I am a gastroenterologist. Ask me anything

I am a gastroenterologist. Ask me anything.

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Wtf is that
Original Productions

Why do you weirdos collect so many bugs?

do you likes memes? what kind of memes? post some

Internal medicine physician who specialized in the human digestive system, mouth to anus. All I know is they make a fucking lot of money

I treat people with GI issues such as Inflammatory bowel disease.
I don't.

I get a lot bloating and burping after meals (especially fatty ones) for the past few months
I've been taking PPIs, but the symptoms come back a few days after stopping

Do I have stomach cancer?

how can you not like memes?

You don't. You are also not supposed to stop taking the PPI sporadically.

If you arent the OP from the original and succesful thread i think you cloned this idea from, please kill yourself as soon as possible

why cant i poo

I am the original, I just noticed it died.

How many days should take them then? A month continuously?

hey OP fuck you and your shit

constipation... Eat enough fiber, light aerobic exercise, and a lot of water
You don't stop unless we can fix the problem causing it. Many solutions to GI problems are simply stalling permanent damage until we need to make a big decision via surgery.

What is a gastroenterologist?

when I poop the first 95% of the poop comes out immediately with no problem, then the last tiny bit gets stuck at the end of my butt and won't come out no matter what and I always have to like dig into my ass with toilet paper and it's messy and horrible

why does this happen and how do i prevent it

What country do you practice/were educated in? How is the GI field?

t. 2nd year US MS

a dude who is obsessed with asses and shit. a real wacko

Then dont kill yourself. Im sure you have seen the catalog lately, have to make sure you arent a niggerfaggot
On topic, my diet is very meat heavy with a lot of the variation being carb shit (potatoes, pasta, etc) while I do still eat vegetables it isnt more then twice a week. I shit pretty often, 3-4 times a day, occasionally ill feel full as fuck and if ive shit quite a bit or drank quite a bit (meaning like binge drink for four to five days) sometimes ill shit a little blood. Its bright red and seems to be from a torn and abused anus, but never dark red and scary (which urban myth tells me means no cancer or other fuckery cause internal blood is dark?) and i am 28: do I have cancer?

how can i make my farts odorless ao i can rip one without being guilty

I have had a stomach disorder since I was really little. My dad had a Nissen fundoplication when he was about 30; he's always had the heartburn symptoms of reflux. His mom died at 44 of stomach cancer due to similar symptoms. I've struggled with what has been described as "cyclic vomiting syndrome," aka extreme nausea and repetitive vomiting without any discovered physiological cause. I also have reflux. My lower esophageal sphincter is completely gone at this point. Some things don't bother me a bit while others take serious tolls: I can drink endless tequila, but more than a 5oz glass of red wine will make me sick.

My last gastro recommended getting the LINX procedure done but it seemed like too little/too late and too unsafe. Most gastros tell me they won't do a Nissen anymore either. Are you any good at your job? What are my other gastros missing? Am I doomed to puke every morning of my life forever? Why is this happening to me and my family?
I've had a barium swallow come back normal, upper GI done and normal except for ulcers, basically all the observable problems are just symptoms of the basic disorder but why? Why is stomach science shit?
end blog post

Are you asking if there is a treatment for this or something? You just poop weirdly, as goofy as that sounds.
USA, GI is great. I went into it because of personal experience with GI issues. All of the new medications (biologics) are helping us actually treat IBD.
okay pooping 3-4 times isn't a big deal but you don't sound like you are consuming much fiber so that is uncommon. You more than likely have an anal fissure and aren't letting it heal. No cancer

Yeah fiber is in shit I hate. I got a fiber bar thing but it also is gay and i dont like the taste so I suck ass at taking it. Good looks tho man thanks for bringing something besides tranny/trap/NPC cancer to this tumor of a board

Do you deal with the stomach much? I suffer with indigestion and heartburn after eating anything, am i fucked?

US MS2 here again. What are your biggest recommendations for a healthy gut and its flora? I feel like I get barely any nutrition education.

Am I gonna make it doc? :O

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Do you have any advice on managing ulcerative colitis? Steroids are the only thing that work for me. Intolerant to mesalazine, azathioprine worked for 2 months then stopped, infliximab does nothing.

In order to get fiber I mix ground flax seed into foods I already eat, especially fruit smoothies. Get a blender and drink up a 16oz smoothie of fruit, flax, and yogurt every day: I do this and shit beautiful smooth butt slugs every day. Like clockwork.

Drinking alcohol at all with your problem is very odd. The procedure they are recommending is the natural progression with your issue. Why is it happening to your family, more than likely passed down autoimmune problem.
what is your diet
uh.. no added sugar, no dairy, no red meat, no smoked or burnt food, no sugar alcohols. no alcohol, no artificial colors, no preservatives if possible, these are general and should be followed by everyone.. Follow the food pyramid otherwise. Supplements(and goofy diets) are a scam unless you deal with ulcerations in the small intestine.

