which path will you choose femanon?
Which path will you choose femanon?
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The path with the most Chad dick and no responsibility
This is the most retarded pic I have seen today.
ALL women will choose the right way. Unless we kill all niggers and jews that is. Who is with me?
The truth a bigger bitch than even your roast beef-infused ass.
>Ya gotta live life when you're still young, sweetie
quads of based truth checked
>Unless we kill all niggers and jews that is.
Fuck off CIA/FBI/DEA/NSA nigger, 4chin is a Trinidadian cheese tobaggan aficionado forum of peace.
Quads wasted on such a retard. Explain how you came up with that divide? Why is career associated with tyrone? Why is only one partner associated with endless love?
Funny how you NEETs always forget you can't afford to have a housewife.
>implying men want that family shit and won't fuck every ho who spreads her legs for him
OP, you got it right.
Women want "careers" and cocks
>Why is career associated with tyrone?
>career over family
>white men prefer to build a family have children etc
>only thing left for you is getting fucked by tyrone and him nutting on your face so you don't get pregnant (and if you will he will not take responsibility)
>you might even pay for his services after you reach a certain age and your pussy turns into roast beef
I would fuck any woman who spreads her legs for me.
Thing is: they don't.
You are the most retarded person I have ever seen post. Career women will only want successful white men. It's the low quality housewive-wannabes who become single mothers after being fucked by Tyrone.
All you need is a bit of cash. They're called prostitutes.
There's some truth in that pic nur it's also super autistic
>having cash makes prostitutes appear magically
>Leaving the basement is so hard
Yes it is you fucking npc
i know what they WANT but i've just explained to you that what they want is not what they get
look up the statistics there is a crazy amount of "succesfull" career women being single because they don't want to date "down". they also have a hyperinflated self worth, they think other men care about their career or how much money they make when men only really care about looks and personality.
so what happens to these career women is they destroy their beauty and femininity at the work place because those jobs are stressful plus you have to become a shark and emotionally cold to be successful. at the same time these women think "i'm succesful, i deserve a chad who makes 200k a year and looks like the guy from 50 shades of grey". for reasons just explained they can't get that so they become tyrones human landfill
In what retarded incel fantasy world do you live in? The successful career women have their pick of Chads. They would never stoop down to a Tyrone or a robot.
>The truth a bigger bitch than even your roast beef-infused ass.
holy get
>The successful career women have their pick of Chads.
this, chad is a fucking beta men are a joke gender
ITT: tards argue whether career women get blacked. I don't think all the signs there need to correspond to one wamen.
I know it's a massive taboo to say it here, but I actually sympathize with roasties
I don't want to have a boring life playing house and fucking one pussy for the rest of my life, why would a woman necessarily want the eqivalent of that either?
I get the arguments about STDs, social stability, birth rates blah blah blah but desu my eyes glaze over and I don't really give a fuck enough to throw myself into the woodchipper for the tradcuck dream and again why would a woman either necessarily
they might fuck but ain't gonna marry lol
I choose to be a public slam piece. No cock refused ever.
Being a trad cuck was all a trad cuck knew before the tide of degeneracy and now it's difficult to go back. So we must force them.
I chose family. But I cant say it was hard work or responsible.
I had alot of opportunities earned (free college, short modeling career) or given. And now my husband handles the finances and works and I handle the home making
Left path assumes that your partner will be everything you want in them. If the only one partner sign means just that one partner for the rest of your life then that's a pretty serious fucking crapshoot. Men and women both should have the right to leave a shitty relationship if they wish to find another partner.
Dont date a bad partner. Your partner should be your best friend
Left path without the kids
Women and feminized, niggerized men are biologically predisposed to view any relationship as "shitty" once the bullshit infatuation phase ends.
>have their pick of Chads
Why would Chad pick an aged whining landwhale over petite big titty teen?
t. weakwilled betacuck who lets society do his thinking for him
neither of those are fulfilling.
the best is have no job and no responsibilities and live out on a rural homestead with just your spouse and pet.
Why would Chad pick a whiny little kid instead of a good-looking career woman who has her shit together?
People have to be given the choice the end the relationship by their own terms. Even if the relationship between two people are great and remain that way for a long time, things can still go sour and breakdown. Not all relationships last forever.
nigga MFKING smitin here with those roasts AYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Fuck off faggot, you got it backwards, (YOU) let yourself be influenced by this society and it's unsustainable antisocial values.
>tight, unused pussy
>nice body
>100lb lighter than adult version
>actually vulnerable and powerless
Woman having power isn't attractive, it's unhealthy for reproduction and national power
Lel. Could you be any more obviously a virgin who doesn't know how pussy works?
Successful career women take care of themselves. They are not fat.
>live out on a rural homestead with a family and pet
>no responsibilities
roast defense force shills really going the extra mile today. what women find attractive != what guys find attractive, career women (the ones who start it early and finish it late) often have a hard time "settling down" since they went ass backwards about how to do it thinking that socitey will respect them more and they'll be a higher market value if they have a strong career. all they did was crash the price of skilled labor and ruin the job market for -everyone-
Honestly same
>tfw no comfy homestead bf
>tfw no big fluffy dog
Career women so usually get married. And to Chads, not beta fucks.
Im a career woman
I've been "blacked" (by a Tanzanian)
will you ever go back ?
I remember you. But I don't remember if you were single or not.
You caught me, I dont want that family bullshit but just some fuckbuddy
Literally nothing wrong with the right choice, OP
What about by a Tasmanian?
I have a few times. They're part of the circle of friends my boyfriend and I "share"
See above
There is an aussie from Tasmania I'm into so yeah
Are you in a poly relationship or something?
Yep. Been working out for 3 years now
I'm not choosing any path. I've given up already. Day of the rope soon.
Female volcel here. I don't care about a single thing other than my journey towards gnosis and my career because that forms part of it. Tyrone's cock or family, both are meaningless hedonistic frills that would crumble without the (incorrect) assumption that there's some inherent value or meaning in intimacy and human companionship. I'm happy with my nun-like life, in fact the only reason I haven't joined a convent is because I don't want to be surrounded by women every day. My wish is to be truly alone.
Right 16 to 25. Slowly transition left 25+.
And that's the only honest answer. If femanon say something else she is lying.
Interesting. Do you have group sex or just one at a time?
Group. Only time I do one on one is with my boyfriend