Tfw born

>tfw born
>tfw born a male
>tfw born a male on Earth
>tfw born a male on Earth in 2000
>tfw born a male on Earth in 2000 in a 4th world country
>tfw born a male on Earth in 2000 in a 4th world country in a filthy family of degenerate alcoholics
>tfw hideous with 0% of getting a partner
>literally the only thing I wish for in my miserable life
>mfw I imagine the horrible things I must've did in my other life in order to deserve this

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>4th world country

lol what

Get outta here underage fa-

Wait, it is 2k18 already??? Pardon me

Zoomers need to play the poor victim of society angle up so much that they make up words.

That or OP is a faggot from Venus.

>tfw born
>tfw still alive

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I'm not here to victimize myself but if that's what my post suggests I'm sorry. This board is supposed to be for more or less unfortunate people that happened to lose the genetic lottery and discussions are to be made around this.
Now if you've got it easy in life, good for you, but you don't belong here. I'm not saying it in a mean way desu, just let people cry their miseries and go back from where you came from

>tfw some 18 year old newfag tells you to leave

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>This board is supposed to be for more or less unfortunate people that happened to lose the genetic lottery and discussions are to be made around this.

No, it's a board where there are no exact reposts.

more or less agree.
90% of this board is fags from a first world country that are well off but cant get a gf and pretend they are robots just because "no gf"

Newfag gtfo. Stop undermining our culture.

>mfw some facebook normie like you calls the boy who used to browse Jow Forums for vidya and child porn since 11 a newfag
I'm not arguing about who has been here for longer, I just told you that you have no reason to be on this board if you don't relate to any of the stuff here

The culture is dead pal. How many "femanon here" threads have you replied to this week alone?

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>be currycel
>country is still traditional, women are not cock sheaths. Most have sex after marriage
>mfw the 80 20 rule still somehow applies in the Westernised english speaking community

I'm rich enough to bag a subhuman wife off the street in minutes but not rich and attractive enough for the women I find attractive, who are usually wealthier than I am and are guaranteed roasts

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>4th world country
>has internet access

You're 18. Either you're in college, getting your first real job, or still in senior year of high school. Right now is probably not the best time to mope about your status in life.

You've still got years of life ahead of you faggot. Make em' count and stop thinking about the eventual heat death of the universe or the chance you might not get a gf. Take life by the horns or just relax and roll with the punches. Wait until you're 30 before saying you have 0 percent chance of getting a partner.

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Post your face or hand

Not op but im 18
>Either you're in college
Nope, not sheep
>getting your first real job
Had two over the summer but quit both of them
>or still in senior year of high school.
Im a dropout

Why'd you quit your jobs for the summer if you're not going to some sort of college or trade school.

I don't have a phone user

Im going to find a new job.
Trade seems nice but wagecucking is so not my thing

Which country are you from
Cause i wanna know if its 4th world or not

I mean, getting a degree in a trade you're actually interested in can be a good option. Don't really need to do it your entire life either tho.
It is however a good thing to fall back on if you're down shits creek later on in life.

I need to graduate highschool to get into trade school?
Man, fuck school. The internet is my school you sheep

Just get your fucking GED you retard.

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GED? lul miss me with that
HiSet masterrace

Have to wait a year
Thats the rule or i go back to school
Or i don't ever need to graduate cause im smart as fuck. You really think i have fear? You do, i literally have none these days

smart as fuck and no fear?

join the air force

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You fucking retard.
I'm not going to fucking work for the government or a corporation. Get off my dick you wasteman

>18 fag
>fear nothing
>claims to be smart as fuck

Even if you are "smart as fuck" that isn't a good substitute for actual wisdom and experience in the real world. High School means jack shit as long as you get your Diploma or GED. Most jobs require that bare minimum requirement(At least the ones that have decent pay).

Either that or you've made some pretty retarded bait for me.

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Yeah, OP is a tremendous faggot who does not belong. Probably posting from the U.S.

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>Most jobs require that bare minimum requirement(At least the ones that have decent pay).

Not really. You would never know or find out cause you aren't a dropout that did it.
Also, lets just say i made over 160k after taxes from ether and thats not anything special for me.

You try way too hard to come off as being someone you are not.
Lets just say you should kys.

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I work as a ramp manager at my local fbo

make 150 dollars an hour

no college education lul

You are just salty you didn't know there are shortcuts in life. You really think a fastfood or warehouse place really calls your fucking highschool to see if you graduated or not? Fucking retard and yes, i did make a lot of money off crypto.

>forth world country

Where are you from OP, are you a nigger posting from fucking Sierra Leone, or something?