old assets. Zeah was a huge letdown. Everything has become easy as fuck.

added you, im similar total lvl but been playing since 2013

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I've said it before but OSRS is on its way to becoming a RS3 but without EoC. Maybe someday we may even get that.

maxed cape + champion cape aswell

I still play it, mostly on my 1 defence pure ironman that I just use for skilling

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What's your RSN? aboriginal comment right here

By the way guys "r9k" fc is the official r9k fc

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i started playing osrs about two months ago after not playing it since back in the olden days of 2008 or so. been having a blast, i'm currently doing recipe for disaster and just need to finish up awowogei and evil dave. this game is so fucking addicting

Boomer shit ikek

How come it seems like some players progress extremely fast and no matter how much I play using quick methods this game seems like leveling takes an eternity? Do these people play all day every single day and do nothing else or am I just playing wrong?

tfw no infernal cape

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These people play 8 hours a day every day, consistently, using max xp/hr methods that they read guides for

The dominant method of playing 07 now is "efficiently" not "for fun"

You can play your own way though, who cares about competing, that's my motto. I've reached the top levels and ranks in some skills on my main in pre-EOC so now I realize it's the journey, not the destination

Just have fun user, forget about what others are doing, play your own way, make an ironman if you want it's extra fun because it makes you do weird things you wouldn't normally like pickpocket for clues to get your clothes you want instead of just buying it in the GE for 5k

last night I had a dream about playing runescape it looked like osrs and I was talking to an online friend who I considered to be my best friend at one point but we don't talk anymore. None of those people play anymore. My friends list is just a list of [#353E5rr] and [#Friend23]. Everyone has moved on, I'll probably never talk to any of these people ever again. I woke up from the dream and I've just been super lethargic and depressed all day.

I miss mmos when they were about talking to friends and hanging out playing for fun.

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>tfw your entire social life used to be on Runescape
>You had a home world and knew everyone, you'd see the same people doing farm runs early in the morning, you'd see the bank standing sluts dancing in short shorts holding flowers
>You'd see the same guys talking shit
>Drama, gossip, rumors, groups who liked or disliked each other
>Cool groups, lame groups who took the game too seriously
>Friends chats and impromptu talking groups that formed outside the bank when certain people showed up
>People who always wore the same thing and you recognized them but never talked to them or knew anything about them, but you liked the fact that they were familiar and recognizable

>Severe social phobia and probably autism made you love this place so much and it was your only social interaction with the world because school was so miserable and you couldn't talk to people, you were always bullied for being quiet and weird
>But here you could actually be yourself, you could talk with your own real personality, not the boring quiet bland personality that manifests when you're in public and your social phobia takes over

>Now it's all gone
>All these friends you spent years talking to every day
>You'll never see them again
>If you contacted them out of the blue over Facebook they'd probably think "wtf lol"
>Now you have nobody
>Try to make new friends in-game but everyone has groups already formed and you're like the new kid at school
>You're also older now and don't have as much time because you're busy at work where all the interactions are impersonal and business oriented

I feel like my life is over, I want to cry because I miss my RS friends so bad, sometimes I'd spill my spaghetti and admit to people at the time that they were my best friends and they'd all be kind of weirded out. I guess for them it was just a thing on the side, but for me it was all I had

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Yeah its the same for me my dude depression and social anxiety. Used it as an escape from reality and a way to socialize. I'd hang out at player owned houses and varrock sq at my home world. People stopped showing up and the world number was actually completely removed eventually. People stopped coming online less and less and we all just sort of drifted apart.

I play rs3 but i'm going to max soon and switch over.
Please give tips for HCIM on osrs

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Ahh dang it. It's too late for me to get started and catch up now.

>All these friends you spent years talking to every day
>they'd all be kind of weirded out
>I guess for them it was just a thing on the side, but for me it was all I had

Most people you meet online or in real life are not truly "friends," because deep down they just want to use you in some way to get ahead in life and they don't give a fuck about you, but they be fake to your face in order for you to not see who they really are.

There are very few people in life that you may meet who are not like that, but it is very rare, and if you do meet someone like that don't treat them like garbage.

