How exactly did a racist, sexist, homophobic Cheeto become the President of the United States...

How exactly did a racist, sexist, homophobic Cheeto become the President of the United States? Can someone please remind me how this happened? The fact that someone like Drumpf is in charge of the country makes me lose my faith in humanity.

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niggers originally desu senpai


epic shitpost, my guy. truly top tier

grrrr i'm so mad now lmao.

>baiting this hard
Get back to b npc

If you don't get it by now, then you're probable lost forever.

Wipipo mad they can't have white student unions

That's a Dorito though?

topkek btfo

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Nobody liked either candidate. At least Trump is outwardly evil, so everyone knew what to expect.

Let tell you bout niggers.

all of you shut the hell up retards

>Trump is outwardly evil
how is he evil at all?


If they kept their racist, sexist, hateful, anti-science, anti-free speech, anti-art ideologies on the down low Hillary could have been president.

Enough people think and feel as he does to get an electoral college majority. They always have. We just didn't notice it till now.

No that's just for edgy sheltered neckbeards on Jow Forums
America is legit a racist country, at least it was in the beginning. It's built upon the genocide of the natives and the slavery of blacks. Sure the country's come a long way from her past, but there remains some strongholds of racism still today. Trump appealed to these remaining strongholds

But unemployment hasn't been lower for black people in history!

He's a braggart, a slumlord, a rapist, a liar, and a cheater, for starters.

But racism isn't bad dude, where's the problem?

I know somebody should do something about those clintons!

every news article said hillary had a 99% chance of winning, cartoonists were literally preparing the night before to draw hillary breaking the glass ceiling, every major media organization including facebook and twitter was on hillary's side, they even had a fucking children's story book written about the whole thing that was supposed to inspire every little girl but they revised last second

despite all this, she lost

it had nothing to do with trump, a literal fucking monkey could have been in charge. it was just how god awful and how much of a piece of two timing legacy politician hillary was. she was the absolute worst candidate

and the best part is, democrats never learned this lesson and they will have someone even wrose go up against him in 2020, with more identity politics

Fuck off, retard. I already said that Hillary wasn't any better. BUT AT LEAST WE KNOW TRUMP IS EVIL AND CAN ANTICIPATE HIS MOVES.

All fake and gay, except braggart which isn't even a problem

Because of dumbasses like you. All you can do is spit out increasingly diluted buzzwords without ever doing anything useful. Would you care to tell me what Hillary's campaign promises were because I don't recall her ever saying what she would actually do if she were president, she just expected the peons to kneel before her and usher her into office.
It was war, they lost. it's not our fault guns work better than arrows
Every other nation on God's green earth was built on slavery and all future states will be built on slavery; America is no exception here.

Just like how Obama crippled the economy and accumulated more debt than any previous president combined. Now explain to me how a higher gdp is so evil? How unemployment for African Americans hasn't been lower in 60 years is so evil? You're evil for trying to take away good jobs from hard working Americans.

But op! That's a dorito!!!!

Kill yourself, cocksucker.

Oh wow user you're so edgy

This is pretty poor bait. Maybe try post it on Jow Forums

Why would anyone vote?

>posts dorito

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>Kill yourself, cocksucker
You sure showed him

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Fuck off, schizotard.

He's not wrong you retarded fag

Kill yourself, retard. Nobody likes you, and nobody likes this thread.

Whites went into their land, killed them off, and took the land. That's genocide.

And slavery of blacks is different from slavery elsewhere in the world, because it was justified by racism. Blacks were dehumanized to justify their enslavement

Faggots who can't even debate deserve to die.

So kill yourself, nigger.

>all the racism in this thread

Eat shit you white ass faggot

All slavery requires dehumanisation
The only difference is whitey wrote it down

what does any of that shit have to do with running a country though?


Fuck off faggot

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>inb4 200+ replies and 46 images omitted

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Because everyone is fed the fuck up with shitty brown people ruining everything white people have created and then blaming us for the mess.

Trump is a fucking retard but I'll vote for him again because fuck you. We tried Civic nationalism, we tried giving you welfare but you're hell-bent on demographic warfare... well, so be it.

I would have rather had Pat Buchanan but if it's a choice between another corrupt cunt or him, I'll pick the option that lets me crash this country with no survivors

I wonder if some day your retarded ideological brain is just going to get a system32 error and fizzle out from how wrong you are.

most likely bait, but go to Jow Forums fucktard

Americans are extremely uneducated on average. The end.

He was elected by the racist, sexist, homophobic Cheetos who voted for him.

Nothing wrong with racism, never has any group considered there to be a problem with racism until the 20th century. Anti-fascist losers are the closest thing to mental children in today's society, with ugly ass asymmetrical faces and fucked up genetics. I have never met an attractive modern communist in all of the time I've spent on twitter and talking to people online, it's no mistake why this is.

Because the progressive base of the DNC is so out of touch with voters that they don't realize that the people they're alienating control their margins. That's why they lost the rust belt. Had Jim Webb won the Democratic primary you bet we would have a Democrat president, house and Senate.

>Whites went into their land, killed them off, and took the land. That's genocide.
A disorganized clusterfuck of tribes got fucked one by one by superior logistics and firepower. Any "sacred land" bullshit was cooked up after the fact, they didn't give a shit.
>because it was justified by racism
My keks can't get any higher lad. African tribes continue to slaughter and enslave each other to this very day just out of spite and Arabs castrated their African slaves because they didn't want them to breed and make more black people. Or is the white man so magnificent that his mere existence puts others at a disadvantage?

Your NPC levels are off the charts my dude.

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It all boils down to jealousy. We did nothing they don't also do, we just did it better. In fact we are the least evil because we are the only ones that force ourselves to feel guilty for conquering our enemies. Frankly that is the fatal flaw.

Buttblasted mudchild detected

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Because white American men are super racist so he appealed to them in a visceral way

It all comes down to "what can I do to get the white man to allow me all the gibs I want"
And one of the best ways to do that is the guilt which has been drilled into the heads of every white man since birth.

>every white man feels guilt
>t. Racist white man the biggest racist white man website online

Real guilt there bud kys

>he doesn't realize that the curse is witnessing his women fall to the feet of the other race

What's that, Bonquiqui?
I can't hear you over all of that sheboon ass I'm pounding off (((Tinder)))

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Wow, some people are still racist. Really convinces me that we aren't educated to feel guilty about our race from birth.

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