Is Sam Hyde over? After already being banned on youtube,twitter, instagram now the milliondollarextreme subreddit and all its offshoots are banned on reddit, they had like 50k subscribers on there and it was pretty much the main place to discuss MDE/Sam Hyde
Is Sam Hyde over? After already being banned on youtube,twitter...
Imagine coming as close to being a famous comedian as Sam Hyde did and having it all thrown away because you just couldn't stop pandering to Jow Forums users.
do you think it's because he thought he was going to fail regardless and was afraid of losing his core audience and not be able to fall back on them or because it really was that important to him to impress the biggest autists in the world
I think he himself is a dumb poltard at heart
i see your normie hiveminding and raise you a he was being real and true to himself
He never really was anything.
What did he do exactly?
I only know this guy from some stuff I see on Jow Forums and I saw a tedx video of him once. I don't really get much of what he says but he seemed famous enough on Jow Forums
>just be yourself
>fail miserably
sounds like /ourguy/
The 'new_engine' twitter account is an unofficial sam hyde parody account, and definitely not him.
also made a tv show that got banned from adult swim.
I supported Alex getting banned because he was straight up harassing people but what the fuck did Sam do? Just make some mean jokes?
Not that I believe Alex is some 600IQ supersapien, but he did warn people about this. First they come for him because he's the easiest first user to ban from everything. Then once they have the power and a way to use it they can ban basically anyone they disagree with.
are you honestly that fucking stupid
did better than you
>Imagine having your TV show cancelled with you blacklisted from the network because you made fun of a gay Jew asking you pointed questions on your day off
the alt-right is now and forever BTFO
if i have to explain the joke, it loses its humor.
>break terms of service
>get banned
it's like if you robbed a grocery store got arrested and then said "look I told you whypos were gonna do me like dat"
90% of successful companies start off small targeting a specific niche then they expand and Target casuals making them rich. Very few companies make it big by continually focusing on a niche. Focusing on a niche consisting of fickle internet racists was a horrible idea.
i'm not interested in arguing i'm just saying it's not exactly normal for someone to be wave banned from a bunch of things all at once. i've only heard of it with sam and alex. i'm pretty sure sam's last hyde wars was named black listed desperado so i believe he saw himself getting banned after it anyway.
he's a amateur comedian/dickwad on the internet, not a corporation you fucking autist.
regardless, makes me sad, mde was a fun place. a lot better than this shithole, both r9k and Jow Forums as a whole. that other chan isn't any better. mde at least had some interesting stuff, funny stuff, yknow? felt like i had a connection with the others around there, honestly.
Same applies to the entertainment industry. Bands and directors typically start off focusing on a niche then move to the center. If you want to go further into the niche you better know what you're doing
what a cucked, corporatized mindset. not everyone is autistically trying to maximize profits, MDE was just some pals having some laughs on the internet
And now he's resorting to beg for money online. Well done.
look at this big-dicked bureaucracy expert. making cash, gaining money. read all his high-school Economy 101 textbooks
uh oh we got a loose retard here someone get his wrangler
I don't care about their ToS. Companies like Facebook and Twitter are large and influential enough that they should be considered as public utilities rather than private business. And that would include heavy restrictions on who they may deny service to
>I supported Alex getting banned because he was straight up harassing people
being critical of millionaire elites is harrasment, dont you know?
how long till the dedicated barneyfag autist comes and shits up this thread?
It definitely be addressed but for now user is right. They can do as they please because they're private companies. I don't know why retards still use social media but I guess when you're a bland and boring person, scrolling on your phone for 8 hours straight is all you have today.
I go out with my friend or girlfriend for dinner and a couple of drinks and the entire place is littered with people of all ages on their shitty social media websites, society has done this to itself so it's hard to blame Facebook, Instagram, etc.
don't care about sam or mde, but some of his fans were annoying to say the least
>Banks and financial institutions fuck up completely wrecking the economy and it isn't the first time
>Bail them out and don't nationalize them even though they're of critical importance
>Some social media sites ban some people
God, Americans are retarded
It's insane. I've never been an MDE fan, but I've known about them for a long time.
I started browsing Jow Forums in 2010, and up until maybe two years ago, all I heard was praise. It seems like MDE was generally loved here, but at some point either the fans started to hate it, which I doubt, or a new flood of haters came.
So the coordinated attack theory seems very possible.
Maybe thing A being wrong doesn't make thing B less wrong, you fucktard.
Besides, both cases have detractors.
I'm also completely on board with holding banks accountable for their fuckups, like Iceland did and restricting their power
>Implying we don't think both should occur
Why do europoors assume every American is the same person?
Not really, though. This isn't going to change anyone's minds. This will only radicalise people. Not even joking, but if all the good alt-right channels get banned, get ready for white nationalist cells all over again. Or at least more radical voters.
>It definitely be addressed but for now user is right. They can do as they please because they're private companies.
No no no.
They're too big to not be public, and any private property laws should be met with civil disobedience. Fuck these evil cocksuckers.
This unironically. Every NPC just brings up the Sandy Hook thing, but it's just one thing he did over a long career of conspiracy-theorising, and it's not his fucking fault a bunch of his fans sperged and harassed some people, even after he told them not to. Thinking a crazy conspiracy theorist should be banned from the internet is the ultimate thoughtless emotional reaction. It doesn't do anyone any good.
That's what you get for fucking Charls over ya fat cunt
>they should be considered as public utilities rather than private business
Yeah bro same I want it to be even easier for the government to spy on my private conversations. Sounds pretty chill to me
Ever since the 2016 election, I no longer trust the Jow Forums zeitgeist to be genuine. It seemed like all of a sudden certain foreign ideals got injected. We know for a fact that governments and political parties have the means to do psyops, and they don't want to let Jow Forums off the hook anymore because they're afraid of what the hivemind can do, like elect Trump. I say that as someone that didn't vote for Trump.
They're already doing it as much as they possible can.
Doubtful. Welcome to the end of history.
I've seen people continue to radicalise. Do you really think banning someone's idol makes them just forget they ever existed? Maybe if we were talking about normies, but these are people who have already placed themselves outside acceptable society. The cat's out of the bag.
The only evidence in this picture is so easily fake-able it's completely worthless. All those texts can be created easily, either by someone texting himself with two phones, photoshop, or any of the many different programs/website which simulate text messaging. All the chan posts are obviously bullshit, the photos don't explicitly support anything stated.
How do I save a post? Can someone from IT help me?
sandy hook unironically didn't happen tho
living at home age 28 making vertical vids with his mom after blowing 100k/year on art school was his best phase imo
adult swim giving him a mil and all that other shit was crazy, whacko, a little kooky if you know what im sayin
>rebbit discussions
>Jow Forumstard
>le evil racism
>being happy the living embodiment of Jow Forums is getting fucked by normie
This place is truly lost. Why do you stupid fucking normie ruin everything. You realize that you are cancer right? I hope you'd understand the fact that you are all disgusting posers who in a effort to be cool and hip ruined one of the few genuine things left on the internet. Of course you don't realize that, that would require some degree of intellect and the ability to not center your life around the normie hierarchy.
>I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about but I think I do because some other over confident nigger who didn't know what he was talking about told me.
The mind of a normie always amazes. Look at it, it's so quick to regurgitate theories with a slight spin as if it were his own. It actually thinks it has some kind of idea on the subject despite never having been there or experience of it himself.