Are women fucked in the head because weve given them too much freedom in society or is it a mostly genetic thing

Are women fucked in the head because weve given them too much freedom in society or is it a mostly genetic thing

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people who lash out and insult others for no reason are usually trying to mask their own deep rooted issues and insecurity

The West is in the process of re learning the need to oppress the classes that must be oppressed. Wtf actually happened to the cornerstones of civilisations? Like borders? Gender roles? Race? Religion? Family? They were knocked down one after the other by (((liberals and Marxists)))

So tell me would you date any random slack?
Why would you care about some tinder whore, are you that fuckin broken ?

I don't get this. Why wouldn't she want a rich guy that wears a suit to work? Isn't that what these whores want?

No they want dangerous street thugs who just pump and dump them, then leave them alone to take care of the "offspring"

i took it as saying
>you can be literally perfect in every way but if you're not 6' i dont want you #yaaaaaaaasssssss

Have you been to a university during summer? Or a music festival? Youre retarded if you think these are just random tinder sluts and not most women in western society today.

Due to social media, the most average 5/10 woman gets more attention than a literal supermodel would of even 20 years ago.

This, and women have way higher standards than men thus the 20% over the other 80% isnt a myth, face it

it would be very easy to just frame things like this as equivalent to racism and start a movement to stop this type of thing.
Imagine if she replaced "under 5'10" with 'black" or something. She'd be skewered. There is literally no reason you can't do this for height. Women are very susceptible to peer pressure.

>Are women fucked in the head because weve given them too much freedom

It's this one

>doesn't want a rich guy, or a guy that wears a suit
I dun get it. Or is my reading comprehension fucked ?

Stop spreading incel cult lies, Shlomo.

or you could just not bother with shallow sluts on tinder
they'll be cool wine aunts soon anyway

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>calls me shlomo
Idiot, the jews wants us to uh
these nasty hoes, he wants beta males not alphas who dominate over women and Im telling the truth, nice trying to call me out as a jew you fuckin kike

Jews want to destroy the white race. That's why they try to convert men into incels.

Those are random women ... are you retarded?

their whole tune and song changes once they hit 30 and the attention stops coming in.

Yes they want and the unconventionalism in the white race is the bigger reason why we are going extinct than the jews and their tricks,
>men into incels
Guess that's how u call men today who refuse to obey feminists and other people who are screeching for female domination

As expected from a robot, you have no idea how society works.

It doesn't work thats the problem

there is no reason to care about humanity. all your children could become what you hate the most about this world.

I'm not a robot, and this IS how society works. People being framed as bigots do not fair well. The only problem is discrimination against short men (and to an extent tall women) is not seen as bigotry - yet.
I already see what I'm saying starting in different places and irl, I think it will pick up soonish. There is no reason why it shouldn't.

Yeah, you show those feminists. Stay in the basement and die a kissless virgin. That will show them!

If you are not a robot, how come you are as clueless about women as one?

What I'm saying doesn't have to do with women, that's just the end result. I'm talking about stereotypes and bigotry in general and its elimination.

Maybe if you took the time to get to know some women you'd find out we're not so bad.

I'm sure you're right. Can we have tits as a gesture of goodwill?

It is way too common to see things like the OP picture and conclude that women aren't bigots. Until you shape it up men (yes, including tall men) will continue to think negatively of many women.

I would say hormonal.
I deal with trannies as part of my job, and the MtF ones get emotionally unstable and very sensitive when taking estrogens.
Conversely, the FtM ones become more pragmatic with hormone therapy.
Social roles also have a part in it. Men are socially encouraged to be loud-mouthed, while women are encouraged to take less space. It's pretty fascinating to watch depressed men turn into loud bitches, and broken women turn into stern dudes.

It's not that we've given them freedom, that part is fine. It's that we give them more than we have and when they complain we pretend like they have it bad in order to get laid.

You know the reason we don't call black people niggers now is that we've had multiple wars over it, right?

That shouldn't have been necessary, sadly it was.
That doesn't mean we're going to need to fight wars in the modern day in order to end discrimination against people for innate immutable genetic traits. We didn't need to fight a war for gay rights, for example.
Defending bigotry against short people is equivalent to racism and it will not be tolerated for much longer in society.

Btw where are the Women Hate Thread gone? Haven't seen one in a while

Hating women is sexist bigotry and it should not be tolerated at all.


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I want to believe, it just seems unlikely that anyone would care enough. Don't most people consider manlet discrimination a joke?

she could be joking

A lot of people care and are talking about it and the idea seems to be flipping when I read social media comments and feminist articles and such.

why do you insist on judging people based on their (limited) representation on a very specific type of platform, designed largely for a very specific thing (hookup culture)
>go on an up for hookups
>girls are shallow and have silly standards
>goes on an escort site
>spends two hours scrolling and picking a girl to fit his (to the best of the site's ability) sexual needs
>fucks her for 10 mins never to talk to her again
>"perfectly normal behavior"
and don't give me that "women are all the same" bullshit, they might be for all you know, but that's only because you never stepped out of your little bubble to find out otherwise, coupled with the notion that you're too stupid to at least theoretically figure that the world is too large and vast to be judged on such a shallow level
similarities exist, as all their behavior is after all fuelled by the evolutionary manner in which their brains developed, but those same things used to influence their way of thinking hundreds and thousands years ago as well
point is, love or hate women, doesn't matter, just don't be a fucking moron

I've been married for 10 years.

Normal women are all the same.
They don't want to be seen as sluts while simultaneously being sluts.

They don't want to rely on a man but they want a man to be the leader of the relationship.

Women crave structure from men just like men crave affection from women. Women can't accept that because then they are not autonomous.

There is a reason women have had to shout that they're strong and independent and don't need no man for 50 years, it's because deep down, they know that they do.

The insecure ones are always the loudest.

What mutant lab do you work in?

It is funny a lot of escorts have "no blacks" in their advertisement bios online.