is it okay to have sex with your own mum?
Is it okay to have sex with your own mum?
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Sure, everyone else is having sex with your mom so why not you too
no, you'll throw away one of the purest and closest relationships in your life, unless you hate her and/or are estranged, then sure.
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uur mum gey lol
incest webm:
Think I had a wet dream once about my mom where I was banging her hard in missionary. Almost felt too real.
is shes hot and not retarded
no biological
Jesus fucking christ, more info & backstory?
Also why are they so fucking rude
Really seems like some white trash
If the possibility of having mutant children and ruining your relationship/life with the woman that you came out of sounds wise to you, then sure.
I suppose it is if you're white
Man, I wish. I'd like to one day.
oh shit its real, oh man
What fucktard believes this is real
he should of got some anal.
I don't know man, if I had a really hot mom it would be worth it
And maybe even bring us closer together, who knows?
Are you the guy who posted yesterday about blurting out to your mother that you want to fuck her?
Only Chad is allowed.
What if the mom and son are both 10/10 model tier Chad and Stacy?
If thats your mom then youre underage af
Ewww. Freaking disgusting my good brotaha.
If my mom was hot, I'd probably do it.
Only problem is she isn't, and there are very few moms who would even consider it.
give me a quick rundown
not sure if any of those are real tho
No, but it's possible and to make it work without destroying the relationship. Managed to sleep with mine and we're still on decent terms. But we also never had much a relationship before either.
oeigninal hebebabrb disj
>Not divorce but mom leaves us when I was young
>Go to visit her for some months after high school from not seeing her for many years
>She's outdoorsy and basically lived in the woods so a lot of time camping together
>She's totally fine though sleeping naked or going around like that since out in the middle of nowhere
>End up popping some chubs to that and she ended up noticing
>Told me to take care of it at first but got around to fucking
No one else around, living together in the wilderness things happened. But she walked out on us like I said so we were never close to begin with so it didn't mess up our relationship that much at all. I mean it was almost like seeing a stranger when I first got out there.
Yes. If you can find a shot at happiness you take it.
It seems fake but still man WHY THE FUCK MY PEEPEE HARD
No, but you can have sex with someone else's mum.
If she looks like that, yes it is okay.
nice quads
It sounds potentially hot but nothing in it suggests she's actually his mother
I'm into incest but the thought of doing it with my family disgusts me. I wish i was adopted by a hot blonde milf.
true, non-desperation, uncoerced incest relationships is fairly rare
They usually remain fantasies (i have one myself), and i imagine that once they are consummated, one or both parties might feel shame or disgust and break it off
incest where both parties are attractive and genuinely want it, you probably never hear about
Would it be so wrong for a mother to give her son a handjob every now and then? Its not sexual intercourse and I feel like if boundaries were established and both parties saw it as just some light relief and fun it wouldn't be emotionally damaging for anyone. Also the son would have to be of legal age or whatever and ideally they would keep it private but not try to keep it totally secret.
Any good green texts about mom/son or auntie? Webms if any would be good also.
I've had three now with this premise. I'm starting to think I have a problem
user you could be sleepwalking and really fucked your mom but she did not tell you. Now you only have flashbacks.
The spookiest part is I actually have sleepwalked before so you could be onto something there
Most of that is fake and is just people writing erotic stories.
It's weird. I'm so fucking into incest, I just find it to be the ultimate taboo and super hot. Most porn I watch is incest themed mother/son stuff. Most stories you read sound incredibly fake and gay, but when you find a gem like it's so worth the wait. Strange part is that I would never touch my own family at all, can't even think about it. Maybe I would be more open to it if early in life mothers and sons just satisfied eachother orally or something. Post moar.
I'm less into incest than I think you are, but beyond that I feel the same. But i aalso am not sure that webm is real incest.
I legit came to browse R9k today after reading a screen shot about a user from here trying to fuck his mom
bump for more, my boner desires it
This was a lucky guy from /b/.
I'm not convinced that that is real