Dubs decides what image I get on my personalized credit card

Dubs decides what image I get on my personalized credit card.

Attached: 1301121_1.jpg (300x196, 19K)

Pic related origiloeuebd

Attached: 1531529592620.jpg (640x405, 25K)

>implying they'll approve this image

Attached: 111080AD-F435-4A11-8165-FF7060E2826F.jpg (560x420, 186K)

le dubs e chekz

Attached: __nanao_ai_and_nanao_ren_kanokon__808c2158a0ed4aa134e04e85c16c2347.jpg (853x480, 170K)

It's worth a shot

Rolling originally after 2 seconds because I was still muted

Attached: swastika_bw.jpg (200x201, 21K)


Attached: 1920x1200-nebula_space_pillars_of_creation-11005.jpg (1920x1200, 157K)

ooga bvo

Attached: 1536111941914.jpg (1600x1060, 331K)

I this this would do nicely

Attached: spurdi.png (174x127, 3K)

Gib digits pls

Attached: 5DAF6384-397E-4BD6-A106-E24367C38EEC.jpg (372x417, 65K)


Attached: pick up the sward, danny.png (445x95, 2K)

Dubbbbs here

Attached: 3746E8C5-43FA-4844-A77B-5963953CA302.jpg (1024x699, 100K)


Attached: e5353ebe8143c3668e3e253b81cacda6.jpg (1280x960, 122K)

fuck orgingially

Pretty good start roll this

Attached: 1532672353735.jpg (1024x996, 134K)

keep us updated op
dis nibba non orig

Attached: 1532677102250.jpg (950x631, 41K)

with originality

ill give y

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 8K)

lets give it try

Attached: PinBackingHeavens_1024x1024.jpg (646x882, 77K)

i'd imagine it would have to be sfw?

Attached: sample-5f97f40903f3f4e388cf3e67b3106a59.jpg (1400x941, 279K)

FUCK, a few seconds late but im still uploading

Attached: sheckleberg.jpg (678x381, 71K)

i like oregano

t. unoriginal

Attached: 59b6c7b13de19.jpg (499x500, 69K)

Blacked Elsa.

this afaddfsa

Damn, this is truly a beautiful pic. Source on this one?

how about this gaylord

Attached: garful.jpg (750x750, 64K)

This pleeeeese

Attached: 1534509863386.jpg (248x203, 9K)