What does she mean anons?

What does she mean anons?

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call her a roastie.
Ask her
>how do you feel that people prefer fapping to anime girls instead of your roastie kind

Help me study look at how adorable and lovely I am tee hee pay attention to me and do everything I want

she means "let's study together"
she doesn't find you repulsive, but don't read anything more into it beyond that.

>female calling guys "dude"
Straight into the trash.

Ignore angry virgins
She is asking you to help her study. Take it at face value and don't embarrass yourself you numb fucking retard.

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She's a good girl desu, naive and uncorrupted.
But wtf does this imply?

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this OP. is she a stacey? be honest to yourself or she will just use you for notes and good grades. all staceys love having a pathetic harem under their belt.


Probably saying that she doesn't want to look at the textbook and instead wants to hit two birds with one stone by either wanting to partly study with you but see if you want to ask her out or make romantic relations with her OR just wants you to give her everything she doesn't know OR she is the kind of girl that wants to just talk or walk around (or you're the kind of guy that is less masculine that she wants to be friends with)
Dunno which since Idk what she looks like. Not enough info OP for proper conclusion. Leaving me and my procrastinating ass hanging.

bitch wants your time and info for free.

That's a good sign user. Just act calm and cool when you guys study and wait for a good opportunity to ask her to hangout afterwards. Ask her what she's doing after you guys study and if she isn't busy ask her if she wants to hang out or do something.


"Help me study" =/= "Come fuck me"

Take it at face value and go help if you want to, and if you don't want to go just say that something came up. Cool your jets you fucking cockroach

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No she isn't a Stacy, she's a naive good girl

What trap? I'M SCARED DESU


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Fucking nothing you thirsty retard. She wants something, probably doesn't hate you and is being personable/nice.

So she text "see you friday" right after she asked if you could study together? Am I missing something here?


Do this if you feel good & confident. Don't make it sound like you're offering anything more than literally just spending more time together.

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Shut up you faggot. She could have easily said stuff without the emojis and talked much more formally and boring but she didn't. She showed emotion and obviously has some interest. I'm not saying she's in love with him or anything but obviously there is more to it and if user plays his cards right, something could develop.

Yea, should i post the whole convo?

> dude

Don't get your hopes up.

Imagine being this fucking stupid. Of course you think shes niave and shit but she wouldnt say that if she was. YOU FELL FOR HER CUTESY STUDY GIRL TRAP AAAAA

Yes please user. Comfy

>You're such a good friend
That's literally what she meant fag.

>this guy gets it
Stop deluding yourself, OP

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It's better to hammer into the OP this girl is really not doing anything special. Maybe he has a chance but what we've seen so far of the chat means basically fuck all and he needs to moderate his expectations

Yea yea, fuck you

>being this much of an autist
My God...

Maybe i am delusional

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Part 2
6 parts total

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Try charmingly treating her like dogshit and see what happens.

Part 3
I was tryna finesse but her initiating conversation got to me

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Charisma and charm are the essences of misogyny. Be a mean asshole, but do it with a facetious smile.

How do i do that senpai

I want to be Chad

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Part 5, almost there
I want this to go well guys, so please actually give tips

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>She's a good girl desu, naive and uncorrupted
If you believe that, you are the naive one here bruh

"i gotchu"

a girl used to talk to me like this and she broke my heart

good luck user

Why can't the world just Be a good place, y is everyone so cynical. It's gay as hell
Last pic and end of convo

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do u fall so hard inside the idea of her?

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it doesnt matter what you text her, if you wanna fuck you gotta make your move irl

a girl like this stood me up on a study date today, don't trust them

I don't wanna just smash, i actually want her as gf

>calls you dude
yeah its over. call her bro the next time you have a chance

Why your keyboard so big nigga?

I'm not trying to ruin your view, I'm trying to help you from getting set up in your mind that she is so pure girl. If she is the least bit attractive, I highly doubt she survived high school unless she is a total autist, or like she was fat during it or something. Maybe I'm wrong and you found a unicorn, and if she is interested, I hope that's true for you buddy. I just wouldn't go in expecting that. If you are fine with that if that is the case though, and you think she is interested, go for it user.

thats fine but if youre over 18, you need to fuck before she becomes your gf

thats just how girls talk normally you fucking retard. of course you wouldnt know, since the only interaction you get is with other internet autists

>Ignore angry virgins
im > and I am not virgin, you are just BETA
>She's a good girl desu
No she isnt
>But wtf does this imply?
Where you fucked up was not talking to her like you would any guy.
She knows you are Beta because the way you type, she just wants guys to chase her man.
woman are pyschological manipulators.

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>saying bye to eachother while texting
do... do people actually do this?

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Because my dick big
Ouryigu dif7ffn juijgdss

Different user, but does she want to fuck?

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Ignore these fucking retards, girls call people dude all the time it doesn't fucking mean anything

Why would you bring attention to the fact that you have never studied with someone before

What the fuck is wrong with you dude? Do you not see how pathetic that makes you look? I want to slap the shit out of you right now.

U came off so pathetic man.
You need to act non interested.
I had a roastie who I openly insulted constantly want me come stay with her at one point.
DOnt come off as thirsty, act disinterested a bit

It has been a long time since I have seen a girl this uninterested in a convo. Congrats.

