ITT we discuss characteristics that differentiate NPCs from PCs, and share stories of times we realized we were interacting with an NPC. I'll start us off by listing some common identifiers of NPCs that I have noticed.

>No inner monologue/subvocalization
>Unable to grasp the concept of an inner monologue ("Wait so you mean you guys have to think out what you're going to do every time you do something?")
>Unable to visualize concepts or scenarios
>Unable to spontaneously create music in their head
>Unable to drive or sit in a car without music
>Unable to work without music
>Unable to eat without TV/smartphone stimulus
>Comfortable driving with all the windows up ("The AC is on bro no need to roll down the window.")
>Uses social media (excluding forums and imageboards)
>Excessive interest in politics/ideologically driven
>Self-identifies as a fan of a product/corporation (Macfag/PCfag, Marvelfag/DCfag)
>Engages in "bro talk" (excessive preoccupation with sex and women)
>Does not read
>Reads genre fiction
>"Recreational" drug use
>Habitual drinking

I would like to stress that this list is not dogmatic; a person can check off one or more of these boxes off without being an NPC.

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Other urls found in this thread:


But visual thinking is literally their main mode of thought.

someone show me a woman that isn't a huge npc

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NPCs do not "think" in the way that you or I would understand. Rather, they react instinctively to stimuli, much like the primitive bushman.

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>i bet hopping on this bandwagon will definitely net me a 200+ reply thread
Kill yourself as soon as possible you massive faggot

You're contributing to the replies.

Anyway, I don't agree with all the OP but I realize I'm talking to NPCs every time I go to work at a supermarket

This NPC meme has been proven false. A bunch of retards at Jow Forums misinterpreted a study and now this fucking meme is everywhere. You're a retard.

I want to have an honest discussion about the NPC phenomenon, not some half-baked ironic meme thread.

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>anyone who is not me is an NPC

well here is your (you) i guess

I just regard NPCs as non self aware normies but yeah I guess the thought meme is incorrect

>i dont want this to be ironic memes
>posts one
Hang yourself

NPCs about to rage in this thread

You sound upset. Perhaps something I said has resonated with you too deeply, and you are trying to repress it.

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you on the left

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This meme is so bad

Its moreover the lack of awareness in what you are posting and the thin veiled attempt at a discussion the whole board already had 50 times. Just take the yous and go along.

you also on the right lreft

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keep crying incel


I knew that the half of average population was kinda stupid, but not this extreme.

My parents. They don't even listen to the radio in the car! My cousin even made a comment about how fucked up it is. What kind of sick fuck doesn't listen to the radio in the car! The off chance my dad listens to the radio the sick fuck will listen to all the commercials and not change the station. WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Based. Commercials are the most enjoyable part of TV and radio for me. I always get the "fluoride stare" when I try to talk to normies about how enjoyable commercials are.

>No inner monologue/subvocalization

But how would you know if they had this or not?

Is this fucking irony? I literally can't tell anymore

You'd have to be the fucking biggest brainwashed npc ever to enjoy a fucking advertisement

Holy shit I'm way too old for this shitty teenager infested board now, I really need to get the fuck out

Just ask them. NPCs have no reason to dissemble.

Okay, but the original post implied that the poster knew about this qualities without asking

I'm an NPC, what do I do now?

I think this might be because as a child I was never allowed to watch television so now as an adult it is somewhat of a novelty for me. I'll have you know that I do not watch TV or listen to the radio, but if I'm over at a friend's house or I'm in a friend's car, I do enjoy the commercials.

>>Uses social media (excluding forums and imageboards)
Yeah because that's what you frequent, and you can't possibly be an NPC, right OP?


Turn to God and pray for salvation.

God's a faggot and not real. I would kill God if he were. All part of the programming, I'm afraid.

>considers argumentum ad populum a legitimate argument
>uses phrases like "we all think you should do __" as a way to coerce you to be more normal
>cannot conceive of dismissing the general consensus on things
>will value things more simply if they are regularly put in the spotlight
>"Morgan freeman has such a good voice!"

