>IQ of 116
>Listening to Beethoven on a cool summers eve


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Other urls found in this thread:


Stupid b8, try again.

Isnt 116 only considred above average?

It's one above above average

>IQ dick measurefag
>IQ is only one point above the average range

Megu posters are big brain.

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>IQ of 141
>want to die

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I'm probably High IQ based on the average IQ's for people in my major.
Right now working on a presentation that I should have been working on for at least a few days, but I've become so burnt out at this point. Senior year of college is really awful.

My IQ is 130. I'm dissatisfied because I'd like to say I'm a genius but I shouldn't complain because I'm not a retard. An IQ 130 is like the 8 inch dick of IQs.

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You're just aware of how you really feel toward people that don't share in your genetics.

You're not a psychopath
World is just fucked-up

8 inches is 99th percentile. also mfw I have both (128 iq)

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>man, life is hard being soooo smart, amirite fellow intellectuals?
for people who are supposed to be """smart""" you sure don't realize how fucking stupid you sound.


3 AM. Trying to apply for jobs before I go to sleep. Have an interview Wednesday.

If I apply to at least two jobs I won't be lying in the morning. And I will have applied to two more jobs.

IQ tests were a huge mistake

Maybe you're too stupid to understand? and as a defence mechanism, you project.

My IQ is 131 and I'm a lazy NEET with no friends

it's really not everything man

Nobody said it was everything.

Only reason IQ tests are hated is because leftists cannot stand that Nazis were high-IQ.

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>tfw 160 iq with perfect 7.5x6.5 inch penor
8 is too long nigga you'll never go balls deep assuming you ever get a girl

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Imagine not having an IQ >130.
You are a NPC.

>IQ above 120
I hope you didn't get these results from a online test.

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>138 checking in
>25 years old and just barely got my degree this spring
>sitting, baked and amped on energy drinks, posting on Jow Forums after midnight on a Tuesday morning
>kinda want to play vidya but know that vidya are soulless, hollow time sinks that distract me from real life
>kinda wanna watch cartoons but same problem
>post on Jow Forums instead

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IQ of 132.

having a sad day in general.
im waiting to see if i get approved in a college program type shit tho. hope i get in.

This desu. Sub 115 is an NPC. Sub 130 is a trial account.

In regards to the simulation theory, where exactly would our creators be? Is our universe a copy of their universe? That would cause trouble with the theory because then our creators could face extinction.

It's useless to think about the characteristics of our simulation because we have no evidence to ascertain any of those characteristics.

What are you trying to get into?

When you play a video game, you usually have an avatar, right? Unless you're just some cosmic force like in Civ or Sims, but usually.
And if you're really immersed in a game, you start to edit out the stimuli in your room. The chair. The wind from the fan. The sound of your CPU. The feeling in your hands and fingers.
If you became so immersed that you got lost, maybe you'd forget all about your life here on earth altogether. About your real name and your real body.
And if you were to figure out all the mechanics of the game-damage calculations, drop rates, even down to how the world was rendered and how pixels worked-you'd still know nothing about the real world. Knowing everything that the game could tell you through math and exploration and careful analysis of its world wouldn't tell you about the person sitting in the chair, or what atoms were, or what your real name was, or what a video game was and how it worked, or how computers work.
That is, unless somebody just told you in chat. And you'd have to take that on faith. But maybe that's how revelation works.

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mom sent me to a psychologist as a kid because i wouldn't behave, eventually i got an adhd diagnosis and got put on the ritalin jew
but before that he made me take an iq test and gave me a score of 140
i certainly don't feel superior

Simulations can have bugs or exploits. If we encountered one in the universe it'd be fun.

But what if we didn't see it as a bug but just apart of nature?
Even a error has a logical path as to why it exists.

It would be, but it wouldn't reveal anything about the universe of the creator, except maybe beyond intent or a sense of humor.
Also, this would happen:
We'd just see it as a normal game mechanic and it'd get incorporated into gameplay seamlessly, like rocket jumping.

That's the only explanation, that all behavior but that one has a self-consistency with the "rest" of the universe. So far we haven't seen impossible phenomenon, but we can still hope.

You have to have a high IQ to be an effective leader in a country. Almost certainly, Stalin, Churchill, Mao and FDR had high IQs too.

>paid for meme iq test online
>got 121
Cya later brainlets, I paid $3 to see if Im retarded

>Brainstorming world maps and soundtrack for an open roam DnD campaign

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How would we ever know we saw something impossible? Seriously, if it happens, doesn't that mean it's possible? Not even trying to be facetious or pedantic here. I'm just wondering what would qualify an event as truly impossible or miraculous.
The first one that comes to mind is "resurrect the dead," but 1. as medicine gets better our notion of clinical death changes (see: standstill procedure, deep hypothermic cardiac arrest) 2. literally the point of the Resurrection as far as I can tell is that it's not impossible for man to do anymore.

