Why do woman have such shit taste in men...

Why do woman have such shit taste in men? Even when they are good girls and date white men they always choose the ugliest and weird looking men with cheese faces and strange nipples.

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Daily reminder Jow Forums is a reverse psy-op

>why do girls like ugly men who collect vehicles and money

are you really this stupid?

I wonder the same thing

Probably because the butterface with a decent body has more confidence than you ever will

I bet you're a "nice guy" too

Her face is actually ugly as fuck when you look at it closely. She's a good match for him.

Women love money.

are you implying that she's attractive?

I don't get it myself. I'm far from being ugly, girls like me, yet it's always a challenge to date them. But, I think, I have a deep inside world that I always try to share with women, which is a big mistake on my part. But otherwise, why have woman at all?

attraction doesnt work like that user. people like who they like

also the ratio of hot girls to hot guys is way fucking off. good for us though

Who is looking at her face.

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Ah okay so women aren't all hypergamous sluts then? It's really that they're all dating down? And that makes you mad?

I don't even want answers to these. Just look at yourself.

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It's because you don't need to be handsome to get a hot chick. You need to be a cocky asshole and have money.

You need to learn how to be a confident jerk in front of women. Take Bill Burr's advice:


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That's NHL player Alexander Barkov you dimwit

>reverse psy-op

>Anonymous (ID: TlQD7gnh) 09/11/18(Tue)11:41:40 No.185328788▶
> (OP)
>That's NHL player Alexander Barkov you dimwit
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idont give a shit who he is, he looks like he was freshly shoveled in the face every morning as a child

Your repulsive personality probably puts them off, even if you are attractive, which we all know you’re not.

>no smoking!
Bimbos love the smoke tf

They chose me quite a lot. My face is my best feature.

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implying that guy in OPs pic has a great personality


But you see none of that matters when you are an well paid athlete. This cant be the first time you've seen stuff like this? Look at fucking Tiger Woods. You think if he was an accountant anyone would give a shit?

She stopped posting her pictures on instagram.

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My nipples are also my best feature.

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tiger woods is handsome. the guy in OPs pic looks like that retarded guy from that high kid meme
this mother fucker is dating a solid 10/10 , look at her, she has everything

>le manboob man is back

>Take Bill Burr’s advice

Women have great taste in white men.

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Fake news, she's back.

This guy gets it. I'm moderately attractive, but I've got the personality of someone who posts on Jow Forums so basically most people hate me.

>tiger woods is handsome
>literally looks like a bug-eyed little boy
Okie doke Luca.

Attached: TigerWoodsOct2011.jpg (886x849, 647K)

whats her name?

Maria Doroshina

what the FUCK is your problem you snow chink?

This. You need finngolian slit-eyes to be handsome

tiger woods detected

swiss banks have no incentive to keep your details private, those laws changed decades ago.

finn is just angry because his eyelids are single fold

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c r i n g e

go back to rêddit you missing link

You look like a retarded faggot

Are you also a mutt?

lol she looks so fake in her instagram pics, and she looks really good in this pic here from OP
is it really the same person?

Have you some inside information about his personality or are you being a jealous faggot as usual ?

wtf ıs wrong wıth you messes up twıster fruıt!!!

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when was the last time you were able to comb your hair?

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You are my problem you fucking mountain kike. You don't seem to have high enough IQ to grasp the concept of being successful and wealthy > looks.

I have thick hair, no dandruff and I do not understand how you can be addicted to blacked porn

>being successful and wealthy > looks.

Hmmm thats why you always see 18yo cuties with millionaires... Oh wait they actually prefer weed smoking skater chads their own age with 40 euros in their bank account

Sorry but even if you get rich from your autism you will only be attracting gold digger, post wall roasties

Stupid Finniger

So she is just some goldigger whore. Done, OP's mystery is solved. Feel free to delete the thread.

I am back.
Full of a sore throat from kissing dirty girls.
Just having a coffee before I go for a massage/fuck and then shopping/clubbing/fucking.
How do I manage it all? Sex drugs, free money from older richer women and a smug as fuck attitude. It's a winning combo.
I never left really pol I reported in from exclusive beaches and clubs like I always do.
Pic related is why I prefer to pay a lot of money for my beaches these days rather than share them with nu-Europeans.
Want a pic of my face or my dick?
Both are my best features. I need to shave and run, I know you're excited but chose quickly. I'm getting changed ready to go clubbing in a whorehouse later on (they have showers) to save time today. Got gibs money from last week to spend.

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Stress has been making my hair fall out recently. Feels bad man. I'm just going to go full bald eventually.

i'm actually done with you you retarded aurora nigger, do yourself a favour and never talk to people again

no you don't, you type like a typical bald person

yes, he has no personality, that guy tanks hits on his head all day long , so either he is now dumb as shit or was dumb as shit all along for even getting into such a sport

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You fucking moron. Every high paid athlete and every rich person has a hot piece of ass regardless of their looks. They are called gold diggers you idiot.

hahahahah they moved the thread from pol to r9k hahahahahahhahaha

Kill yourself you stupid ape.

What's the difference honestly? Both full of severely autistic, permanently buttblasted and pathetic incels.

are you pretending to be retarded or are you really retarded? sleazy 60 yo rich fucks get more and top quality pussy that the most revered chad can't even dream of...

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>Why do woman have such shit taste in men? Even when they are good girls and date white men they always choose the ugliest and weird looking men with cheese faces and strange nipples.
*Why do HOT women have such shit taste in men?
I cannot be the only one who is a bit disgusted when he sees a couple that doesn't looks-match? Why is that? Some kind of evolutionary mechanism that makes us aware that something is off with this particular couple? Since women are actually those that date up, and men those that date down evolutionarily. So we are confused by it. The woman is mating against her evolutionary strategy. I also always have to think of the kids: Why would you want to be with someone who gives you ugly children? It especially infuriates me if an attractive girl is gf to a guy who is uber-beta looking, i.e. I am much better looking than the guy. I think this might often happen to rather attractive girls because by definiton, most of the people in their social circles are rather average looking (since the average dude de facto has to look average), so they simply fall in love with a chill guy, not really wondering about the consequences. That is especially the case when they are still in their youth and hanging out in cliques. Women are emotional creatures who make their mating choices based on emotion and not rational reasoning. It is only when they are in their late 20s (i.e. close to hitting "the wall") that they start to analyze their future potential mates out of necessity.

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>are you pretending to be retarded or are you really retarded? sleazy 60 yo rich fucks get more and top quality pussy that the most revered chad can't even dream of...
Yeah, but the don't fucking truly love them!

Nobody's saying that you fucking idiot. God, you're so fucking stupid just kill yourself already.

>implying women can love
>implying women aren't insecure around Chad
Women don't like it when a man is more handsome than they are beautiful. Much less when he is a broke sex tot

Who said they aren't gold diggers you stupid rapebaby. Kys you moron.