I say this because forums and imageboards are nominally "social media", but they are very different from Instagram or Twitter.

Then all you can look forward to is perdition. He is coming.

I hope so. Come at me, God, I'm gonna wreck your shit, faggot.

epic and crimsonpilled

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>script loops
Will talk about the same things every time they see you.

>recycled scripts
You will notice them repeat the same lines that other NPCs are saying. Almost as if they are clones.

>preprogrammed destinations
College, marriage, office job

>general looping behavior
They repeat the same actions such as being a regular at a coffee shop.

>eyes show no signs of sentience
Empty shells.

>strong feelings about things that are already established
"I feel so strongly about making the world a better place!", "I love game of thrones!"

>no original opinions
If you ask about something specific they will give a general answer.

I'm an NPC through and through, user, no denial.

That's honestly just a description of someone who's been submerged in too much modern day culture.

why is there still no /npc/ board yet?

>>Unable to drive or sit in a car without music
>>Unable to work without music
>>Habitual drinking

these are all mine but drinking and going to concerts are my only hobbies

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The one who shot up jewtube. Too bad she dead

My mother recycles scripts every few months word for word, with the same intonation. If a certain topic of conversation comes up, she is guaranteed to spit out the same programmed response every single time. As an example, today at dinner, the topic of the Hells Angels motorcycle club came up. Invariably, my mother will always sarcastically remark that "user they're just a motorcycle club, not a gang!" with a sly smirk on her face. Sure enough, she said it this time as well.

ughh normies are such npcs they don't think unlike me the special snowflake and independent thinker everything I do makes me better than normies even though I'm doing nothing with my life and living in my mother's basement this is so deep and intellectual

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You're in it right now.

No wonder you are here, all your hobbies are passive ones.

>le NPC meme
literally "I'm 16 and this is so deep"

NPC spotted. This is a sentient being only thread.

>comfortable driving with all the windows up contributes to making you an npc
Literal retard who has never driven in bad weather, in a construction zone or behind a large truck (kicking up dust and rocks). Why would having the windows up make you uncomfortable?

Obviously talking about situations other than the ones you described. Think a little before you post, brainlet.

>hurr sounds like someone's never driven in bad weather!

are you slow?

Still retarded, even if conditions are good, driving with the windows up shouldn't make you uncomfortable, so I repeat
>why would having the windows up make you uncomfortable?

This man is an NPC

dumbest meme to come out of this garbage board in years, good job zoomer

better than being a gullible retard who pretends to believe in a shitty meme to make himself feel better

Haha good argument bro :) maybe if you would actually answer my question instead of dodging it then I might take you seriously

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I don't any item in the list. I'm now a top level NPC because of caring about lists in the first place.

Are NPCs human? Who controls them??

How the fuck do you not have an inner monologue? How is it possible to nit visualize scenarios with people/beings and also imagine the exact words and sentence structures or pronunciation quirks they have. Ive asked my relatives casually about it and they also cant imagine someone not being able to do that. Is it even possible? Unless youre some monk with extreme nirvana levels.

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>Stop having compassion for people

>Uses social media (excluding forums and imageboards)

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If you don't know how to speak(versus simply being unable as in mute people) you wouldn't have one. Those people would likely think in patterns or images.

> Uses shitty forced memes like this one

well NPCs are normies and normies have friends and need to keep contact with them by useing social media.

can someone post me a default NPC wojak so I can make a bunch of OC

>that NPC who always replies to the "reply or else" threads because "what if"

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Yikes! I don't want my mother to die.

>no fun allowed
maybe you're a friendless loser because you have a stick up your ass and no one wants to hang out with, not because you're smarter than everyone else like you think

oooh mr. smarty pants is projecting again. "reply or else" posts are garbage, it's just a fact.

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I had sex with your mother last night.

It did really made me wonder about stuff

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Pretty ironic desu since NPCs by definition have no one controlling them but PCs have to be controlled by an outside entity in order to function

>Comfortable driving with all the windows up
I have long hair and if a window is rolled down the airflow causes it to blow everywhere and become tangled.
Though I remember really liking having the windows down before that, actually.