I'm not sure if the prime-leader inherently has a high-IQ, those guys weren't the Fuhrer.

Telling farmers to abandon farming to make steel wasn't a bright move, it's such a big mistake with obvious consequences (id est: there's nobody making any fucking food).
That's under the assumption that he cared if they died of hunger, if he didn't, then I guess it was a good plan.

Impossible: A particle which exceeds the energy input into a system, or is less.

We have physical laws. Anything we observe which violates these laws is open to becoming a bug ticket. People underestimate how much science we do have, and how our current science is like 99.999% accurate. Only when we're trying to model bigger systems (like proteins or colliding stars) do we run into accuracy issues related to complexity. These however are made up of fundamental interactions, which we do measure and observe the same outcomes of quite readily.


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Maybe this is a dumb question, but how does that not just expand the system we're working with?

Thing is, we try to find explanations as to why things exist as they do, so even an error would have had to been generated within the system's rules.

That's the point, errors are often outside the systems rules. If we found an exceptionally large region of space was completely black for example (nothing behind it), that's a problem. Certain things like E=mc^2 and f=ma have been extended and validated over and over. If we collided two particles and they produced way more than the context permits, we have a problem.

A specific example: data errors are not part of the normal systems rules. If we suddenly found a single particle mutating between different particles without any addition of loss or energy, that's not right.

So far our science is down to like 10^-45 seconds or something for units of time, and space is preposterously small but explicable through string theories. Likely errors would probably be impossible to detect, unless it was a explicit fault.


There's something we can't currently explain well: why there's more matter than antimatter. One could hypothesize it's a rounding error in a simulation computer.


I see.
What do you think about this? Interested in what other people think.


'But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun - the plane of the earth around the sun - the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe.'

>tfw 180 iq and 10 inch dick
its not fair
im too smart to get a girlfriend and even when i get one my dick will be too big to have sex
you dont know these struggles

That's not a surprise, it's known that leaders are non-NPC.

yes, a piece of information that no one outside of Jow Forums has ever heard of is the reason why IQ tests are disliked

Jow Forums is schizophrenia

>be me at 18
>mom has an iq of 146
>pushes me into the test via psychologist
>get the results
>mom disowns me


>wasn't a bright move
>resulted in China becoming one of the most powerful countries in the world and one in which he is reveared as a God to this day
It sounds like a good plan to me.

b-but muh 6 gazillion starved to death chinks

>137 IQ
It's weird how it's borderline useless to have if you don't incorporate it into your life. I'm doing college, but it just seems gay.

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>the holomeme didnt happen lol jews are evil anyways and id support it if it happened
>slavery was ok niggers are subhuman lol
>the US didnt do anything wrong lol who cares about dead subhumans lol
>b-but muh Russian and Chinese farmers
>gommunism is ebul!!1!!!
>look at all these poor people who died because of the evil communist jews!!1!
we need a holocaust of Jow Forumsfags

i think you really need to read the posts before you reply you retard

Fuck off gommie, Mao Zedong personally having a high IQ is not an endorsement of your shitty system

That would be the Mandela Effect.
Another one is the Pelata flower. You'll freak out.
Despair code too.

>pelata flower
what am I supposed to be seeing here?

>IQ of 101

psychopaths are below average intelligence you larping dumbass

>131-145 IQ range
>people say I have a near encyclopedic knowledge of anthropology and occult
>can lecture about various niche subjects for hours
>socially retarded and struggle to act normal in public
>unable to understand how common household appliances operate
>mfw my nickname in HS was "rainman"

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>actually having done an official IQ test
How does it even happen out of the blue?

P. Elata
There's two of them.

>for people who are supposed to be """smart""" you sure don't realize how fucking stupid you sound.
There is no sound

>take high school physics
>all my classmates are those gifted kids
>lessons are too difficult because I don't pay attention half the time and hence can't understand the remaining half
>fall behind and struggle
>other stragglers drop out
>I stay and endure because I need this class to complete high school
>never catch up and continue to struggle because I'm lazy
>felt insecure around the gifted kids because they were always responsive and the lessons resonated well with them
>they engage and argue with the teacher about physics jargon while I sit alone trying to decipher their arguments
>one lesson try to focus entirely on what the hell is going on
>lesson is about superconductors
>actually get it
>actually think about it and ask myself questions (e.g. if this happens, then wouldn't that happen, etc...)
>start to infer my own information about superconductors
>5 minutes later the gifted students start asking the teacher some of the same questions I already answered by myself
>mfw I realise this entire time the gifted kids are hacks and were only book smart

Moral of the story is that those guys you see acing exams study hours a day and aren't actually as smart as they seem. You can ask them to recite a paragraph on the topic and they will, but ask them to solve a problem new to them and they struggle. All of them are hacks

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>IQ tested at 163 in elementary school
>I am smart enough to know I am ugly and this is what matters most in society
>Cannot stop thinking about my inevitable death constantly

I wish this on no one.

