are women evil or are we just bitter resentful males like the mainstream says?
Are women evil or are we just bitter resentful males like the mainstream says?
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People in general are pretty trash. Women are trash in a specific way and so are men. You just have to try and find the decent ones, or the ones you can be trash together with.
Who the fuck cares about either group?
No, findom fags are evil, they allow women to pretend to be dommes while not actually doing anything dominant. They literally just throw resources at women for no reason, they are even worse than actual cuckolds as at least cuckolds are sexual.
Everytime you meet someone, you roll the dice. Will they be awful or will they be nice? Some people get snake eyes every time. That's how you get a world view like mine.
We are resentful because we met the worst of them
well i'm an incel who tends to dislike women i just want to make sure i'm not just being biased because i can't get laid
no but their standards are extremely high in 2018. Then again, so are ours so everyone's getting fucked
Women are evil. The mainstream is always simplistic and based on appeals to emotion since it has to pander to the most amount of people as possible. In short, it's always bullshit.
Is there such a thing as too much freedom?
Even if you were wrong then just fucking be wrong. Don't take yourself that seriously
Yes, and women have it. They don't deserve half the rights they've been given due to their biology and nature.
Woman aren't evil, they just have a lot of power when it comes to sex which allows them to manipulate men with ease.
>muh biotruths
fuck off
Society basically depends on enslaving beta males to work like dogs and often get cucked by Chad. Religion does this very well which is why Christianity and Islam were historically so successful. Some groups and races have basically been bred to be the perfect obedient robots like Japs and Gooks which is why they also know how to wagecuck like a bitch and slobber on Mr. Shekarusteinu's cock all day long so well
There have been societies of relatively free men who don't like the betacuck provider life of working like a dog and being a wagecuck bitch. We call these people "hunter-gatherers" and they live at the fringes of civilization, being tragically exterminated by hordes of men who, while as a collective more powerful by seemingly infinite orders of magnitude, are individually their inferiors, without question.
For a long time, it was possible to deflect from and hide the oppression and tyrannous nature of civilization. Not only did civilized men enjoy the benefits of a materially more complex society, but this material prosperity made possible the sort of liberal civilization that we saw in the United States peaking around 1970.
But now! we see civilization taking its true form. Almost universal surveillance and social media are stripping us of what little privacy we had, and we must all make sure every small decision we make meets the approval of the Hive. We are as bad off as the main character in 1984, perhaps worse off. Because at least in 1984, Ingsoc ADMITTED WHAT IT WAS.
>lefty buzzwords
Roastie toasties like you are cancer. Your gender destroys everything good in life.
Yep, thats right, you dont do fucking anything with yourself while i bust my ass working for sheckleberg
And you still winge about being "oppressed"
Japs aren't obedient, large amounts of them are refusing to work or breed
The worst thing about it is that shes probably a 7 at best underneath the makeup and filters.
Passively not breeding is biological failure though. MGTOW is like ragequitting a game: you technically avoid losing (you aren't working like a slave and you don't get cucked), but you don't win either (the epitome of which would be gettiing to have hot sex with PTP on your own terms).
nobody cares about your arbitrary definitions for failure or success
That's a relatively new thing. Probably because we have enough distractions to make woman obsolete now.
Oh and having kids but not being in a society where you have to work like a dog to support them. Which WAS possible with the hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
It's also possible for the idle elites today, whether that be Mr Shekelgoldwitz the Wall Street broker or Mr. Tyrone Washington, currently a man of leisure.
In a way ironically enough almost any of us CAN breed and avoid the betawagecuck experience. We just have to give up any sense of social respectability or responsibility as it's traditionally conceived.
Going by that tweet and her name she's a financial dominatrix meaning some sick fucks get off on giving her their hard earned money
>nose ring
>caked up face
>shitty lips
>fake eyebrows
I would not pay this roast anything.
This. It means fuck all when you're dead. Even more so when your lineage eventually dies out.
Both. the few things women want from men are placed in a dichotomy-that is males who have low testosterone are favored into positions with financial secured while emotionally stabled men (from a woman perspective) are marginalized to any position to support children.
That's why women chase after Chad while hoping that a beta male will take care of her offspring.
So why are women evil even if what is said is the case? Because women as a collective allow this dichotomy to occur.
maybe your standards are normal but to a guy who can't get laid like me she looks really hot
Both. Chads are the kind of guys strong and forceful enough to subdue the wicked nature of women but we just don't have the guts to properly handle them and it leaves us cold.
you don't need to be a chad, just develop some backbone jesus christ
You still need bargaining power. Chad gets away with it because he has options and can afford to walk away.
No. This woman is clearly angry with herself for not being anything better than a sex worker, decided to own it, and now she has an army of neckbeards and Zoomies racing after her.
You can tell she probably had big plans for her life in high school and college, but the Chads she fucked rattled her brain and she couldn't remember what she wanted in life anymore.
When she realized she was too retarded for any useful role in society, she decided to become a sex worker, and thus, is secretly miserable over how dead her life and job is, but needs to upkeep an image of slutiness and sexual attraction to her audience.
To sum up: angry, arrogant slut is secret a depressed deadbeat.
When the only thing you have going for yourself are your cellulite loaded body and a few kilos of makeup.
that's literally more than enough to get a man to love you, you're just a coping male
That will obviously not be original.
Its a persona you dunce. And I happy where I am without a relationship, thank you.
shes a cam whore dummy, she's playing into it as are her fans. Only a retard would think its real.
I don't understand how women who are this cocky about their appearance don't realize they have maybe 10 years of capitalizing on it before nobody likes them anymore.
Got to ride the cellulite horse will it lasts I guess
that's 10 more than I would ever have, you act like it's a bad thing, but she would just turn into a milf after that
I'm not giving you shit you used up sow.
Nah senpai. They have 10 years where all they do is ride the cock carousel and then when they are about to reach the wall, they marry a beta provider.
They won at life.