Paying for going to the toilet

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Wait, do pay toilets actually exist or is this some sort of thought experiment that's retarded?

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I've heard rumors of them but never encountered one.

They exist in my country (third worlder here)

Actually they do, in europe and it seems to be like a new initiative

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Do you want homeless people to shit in your streets? No? Then it's a bad idea.

Only time I've encountered these are in London train stations, they're pretty fucking obnoxious and just another way for the government to milk all the commuters and tourists. Though all the people that regularly use these stations know this and never use the toilets

Hello sulabh shauchalya pajeet

Well it's a good way to make money. Everybody has to go to the toilet so building a toilet and then charging people for using it is guaranteed to make you money.

Yeah, it's pretty common in Europe

Every paid toilet I've been to was a lot cleaner than the usual (they're quite common here in bongland)

I'm totally in favour as long as the money goes toward higher maintenance. The cash barrier also keeps a fair bit of riffraff out.

Had to use a pay toilet when i was visting singapore, it was such a hastle necause it cost like, either 2 bucks or 90cents. Like, im just a tourist, why the fuck would i have change? Im all cash

In small public places, to pay the cleaners, that's alright. In cinemas for example, when they have enough money for it, it is unneeded.

As long as it's clean and I can take a dump without worrying about AIDS, I dont care if I have to pay

Unless you're in a situation where you cannot wait, it's not really justified.
That's my *opinion*.

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You leave a tip for cleaning women in some fastfood Restaurants and Supermarkets in germany

Based free market working as intended

>how to get people pissing and shitting in the streets
epic style

stallman's thoughts on this.

their excuse is that you're paying them to clean it up after you which is retarded. this practice should be made illegal. all public toilets should be free to use

Sounds like a Taco Bell scam.

I'm on the toilet at work too.

Clown penis dot fart

did you know that if you take a 10 minute shit every day at work for a year then you get paid for a full 40 hours of shits collectively for that year

my mum would tell me that when she was growing up in the 70s and 80s there were pay toilets, or maybe she was talking about growing up in germany and having pay toilets.

ill shit in your alley instead

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yall remember pay lockers at like walmart or the mall or something? where you put a quarter inside and when you done you would get the quarter back? I would take advantage of this when i was younger and i would take the little thingy that catches the quarter off then borrow the locker underneath it and let people's quarters fall in and let em collect. It was like a piggy bank that fills itself

what is this, India?

ill make it fucking india!

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I'd rather just shit right under the door then.