Bunch of fags wanting attention, instagram, facebook, twitter, Jow Forums, all the same

For chimpanzees maybe

isn't that literaly the definition of a norman?

>doing anything I don't like makes you an NPC

walk around from my neet abode to my moms house to eat some lunch, to and fro, i see npc couples holding hands that are blatently walking the route i take to piss me off.

npc robots i don't even care, i know you're all satan pretending to be couples and shit.

Anybody who has to resort to RPG terminology to explain real life phenomena is an idiot.

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Can NPC's get dubs?

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>believes in democracy, will jump to defend it if you even hint that its not a good system

Based. I don't even like the products they advertise, just the commercials. I sometimes recite all the lines from memory. Also, I like this NPC wojak.

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This is just a denomination, a name identification of this kind of "person". Would you prefer robots, androids, soulless people, or others? It doesn't change the concept.

You really aren't as smart as you think you are, and the people around you are smarter than you realize

>has opinions that they formed for themselves instead of mindlessly jumping onto the contrarian Jow Forums bandwagon
>is actually willing to defend them because he isn't too much of a pussy to handle interpersonal conflict

The concept is practically a repackaging of solipsism, but my point is that "NPC theory" is a silly name for it.

Solipsism and NPCism, or whatever you want to call it, have a substantial difference. While solipsism is "only my mind exists", NPCism is more like "10% of so-called minds exist". Also, NPCism describes characteristics that NPC have in common, to easily recognize them.

Isn't anyone who solves captchas a non npc?

>becomes hostile when you show you have a soul and make them feel inferior

>get asked to hold something up
I don't remember what exactly it was but it might be some craft project or physics activity during highschool
>i put it up around chest level (nothing to stabilize my hand since we were standing up)
>of course it will still shake a bit. blood pressure and all
>some NPC help me
>(whoah wait a sec wtf are you a fucking TRIPOD as I look at the person and confirm he's like a fucking STATUE)
I remember letting the NPC do the job and let go of the thing
Fuck I can't remember the details but it almost freaked me out and forgot about the thing for years.
Maybe the NPCs were some kind of aliens disguising as humans.

The technical term is "p-zombie."

I used to be a woman (ftm) and I wouldn't consider myself an NPC.
I engage in activities like programming, game development, 2d animation, drawing, robotics, making music, and learning languages. I consider myself religious but I haven't decided which religion to follow just that I believe in god. I have been called a genius by my teachers many times including being called intelligent and a deep thinker. I have schizoaffective and I don't enjoy being around people. Because of my schizophrenia, I am afraid to drive a car however so I haven't gotten my license
I don't like having the windows down because hair gets in my eyes and it's a shitty experience. I use Facebook for connecting with family and shitposted but other than that Jow Forums and 8ch are my main websites. Recently I went out and bought a bunch of normie clothes but I don't consider myself identifying with any product. I identify as an artist and a scientist however which in some ways is equally as bad.

Am I an NPC?

>uses the programmed incel insult


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You probably have a higher level quest to give.

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>You really aren't as smart as you think you are, and the people around you are smarter than you realize
this is what a low level npc believes

this is origanow

>I'm part of [leftist identity politics movement]
>Am I an NPC?
Gee I don't know.

>Comfortable driving with all the windows up ("The AC is on bro no need to roll down the window.")
>"Morgan freeman has such a good voice!"
Really makes you think

has anyone on this website heard of solipsism? it explains this npc meme pretty well

I'm not very good at giving tasks to people.
Lmao I'm not a leftist or a rightist. I don't care about politics at all. I just happen to be an ftm which happens to be associated with leftists. Politics aren't my thing. I prefer to work on myself.

>I define my identity and remodeled my body based upon [leftist identity politics dogma]
>Am I an NPC?
Gee I don't know

Jesus christ the ftm thing completely failed because you're still such a huge attention whore.