Part 2 of x

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Absolutely not. Notice how her replies are all one to two words. Just read this conversation aloud and youll see what I mean. Her replies have no substance and she clearly does not want to converse with you

Thanks user, i appreciate it.


she does not, those responses are so conversation-ending, like she's putting 0 effort in. DESU she looks p bad so I'd just go to the next one my dude.

>Didn't message first
>Gives simplest possible replies
>Makes no effort to keep conversation going
She's not that into you but you could still probably get her to fuck

>Different user, but does she want to fuck?
two word responses to your books
You sperged so hard and look at her.
You are sperging over a 4/10 man at most.
dude forget 3DPD and just fap to anikme girls my god man you are fucking this uup,anime girls are pure anyway
>What the fuck is wrong with you dude? Do you not see how pathetic that makes you look? I want to slap the shit out of you right now.

this actually makes me physically cringe. trying so hard and being so beta with a literal ugly 2/10 girl

>a fucking monologue
>I-Is she interested guize?

alright alvin, listen. she is just being friend. many guys make the mistake of being too antsy, they read too much into cues and take them too literally, and approach this girl from a weird angle. no good man. just keep it light anf friendly like she is being. she likes you enough to get together with you. i think she likes you but isnt committed to letting her give you either the f for fuck or the f for friendship. it could potentially be both, this is how i see things.

>Want to see what happens tomorrow night
>Yea I would like that

Well shit, let me shut the hell up then. You must be a Chad.

Still? I have her # now

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Like I said, she's not that into you, but you could still probably get her to fuck. But if she cancels on you tomorrow and give you some bullshit excuse then cut all ties

OMG man, why do you bother they are whores.

dont let her know you are virgin, all woman are whores and LOVE being dicked

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>that last comment
nigga what the fucking shit. why are you in this situation, she looks like shrek and the chemistry between you is terrible fuuuuuuuuuuu

All she wants is a quick fuck. Shes disinterested in her life and needs sex to keep her satiated. She doesnt give a fuck about you at all, youre just another dick she can put inside of her and then ignore afterwards. Youre pathetic

Do i still have hope user?


Ty I'm just an older guy with an interesting job

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Damn she is fucking painfully average looking. You know those girls that are so average that they some how loop around into being ugly? That is her.

NONONONONO that is just literally how girls text OP believe me you are reading way too deep into this because you have no experience to relate it too and youre projecting your own desires into the situation.

>looking for relationship advice on a board full of lonley, bitter virgins and rejects
I shiggy diggy

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>lol u good
you. fucking. IDIOT.
you shouldve taken her up on the study group, holy shit. that second text she sent was her feeling embarrassed about even suggesting it. and you blew her off completely. holy shit i know were on r9k but how are you so DENSE.


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Give it a shot user, you have nothing to lose. Ask her to hang out after you guys study together, just as friends, and see what happens. How is she when you're around her? Do you know her well?
Not all the time you stupid faggot. I've talked to girls and you can tell when they aren't interested vs. when they want to get closer. This is the latter.

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>I've talked to girls
obligatory reeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck off and die you shitstain

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Shes really flexible though...

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what do you mean why? you need to see if you are compatible sexually before you date. why would you want a gf that doesnt please you sexually? on the other hand, why would she want a guy that doesn't do the same? i'm saying you need to set up some dates and frame your relationship as a sexual one before you even consider her as a gf.

what was your plan? have her as a gf then fuck her like after 3 months? lmao

just ask her out after the next time you guys see each other to study or something, she either says yes or no. pretty straightforward

>He's pathetic for having fun with some slut
Keep telling yourself that, incel

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Alright user, I'll keep ot in mind

Some people stand around in a big ball and then go to the right ones and get a silly one

All she wants from you is a fuck. She doesnt give a fuck about talking to you, she doesnt want to eat a meal with you, she doesnt want to watch a movie with you. I know it feels nice to talk to a girl, but dont waste your time on her.

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Shes also literally there to fuck. Hopefully getting ready for my date next Monday with an actually interesting person. Shes a teacher and actually interested in my job and what I do

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How do i enable a whore?

Original and the other world is actually my favorite outfit

No, hes pathetic for asking her to spend time with him eating and watching a movie, and for trying to have a conversation with her when she clearly doesnt care. Nice b8 m8

As I said in that's all I want. Just a nice young flexible girl


Christ, white women age like absolute dogshit.

How do i not be dense, teach me

I walk very briskly to get in line with the best of my ability to be a good friend and I

uuggghhh, you sound so boring dude. why didnt you play along with the llama scenario and make a joke out of it? girls like jokes, user.

you guys are frustrating me. it's not hard to be charismatic.

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Ohhh, ok i understand now

We had a substitute for a long while ago that was a good time to get a

>How do i not be dense, teach me
>I walk very briskly to get in line with the best of my ability to be a good friend and I
You are beyond hope.

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Even sweet girls don't like guys like us though. Robots are universally unattractive because either we're ugly, we don't feel worthy of love, ornsome other reason.
If she likes you, congrats, but you're not a robot if so.
If a girl is attracted to you and you're still a robot for whatever reason

I already have plans to ask her out next week.

A journey of four years in duration of the year and a half hours after

The food was just there because it's part of the conversation. I'll just pop on some trashy horror movie. Put my arm around her and go from there.

But I'm also a pussy virgin so who knows

Sorry man. I know girls that have texted me like this and they definitely didn't want to bang. Girls jist like being girly