So as a GI, I'm assuming you are rolling in the dough. I remember hearing people brag about their husband being a GI. So do you have a qt gf/wife?

Evening Dr. user,
What is your work like? How are the hours/work-life balance?
Also, occasionally I get a stomachache and diarrhea some time after breakfast.

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> get diagnosed with Crohn's disease in middle school
> get prescribed pentasa 500mlg
> take it for a couple years
> stop taking it in high school
> Crohn's disease is now completely inactive and I'm fine
Can you explain this to a brainlet? My doctor retired after he found out and never gave me a full explanation
Also am I cleared for alcohol? I'm turning 21 in a month so I wanna make sure I'm not gonna fuck something up

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You have UC and only prednisone is working... mesalamine and imuran not working..remicade also not working..well.. the natural progression would be entyvio next, which is another biologic like Infliximab. I have a couple of questions for you..

When taking Infliximab, did you take all of the loading doses... and did you ever miss an appointment or wait more than maybe 1 week past the two month date...? You could have caused your body to allow it to develop the antibodies easily if you skipped or had your appointments spread too far apart.

Also, are you listening to your dietician? You need to follow a low residue diet. The medication can only do so much. I am glad you aren't taking thiopurines though. They are very be for you, even relative to someone with IBD.

At the end if the day, you have what is effectively a cure as long as an ostomy doesn't sound too bad to you. If medications continue to be ineffective and you are exercising and eating as you should, surgery will be the next step.
I am rolling in the dough but I am very young and am not in a relationship currently. My fellowship was completed only a couple of years ago.

Well congrats on the completion of the fellowship and thank you for answering my questions. I wish you the best in your life, and I hope a loyal qt finds her into your heart.

>more than likely passed down autoimmune problem.
Autoimmune problems can contribute to gastrointestinal health? I also have asthma and rheumatoid arthritis which are other autoimmune disorders. Do I have cursed shit genetics? Will I die by 50?
Those are kind of rhetorical questions.
>Drinking alcohol at all with your problem is very odd.
That's what they all say. I drink every single day and don't notice any different problems. That is, if I went weeks and weeks without drinking, I'd be just as nauseated, just as pukey, and just as indigestiony. Sometimes I wonder if it's some kind of food intolerance. I can eat hot sauce on greasy deep dish pizza without extra symptoms, but I can't have any red tomato sauce on pasta without immediate heartburn. I can have cranberry juice, but not orange juice. Tequila but not red wine. I can eat homemade jalapeno poppers with no problem. But I make a great goulash with sweet red bell peppers, and it makes me sick.

Pretty much every doctor I've ever seen has been perplexed by my condition. I'm convinced I'm genetically flawed.

whats so bad about red meat?

All of my procedures(colonoscopy) are scheduled in advance. Some patients I see only a couple of times per year for a yesrly colonoscopy and then a check up, and others bi-weekly as they continue to have issues.
If you Do have Crohn's, you will eventually have another flare. If I knew via a biopsy, I would have you on remicade ASAP.

Every flare you have is going to bring you closer to requiring surgery and we need to prevent that as much as possible. Crohn's can kill you. You are only 21. If you have had no symptoms without medication for a couple of decades, then I wouldn't put you on anything. Also, taking pentasa for crohns is not effective at all and not typical outside of very bad GIs who don't understand IBD. Why did they think you have Crohn's?

Many digestive disorders are due to our immune system attacking us. Primary billiary cirhossis destroys the livers bile ducts and ends in a very painful death that we can only stall with supplementing via ursidiol. inflammatory bowel disease is also another case of our immune system destroying our colon or small intestine, typically the illeum.

RA is treated using the same medication we treat IBD, they are called biologics.. such as Humira.
Will you die by 50? Probably not
Your alcoholism is permanently damaging your liver.
Tomato sauce and orange juice are very acidic

I don't know enough about you, but I can tell you at least Sr enot doing everything you can.alcohol and a bad diet is not doing you any favors

Why have I never been able to burp?

Can I do anything about chronic stomach inflammation that is not caused by helicobacter pylori?

not OP but red meat is actually fucking terrible for you. Look at the wiki and it is like a huge list of all of the cancers and heart problems it increases the risk of developing.

Due to certain compounds produced when it is cooked, we know it increases your risk of colorectal cancer significantly and as a GI that is a big deal. If you have IBD, you should never ever touch red meat.

