Who is the best girl and why is it Kelly? Girl beside her is deathconsciousnwss
Other urls found in this thread:
kelly best best best girl
g'night avery
isn't this other girl the one with the big tongue?
g'night crispyposter
she is the one with the big tongue, yes
elly has a kinda big tongue too tho
Daily reminder Avery is an underage roastie attention whore who samefags named Emma.
One of Cvnka's useless sluts.
i'm not an underage roastie
nice bait
listening to any music right now? tell me
me and cvnka are friends but we dont talk very often
i know
i wish i had a big tongue gf
where do i find a big tongue gf?
simply become a tongue inspector
Did someone say Jerry? I think I heard someone say something about Jerry....or was it Frosby....maybe Buffy? I just don't know with all these Chads anymore.
absolutely based frosby poster
but how do I politely ask cute girls to inspect their tongues?
im listening to this
I wish I could take credit for starting the trend, but alas....that title goes to my good fren Based Frosby user....the man who created Frosby as we know it. I hope they see this thread and bless us with their presence.
Oh. I have a few pictures of that 'Jerry' around. This guy, right..? Yeah.. I've heard of him.
Based Frosby user blessed the world with that new picture last night. I love it! He looks sooo much like his dogs....or do his dogs look a lot like him? The world may never know. Jerry has been known to make the rounds on this website. Some say he is the most smug a person can ever be....the smuggest man in the world some say.
kelly wants to kill or be killed
Just like that one guy in those Paul Blart movies! What was his name again? Larry, Tim, Steve? I can't remember myself.
>Paul Blart movies
The fit guy who drove the mall mobile with the mustache? Ron, right?
man, kelly has a powerful charm about her. i wonder if she does occult stuff
Shes got such a little rat face and weird mouth
Noo.. Kelly wouldn't. Would she..?
yea kewis a rat what about it
these long tongue ladies are something else
tell the truth kelly poster. what are your thoughts on the matter of kelly and the occult
sorry..i...cant do that, i've sworn secrecy about this.. to.. a friend..
spider??? what is the meaning
>storm bolt is here now too
whole gangs here
scary scary scary
just do it very carefully
Yea, it was that dude! Man I wish I could be as cool as him....or Jerry. If I was as smug as Jerry, I don't know what I would do.
Is this the orbiter thread?
absolutely. i orbit Kelly and her friend Melly.
kelly has stinky pale feet
kelly a smelly
aren't you disgusted with yourself, are you without dignity or self esteem, serious question, what is your end game with all of this, don't you know they don't care about you where is the appeal?
boo rar
ill just orbit them here. and only here.
that's redeemable at least, I just want to know the motivations behind it.
First those anorexic threads now this shit
Please Avery, why must you be so fucking cancerous?
theyre cuties. cuties get orbited its the natural order. theres no deeper motivation other than its what i wanna do.
admiration of beauty is one thing, I'm talking about the end of the spectrum full blown devotion the kinda shit that goes on in orbit discords. Like seeking validation from teen girls that like to prey on attention from lonely losers.
no. not that kind of orbiting. i dont discord. i post what i need to say here on r9k and thats how ive been. no discord no skype no 1v1 talks or group talks. maybe im the only one who doesnt do that so when i say orbiting it means something else.
looks like a water color painting if you look at only the thumbnail.
I wouldn't really consider that orbiting because the person in question is not involved directly.
its nothing like discord groupie orbiting. its still kinda orbiting but through an anonymous medium. its fun for me, Kelly is just a Muse for my ramblings and energy. its fun to guess what she would be like. if i explain myself further the fun is gone from it.
Where is this girl actually from? And is she a real girl female?
its orbiting because you made a thread for Kelly, and my attention is "orbiting" around your thread.
Kelly is from brazil. And I'm pretty sure it's a real female.
Kelly is very original! Other girls might have personalities but Kelly doesn't need that, she can take pictures that makes her look quirky! I want to marry Kelly and maybe our children will be shallow imitations of humans too!