i still have a few hours left before the speed's effects go away. what should i do beyond jerk off a few more times?
ill dump what ive been jerking too, i suppose.
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I think this artist is ok. They way they style cum is the only reason theyre even worth mentioning. The few doujins theyve done are subpar. Anatomy is always off. But that cum man...
This guys ok. Really generic style and situations but sometimes thats all you need. At the very least he does a lot of nakadashi.
But over all he is very forgettable. Only see a few of his pics show up on rare occasion.
I like this guy a lot. The censoring pretty brutal but his style is good and so are his concepts.
He has a bit of soul in it in any case.
Looks really bland. I think if I knew the persons involved it would be a bit better but as it is, its just softcore nothing.
He has vids too - I understand if they're not to your taste though.
>what should i do beyond jerk off a few more times?
Jerk off or play video games, there's not really much to do when it's wearing off. If you go and eat a bunch of high quality food (bananas, berries, fruit in general, cottage cheese) you'll get more out of it, especially if you haven't eaten in a bunch of hours. Enjoy your comedown, maybe smoke some weed.
I just find that thing kind of boring. Most 3d gay shit is pretty bad. I can only get into it if its really specific stuff.
thought about vidya, but unsure. nah had a chicken sammy few hours ago, all i need. keeping the high going isnt needed. getting on that robo train in a few hours. Wish i still had some oxy
I understand that, most of them are pretty shit.
I feel like I was spoiled by poju in my youth and had most queer stuff ruined for life. Just the way she goes.
Nice taste. I can't seem to find most of his doujins, because I think he's had some, or i'm not looking hard enough.
id assume most of its on ex still? i got pretty much all of his shit in a zip like five years ago though, but if its not on ex im sure a torrent is up somewhere. not like hes underground or anything.
Cool, I'll search for them in a bit. Hope I can find them, he makes really cute guys, same with Ryo and 2n5, although 2n5 kinda crosses tranny territory.
ye its a fine line for sure. incase is a perfect example of needing image by image judgement. half of his shit isnt worth looking at, but the other half ehh
I remember like a decade ago having an /a/ OC thread using this image. Where does the time go?
Post more OP you seem to know where the good shits at
The good shit is everywhere. What kind of shit do you want?
Did Meth for the first time with this qt for the first time after work today. How can I not get addicted to this
She had all these cute Meth smoking apparatuses it was kewl
She is 24 I am 18 BTW yewwwwwww
Same cunt here wondering what tunes are good for beaming on Meth
>How can I not get addicted to this
dont do more of it i guess
Also should I smoke a joint so I can try and get some sleep before work in 8 hours
Smoke some indica weed right before the comedown starts. You know the moment when your limbs cool down and become heavy. That's when the high will softly carry you to sleep. Also it makes you want to eat so that's nice, too.
No I don't know dick head it's my first time and I'm too fried to collect my thoughts