> why do they think you had Crohns?
Had 3 colonoscopies, every time they said I had it, and this was with 3 different GIs from the Houston Memorial medical Center, I mean, I'd like to think they knew what they were doing :L

But also the pentasa did help, when I started taking it in middle school I was under weight by a mile and after I showed the symptoms died down and I returned to a normal growth chart. Junior year of high school and I didn't have any symptoms and I was at a healthy weight with no meds at that point too. Does pentasa really do nothing?
Also, I think it's worthy of note that I never cut gluten out of my diet, I may have cut it down a bit, but I never fully stopped
Also generally flares are caused by stress these days and not diet, at least that's my understanding, I could be wrong

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Also I didn't mean to come off as a bit arrogant here, it's 2:30 am so I'm not exactly careful with the tone I type in

I've been vegan for over 8 years now. I start every day with a nice bowl of oatmeal and some fruit and/or nuts, and I actually get my 5 servings of brightly-colored fruits and veggies daily. Sometimes 10. I eat legumes and leafy greens or broccoli at least once a day, and I eat whole grains daily.
Every day, multiple times a day, I'll take a huge, colorful, stinky shit. It always comes out really easy, it's always a complete elimination, it's always a cohesive log, and it's always colorful with a million bits and textures I can feel on the way out. The only exception is if I have a salad for lunch, in which case I basically just shit out a shitty salad. And if I put squash blossoms or some edible flower in the salad, I giggle self-righteously at the fact that I'm literally shitting flowers and rainbows right now.
I haven't been constipated in years, and I usually have my shit together.
I just thought you'd be happy to know that.

Pentasa is what we call mesamine. Mesalamine is typically used for Ulcerative colitis. In UC, you have shallow ulcerations in the mucosal lining of your intestine....In crohns, out have e deep ulcerations that can perforate and kill you. Mesalamine is not used for Crohn's because it only reaches the shallow mucosal lining, so it is effectively useless for legitimate Crohn's.
Stress can definitely exacerbate symptoms. I just don't know what symptoms you developed in the first place. Your GIs sound like they aren't effectively communicating with you or you aren't doing do with me. Pentasa for crohns is just dumb and won't prevent or treat Crohn's.
It is okay.

Hmmm, I heard about some surgery, but I've never heard of it killing someone
Also what's uc?
Any advice?

UC is ulcerative colitis, the less severe Crohn's. I don't understand the rest of your post though haha

What do you think about Admiral Halsey's choice to pursue the Japanese diversionary force and inadvertently leave Taffy 3 exposed and defenseless?

if my googling is correct op makes like 2k every day. god damnit dude what the fuck. imagine making 40k every month.

What does your diet look like? And how do you know it's actually good for you?

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Can smoking cigarettes a lot issues with stomach or some thing ? I dont care about lungs, theyre gay.

Why do I have a burping fetish? Especially when fat women burp?


how do we punish people who use the word "guts?"

I'll repost this from the last thread. My farts are painful to hold in and I fart no less than 20 times a day, could probably do 40+ with ease but my friends and family don't enjoy it. This problem has been with me for years and through different variations in diet too. Any ideas?

Hello.I have this problem in which every time I eat something spicy even if its a little spicy I get explosive diarrhea.I didn't have this problem a year ago.Pls help I like spicy food.

I have to go wageslave but I'd be so thankful for a response, thank you in advance if you can.

I've had stomach problems since November last year. I started getting a burning sensation in my stomach and lots of nausea, and a really full feeling. It came rapidly and was really bad all through the holidays and into the new year. My blood and stools all tested normal, and they checked for a lot of things - except for I have a continuing folate deficiency (from tests of past years and still active) which my doctor thinks is strange (my diet is very good and in America there is folate in like everything). I was only able to tolerate bread and bananas for a very long time, but the blood tests before showed low folate. So he started me on folic acid.

Finally he did an endoscopy, and my results were normal. Things got a bit better in the Spring, but I still have periods of nausea and a bad stomach. I'm also very constipated.

Last he did a gastric emptying test, and it showed that I do process food a bit slow - but not very slow. He isn't sure if I've always been like that.

He is really at a loss, he said maybe I got some virus that screwed up my system. He said even stuff like herpes viruses (not the STD kind) can cause stomach issues that don't repair.

Next he wants to do a bacterial overgrowth test. I think it's a shot in the dark.

After that he wants to just try medications, but, I'm afraid they'll make me worse. He's considering one that increases stomach mobility, another that requires an EKG before starting (so fuck that, if it is a risk for my heart I won't take it) which helps with stomach emptying, and a third that is basically anti-nausa meds for pregnant women. Not all at once, like, trying one at a time.

What else can I try?

Again I won't be able to respond unless this thread is alive in the afternoon but I will for sure check back. And help appreciated. I'm desperate

question question
did you examine any cute girl asterisk?

If he is the GI from yesterday, he makes 480k a year btw.
Also OP why do you waste time here? Like sincerely