Turning 33 in the next week.
Should I visit a prostitue to lose my virginity?
Turning 33 in the next week
It won't change anything but go ahead
you dont have sex because your mental issues, go for the cause not the symptom.
if you just want the experience do it nothing holding you back
Yeah do it. I've seen 3 and they have helped me get over my insecurities
Do you live somewhere where it's legal? Here in the land of freedumb visiting a prostitute seems too risky.
You lurk on Jow Forums. What do you have to lose?
Normally I would say no but your age you might as well do it before you get ED
Take a vacation in Mexico or Germany or Thailand.
Yes, do it, and yes, it will. It's not going to be life changing, but it's a change in energy that is positive and will stay with you forever. I've had friends get fed up and fuck a gross chick just to not be a virgin anymore, and now they get better chicks (not often, like I said it doesn't change the game, but sometimes). They also just feel more complete. It's beyond cliche and obnoxious to say that it's a rite of passage, but it really is. Something in your brain just clicks into place. It's subtle, but foundational. Don't sweat it man, just go for it.
Lurking on Jow Forums on my laptop in my comfy bed seems much nicer than getting ass fucked by Bubba in prison.
I did at 20 and it helped me
I wanna ask you OP what you feel about being virgin, why you are still a virgin?
Im 27 khhv and I feel nothing, im content with my life. If its a general broad question about life someone would ask me knowing im a virgin, then yeah I would have to say im content.
I guess I never can understand people who automatically speaks about virginity as something bad or something sad, atleast without heavy amount on context to their specific life and way of thinking.
So I ask you OP, what is your virginity to you?
Dont expect me or anyone else to really understand you fully, but there needs to be a bit more explaining to get any kind of meaningful interactions from these types of threads, more than just a statement and a question on the general topic.
Not OP, but I'm also a wizard. Virginity represents missing out on the most basic of human experiences, and always feeling like an outsider or impostor in adult society. We also have an innate biological drive for sex, and failing that for so long is depressing, just due to the way our brains are wired.
Don't do it user. Hookers don't count and it would only make you feel worse
I'm 30 and I want to do the same thing but I live in god damned America.
just do it. your body will receive a big energy shift. i wish i had done it sooner.
see these directories: eroticmonkey, adultlook, skipthegames.
they are some of the biggest since craigslist & backpage shut it down.
Come here. I live in Budapest rn, and I'm planning to do it. Yeah, I haven't pulled the trigger yet but I know people who did. There are a LOT to choose from, they have review-focused websites so you won't get fucked over. And they're CHEAP. rosszlanyok.hu and beszamolok.com are the most popular. They allow foreign english speaking clients, as far as I know.
>just come to budapest bro
how much money do you think i have? honestly
More and more twink whitebois are experiencing the pleasure of BBC and they're LOVING it.
Laughed may more than I should at that pic
I think by 33 you might as well. It might really help your life. Probably best to spend a lil extra and get one who will be super caring and supportive to make it a good experience, rather than just pumping and go.
Alright I'm on eroticmonkey, now how do I tell who is a cop or not
>Cops actually make entrapment and stings for prostitution
Land of the Free truly.
google the phone numbers, analyze results
phone lookup the numbers to see if theyre voip or not
monitor your local news. prostitute stings and operations are always mentioned
reverse imagesearch the pictures
in reality you're much more likely to run into a catfish/scammer than a cop. they are easy to spot and dodge.
that is the gist of it. it boils down to that and grow a pair of balls. you can do some google searching, others have written long blog posts on how to avoid police/scams on this scene. usasexguide has a good forum that probably went over it dozens of times.