The weirdest thing I had happen to me in OSRS is someone who was unreal (stats and money) told me they were miserable and they were planning on hanging themselves. I told them that I know the feeling and they saw how I go for 99's and gave me over 300m total, and told me to have fun. They said sup a few more times randomly after I achieved more 99's, then vanished. I am not sure if they are dead or alive, but I think they probably just wanted to quit and are alive.

don't die
never take risks
stay far away from the wilderness

just fyi theres tens of thousands of players on osrs everyday still

Another story:

Had a random player come up to me and ask me if he could be my slave. I went along with it and told them sure. Eventually after adding this person and talking to them a bit I find out that they like to be dominated and told they are a worthless piece of shit, failure, etc. In exchange for doing this to them all of the time I received tons of free gp. They told me they got off on it and I honestly found it weird as shit, but oh well people like different stuff. This went on for about a year or so, then eventually they quit. The strange shit that happens to me on this game.

That's hot. where did you meet them?

They approached me at the Grand Exchange. I have met more strange people on OSRS than any other game I have played. I find it funny.

What's your RSN? Do you still actively play?

>What's your RSN?
Please Bond

>Do you still actively play?
I play when I can.

Imagine playing the inferior version. Shake my head.
to be fair both games are pretty bad


original fucking comment

Surely do, now on huge break. Skilling, doing quests, and going for that cool untrimmed HP cape.

who /irongod/ here??????

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I do, been thinking about playing rs3 though. Not because I'm bored of OSRS (I'm ~1800 total) but my teenaged tantrum when rs2 got EoC, then transformed into rs3 and booted me out, making me lose all my accumulated runespan shit pissed me off. That garbage put a bad taste in my mouth and I haven't even looked back at rs3 until recently, mostly out of curiosity to see if it's redeemable at all. I can glance over the mtx shit because I refuse to spend money on f2p games, but moreover I would prefer to give rs3 a fair chance. Maybe I'll even like both. I mostly just want to judge it proper rather than letting something petty be my reasoning for disliking it. It has had time to grow and possibly improve similarly to OSRS and rs2. I'm skeptical of that, though that's a given.

To anyone currently playing right now:

What are you guys up to?

grinding a dwh...

barb fishing

Splashing 99 magic.

I tried playing it, but I really cant bring myself to pay for a sub, and after beating most of the free stuff I dont see what else there is to do

kms when max

hope all you robot scapers are comfy, post what you're doing in-game if you like.

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they need a system where accounts created before 2012 can transfer stats to OSRS

I do and i hate every second of it

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So I was 13 and I met this mormon girl on RS.
this was back in 2010 and we would hang out and do the heart emote.
She thought I was 10, what a jerk.
I'll never forget you Whispy Hollow you were a real bro (girl/gf)

>wanting to interact with other losers who play this game
Fuck off

Then why play?

Yup, and I always beat my cock the entire time while playing. There ain't nothing better.

My record is 13 times in one day.

I can't run anything on my pc + a bit of hyperbole

>I can't run anything on my pc
You must have a big piece of shit PC, because mine is a really old piece of shit (2007) and I can still get 22 - 30 fps, but if huge crowds then 12 - 14 fps using RuneLite on OSRS.

Without this and some of the features that help with FPS, then yeah I am fucked.

Training Crafting to 99. The cape is cool and the perk to teleport to the Crafting guild is great.

Any fast way to 99 without losing money?

Gold or diamond bracelets can be around 100k xp/h, and you only lose or gain a couple gp.

Will keep that in mind, thanks user.

stop playing videogames and learn a skill

My cooking is already 99.

I would love to play it but I get way too addicted to it. Such a coincidence to see this thread because I quit before eoc dropped and started playing osrs just last week. In that week, I played 8 hours everyday. Going to quit now whilst I can. This game is a waste of time

>In that week, I played 8 hours everyday. Going to quit now whilst I can. This game is a waste of time
I don't blame you.

I have over 2 years of total login time on various accounts over the past 14 years I've been playing RS. I hate myself.

I take it in doses, I use the kingdom management minigame as an excuse to take a vacation. It functions even when you're free to play so I use a bond, play for 2 weeks and stop for at least 2-3 months minimum. There's not much at all for me to do in f2p at this point so I can walk away without my mmorpg addiction flaring up.

Favorite quest? One I really enjoyed was The Holy Grail.

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i wanna make a pure so bad but every time i get members on the 1 def account i have i dont play at all. fuck me

>2 years of total login time
God damn

>I hate myself.
Just find something else to do if you hate video games as a whole so much. Honestly you can get really good at something other than a video game very quickly with practice. Video games are purposely made to be slow to progress (usually), so you're a slave to them in order to keep profits flowing to the company that owns them in some way.

None, I see people with the quest cape all of the time. I think I don't know how they do it, because questing makes me want to suicide.