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>le smart thread
kys, retards

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>IQ of 128
>listening to Gummo by 6ix9ine

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Idk my IQ but I hate those online tests with the shapes and whatnot

>iq in the 135 range
>Used to be considered smart
>Go schizophrenic
>Miss an entire year old school
>Forget almost everything important to learn
>Can't even subtract big numbers properly
>Get put in GED program so I can taste on time
>Take practice tests to get a feel for here I am
>All of the test scores are average
>Feel like a fucking dumbass for te first time in my life
How do I get back to where I was?

Where did that word even come from, I ment graduate

Actually kinda like this post.
not sure what my iq is but fuck it, Im listening to some cool jazz rn.

>he doesn't know that from 80's up to 00's china was on wests life support

try getting into electronics it's pretty useful to know what kind of shit manufacturers put into our products

how many big tiddy 10/10 Stacys with a 140+ IQ are out there? there's 3.5 billion roasties on the planet, statistically there's gotta be at least a few dozen of them right

Sorry my dude, even after years of stable anti-psychotic use (which aren't great for your brain any way), there's no going back to normal. Those breaks in your memory aren't coming back, the lost time will never be recovered. Schizophrenia is a wild ride and I'm sorry you're stuck on it. If you work really hard and concentrate an enormous energy, you can rebuild your knowledge, but you're not gonna be as quick witted as you were. Just don't stress yourself out too much and definitely don't stop taking your meds to try to feel normal again, over exertion + unmedicated = psychotic episode, and that's just going to put you memory under further strain.

>tfw always bored

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Fuck me man I used to be so great, I was supposed to b someone important, make the next great product, Chang the world. Fuck this might as well just fucking kill myself. Fuck.


You do know that's average, right?

>I was supposed to b someone important

We all were user, and then life caught up to us. Shit isn't fair but that doesn't matter, because losing the game of shits rewards you with an ultimately greater appreciation for the boundless universe and our existential absurdity. Revel in your anonymity, in your nothingness, and learn to enjoy exploring the world beyond the very limited lens of our hyper-financialised culture. Express yourself in ways you never thought of doing before. So what if you're schizophrenic and poor as shit? All the best things in life are free.

>be me
>iq of 130
>have a general knowledge of most military history 21st century politics biology and natural evolution
>start researching everything from a young age
>become redpilled at young age and begin to leak taboo information to fellow 12 year olds
>burdening myself with knowledge makes me a bleak and pessimistic teenager who tries to cover up his obviously bad mental state with a stream of jokes in the hope someone will like him

Now here I am at 25 knowing even more now Less depressed cause Im at least making money now and my friends call me a human computer

>133 IQ (tested by psychiatrist because I'm autistic)
>spend all my time watching cartoons, playing video games, browsing Jow Forums and eating candy
>never read the news or any books because I don't care

If youre not too old, you can regain it almost fully. I would say try shrooms but it may trigger your schizophrenia.

>tfw 256 IQ and iPad Pro-sized dick
You goddamn normalfags have no idea what suffering is like

If Mao wasn't a complete retard China would have been the world's biggest superpower by 1990.
He's revered for the same reason Mohammed is: because of how good he was at propaganda.

I hate these threads because all the fags with high iqs post and it makes it look like the average is really high

Dude china was utterly destroyed after ww2. If Mao didnt strongarm China into the path it is now America would have subverted it and turned it into another puppet state. I dont agree at all with some of his more "rough measures" but if it wasnt for him China would have been nothing now. Fuck you and fuck your retarded worldview.

dont worry most of them are either lying to you or to themselves. You can usually guess someones iq from how they talk, and i think that you can already know from the average post on here that most people on here are fucking stupid

How typical of a CCP drone to not have any reading comprehension.

144 here, just watching rick and morty on my Nintendo switch and eating fruitloops.

There was a thread 2 days ago with a test to post your IQ results and just like 10 anons posted
their results, only like 5 were above 130, so I find it funny that this thread has 80+ replies with most saying they have more than 130 with 0 proof, really makes you think.

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>if you disagree with me youre (group of people i dont like)
lmao i dont even support communism
im just saying youre retarded

>low iq and want to die

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probably 90

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l understood that reference.

>dude i'm smart I listen to to classical music

First sign of a try hard

>mfw 154 IQ
>mfw in mensa
>mfw still dropped out
>mfw NEET

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The problem is those tests are also unreliable. There are also many people here who take the test over and over again until they get a high score. I do think its possible some of them are legit but even those i think they're mostly the same people posting in different threads when they come up. I dont think there are many intelligent people on here at all

I thought it broke new ground.

>IQ of roughly 90
What do

Reminder that IQ scores do nothing but feed your own ego

If you have a 160 IQ and failed uni then your a brainlet, simple as that