Is there a term for being the one that's sane in a world that has gone insane...

Is there a term for being the one that's sane in a world that has gone insane? More and more often I feel like the people around me seem mentally ill, like absolute warped and corrupted.

I feel like I'm one of the few sane ones left, most people here and similar places seem fine, but people IRL by and large are absolute freaks, especially women, like they're completely gone mentally.

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>we have had threesomes
>oh no she wants to fuck a BLACK guy

The state of this cuck

Yes: mental illness. By definition, you are the crazy one.

The problem is you are thinking of women as people you can possibly understand, they are just simply selfish evil monsters and should be seen and treated as such.

Should he be worried though?

But yeah, the article did kind of descend into girls accusing HIM of being the problem and being racist because he was weird about it being a black dude.

It is funny that he only cares about her taking the BBC though what does that mean anything else is fine

Maybe you are just different from them and you will find another group of people who are like you some day in the future

>OMG she just wants a black cock, user, WTF is your fucking problem?!?!
>Wow, racist, misogynist AND insecure, what a catch you are, user
>user, IT'S JUST SEX!!! You're the one she loves!
>Maybe you have a problem with it because you secretly want black ccck yourself, user? Are you gay??? I think only a closet gay would be weird with his gf wanting black cock!

I think the more sane you actually are the more often you feel that way.

>be cuck
>living the life
>getting as much play and getting off to being mildly cucked by my cumskin bros
>girlfriend suddenly has change of heart
>girlfriend wants to get BLACKED
>tfw you aren't sure what to do so you ask online
>get reprimanded for being racist
>tfw society forced you to get blacked or be racist
white people BTFO

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Can you even read user?

Yeah I guess. He's probably just concerned because he's not black and her "adamance" about him being black makes him wonder if black guys are who she really wants to be with.

I think you guys just lack reading comprehension and jump the gun into getting upset.

Did you not read the OP pic? The reply is calling his gf racist for fetishizing black men, not calling the cuck racist

Great, thanks for making me break nofap, user.

you expect too much from this board

To be honest though if you spend 5 seconds in progressive areas online it's clear they believe all white men should be cucked and emasculated. It's not a delusion it's what the left really do believe. I remember some black guy on twitter with the handle "@ifuckwhitegirls" or something like that was getting lauded by progressives for his anti-white male posting.

Yeah I can read, I'm OP and as I said the thread DESCENDS into girls accusing him of being racist, not the gf, the comment in the thumbnail is just one of many.

The people at the extreme ends of either spectrum tend to be foreveralone betas though who are never going to get girls.

Just manifests in different ways, both ends of the spectrum are racist, so the left love seeing white girls they can never get fucked by "superior blacks" (because then it's a racial thing as opposed to an individual thing, there simply are no white guys that can compare to blacks so why try) and then those on the right get mad and hate filled and jealous etc. etc.

I think the feminist commentator actually has a good point desu

That's hot as fuck. I hope a black man impregnated her with a superior child.

I don't think the normies on the left are loser virgins like us user, that's just a cope.
She does, but most people are not going to listen to her. Blacks want the free sex that comes with fetishizing.

>She does, but most people are not going to listen to her. Blacks want the free sex that comes with fetishizing

Yeah being fetishized is a positive of racism for black dudes, lol. They get the whores that just want to fuck black guys, and white women who actually want a relationship with any guy regardless of race are still open to them too.

It's best of both worlds for the nogs, like white dudes with Asian girls, basically.

Except the left is filled with niggers actually getting "reparations" fucks from leftist white women and fetish fucks from right white women. Hell blacks think they own white women, look how betrayed they acted when white women voted for Trump.

Except Asian women don't actually love white men as much as the memes say. The majority of white guys banging Asian girls are people paying women in shitty poor Asian countries.

>Except Asian women don't actually love white men as much as the memes say

No, they literally do, possibly/probably even more extreme than with white girls and black dudes.

You should go over to the cuck subs on Reddit sometime, Asian hotwifes are pretty much always white only/preferred, sometimes white and Asian preferred, white girls tend to be half and half between black and white, Indian girls tend to be split between black and white too, would say maybe slight favoritism toward black.

Every Asian girl I've been with has hated black guys, and could only be described as having white fetish.

>the majority of white men banging Asian men are...
Bro, white guys are throttling up on Asian girls in the US all the time.

White girls with the fetish will fuck fat and ugly black guys, but Asian women will not fuck fat and ugly white men. Asians just have a Chad fetish like all women do.
I've read reddit cuck subs it's all white people being cucked by blacks or other white people. I've never seen a hot wife that wasn't white on there.

>I've never seen a hot wife that wasn't white on there.

You serious, lol? Like 25-35% of the hotwifes there are Asian, kek, they are ridiculusly overrepresented compared to their population size.

>White girls with the fetish will fuck fat and ugly black guys

Generally not true unless they are also fat and ugly, same as with Asian hotwifes, if they're chubs or old they'll often fuck older or chubbier dudes too.


If Asian girls love white guys so much why are there so many virgin white incels? More than any other race.

Well funnily enough I was one of those white virgin incels until I met... an Asian girl. She approached me and gave me her number and ended up fucking me for a year, girl I moved onto when we stopped seeing each other... also Asian, in an open relationship and wants to fuck.

There aren't a huge number of Asian girls in white countries, generally speaking, so that probably has something to do with it.

Blacks in white countries have a shit ton more of their fetish matches to get with.

White loser here, Asian women ignore me. It's not that Asian women fetishize white males it's just that you are attractive user.

>It's not that Asian women fetishize white males it's just that you are attractive user.

Two things can be true at once, both Asian girls admitted they basically were only attracted to white guys.

>shes watched me with other women

is he dumb

Why doesn't she want him to watch though? It is odd she wants to be alone with the black dude.

Being attracted to attractive people isn't a fetish

no is he dumb for opening this "open relatiomship" bullcrap. yes

hes like

>we did all these threesomes
>shes watched me fuck other girls
>why does she want to fuck a black man!!!

to make u feel bad, sir

Spending too much time online can make you think that. Speak to the same person irl and they'll be much less extreme.
But I guess you're right in a sense, what used to be only found online is now normalized in the real world. The Internet leaked a long time a go and created a flood of unneeded information that people get warp up in.

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>I feel like I'm one of the few sane ones left, most people here and similar places seem fine, but people IRL by and large are absolute freaks, especially women, like they're completely gone mentally
lets ignore for a second that the majority of people on this board are the very definition of "normalfags" at this point, how can you say this unironically?
in what universe is the notion of having a fetish more skewed than the notion of advocating a genocide of a certain sex/race, or even in closer terms in what universe is the notion of being a cuck somehow more fucked up than being a pedo/into beastiality/incest/any other "weird" fetish so many of people seem to have on here (and internet in general, which is to say they have them irl as well, they just don't disclose them as often/freely)
basically the proper term aside, no, you aren't the "only sane person surrounded by insane people" by the very definition you're quite clearly the "insane" one, as sanity, all in all after all has been said and done, is just the line that's drawn between "being able to fit properly into the current state of society and be a functioning part of it (norm)" and "failing to do so and remaining on the outlines"

>Except the left is filled with niggers actually getting "reparations" fucks from leftist white women and fetish fucks from right white women. Hell blacks think they own white women, look how betrayed they acted when white women voted for Trump.

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>White girls with the fetish will fuck fat and ugly black guys, but Asian women will not fuck fat and ugly white men.
Holy shit your deluded

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