Be me

>be me
>be pussy virgin
>keep fucking up but still about to get head tonight (hopefully)

You all ready to be pissed at me for my responses?

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I reach out first. Like the beta I am

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This is where most anons called me a complete retard last night

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Either shes a desperate 19 year old or I'm a Chad because shes driving 40 minutes to get here

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Is this a repost or some similar threads are popping from time to time?

jesus christ, you're such a beta. stop asking girls questions like "do you want to switch to text?" you need to tell them that you should switch to text, get in control of the conversation instead of passively asking questions and hoping she complies

I posted this yesterday but more has happened since

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>So what brings you to tinder

She must be retarded tho with her seeing her answers:

wow played like a chad

Oh I'm well aware. I'm trying to change my ways, but I also dont want to become a full on emotionally manipulative Chad

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>always fun
>always fun
>always fun
Jesus christ, stop it.

I think she might actually be. Or shes trying to play me somehow? Because my responses are down right retarded. I'm putting minimal effort in because I have a real date lined up through bumble next monday

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>short talk
>probs will blueball you

Arent girls that are interested in you supposed to offer a little more conversation or is this the absolute state of tinder roasties now?

>tfw I say that a lot in real life too
Sorry I have a personality and dont sculpt my speech patterns to perfectly entrap thots

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>Sorry I have a personality
Yeah, it's coming through fucking great, friend.

I doubt it. Despite me being a retarded beta she knows exactly what I want

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Don't use >le unique personality meme. You're just socially impaired and don't know how to talk to people, it has nothing to do with entrapping thots

>some NEET is mocking me on the internet
>I have a masters, a great job, and multiple dates lined up
Seems to work for me. Also cringiest part coming up. At this point I was pretty drunk, but I guess since I'm not obese that makes me a Chad in the midwest

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>my job is literally talking to people, managing people, and teaching people how to do engaging education
I'm just not good and tricking young sluts I guess

Heres the end basicallt. I'm trying to entice her into sending me nudes but am too beta to outright ask. Any advice?

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shouldve said im planning to eat your ass precisely at 22:17

good answer my man

Ask her out for coffee or dinner

I see nothing terribly wrong here
t. Bigger pussy virgin

you're braver than most people on this board OP, i don't think there's anything to be ashamed of. i've only ever come close to a date once and every other time i never made it past 3 messages while still on tinder

Her response was "you'll see"

Shes already coming to my place for a movie. And I dont want to date her. Just get some experience before my real date next week

These autistic manipulative Chad wannabes just dont understand us

Just be ur self
A less autistic version. I delete half the stuff I type to seem less autistic.

holy fuck dude thats a straight up interrogation
you arent getting any
she hasnt asked a single question and is making you work for every single word

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>Just be ur self
i try my best and even consult my roastie friend for advice but it never seems to work. i will be trying again later when i'm back home from uni since it seems like there isn't any hope for me here anymore. i'm not going to get my hopes up though

>C U C K E D by the monthly flows
Hate it when that happens though. A girl will get all horny days before it happens, will even give you the time of day because she'd like to fuck, and the night of the date.
>le oops, we can't fuck soz xP

You have literally no self-awareness. But whatever works for you.
Even spergs and physically disabled and disfigured people can get dates though. I know a guy who is mildly autistic, overweight, smells horrible more often than not, and yet somehow he managed to get married at 26.
It's really not that hard if you try just a little bit.

That's how most women talk. They dont know how to contribute. They're literally just perpetually trying to find their prince charming wholl make all the effort and turn them into a princess

I know... blow job and feel up her breasts tonight or I never see her again

>tfw this is me putting in minimal effort
If I was trying I'd just ask my Chad BF what exactly I should say every time

Try as in literally do anything in an attempt to establish any form of contact with an individual of the opposite sex.
Also, I'd love to read the shit you deem too autistic to send, because based on what you actually are sending it would be a fucking gold mine.

I mostly am just cutting a lot of extra words like "so" at the start of sentences. Yeah it's too bad I'm not a master at negging like you.

Good shit OP. Not gonna lie I would've stopped replying if I had a convo going like that but glad to hear it's working out in your favor!

Blowjob means you get a return on that investment I guess. I don't know what to make of her. She doesn't sound all too bitchy, but she's like every other bitch that expecrs you to drive the conversation.

Yeah I just power through see what happens. If they like good food it's pretty easy, otherwise I drop um fast.

>girl who actually contributes to conversations

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>sperging out about cheese
What in the actual fuck is going on.

I also consider cheese a hobby
I understand what OP is saying

Ty for backing me up. Wed been talking about cheese for a bit so this was appropriate. But I know r9k doesnt understand hobbies

>how do I respond

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women are so fucking stupid. he is looking for what every other man on tinder is looking for.

"I already found what I'm looking for. You :)"

I feel thatd be too much. I'd rather her wondering about my feelings then outright thinking a lie. Because she wouldnt assume I mean an easy fuck.

Not the guy you're replying to but you're fucking retarded. It's not too much it's smooth as fuck and the best answer you're gonna get.
And for the love of god don't LARP an interrogation officer when you're trying to score.

Dunno then. Tbqh you're probably fucking it up by talking much, which is why she asked in the first place. She already agreed to suck your dick, so why are you still talking?

Because I like to talk :(

I went with it. Lets see if tonight even happens

Jesus women are so simple. Not that I'd be any different

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Tell her something pseudo romantic, remember, if you give a man a fish, he will be hungry tomorrow. If you teach a man to fish, he will be richer forever,
A steady supply off pussy > pump n dump

Sounds like a catfish, the person wrote I'm simple, when asked about what they wanted to do

user she probably texted so weird cause she was on her guard and scooping out what you are like, she seems to have warmed up to you and texts more naturally now

>Jesus women are so simple
No shit sherlock

And fuck you again. Cheese is great

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Nah. 99% of women are like that. Regardless of medium. They're fully indoctrinated into consumerist culture that they barely know got to create/contribute

I know you already answered but should've said:
>just seeing what happens

That's what she told you back then when you asked. And what a dumb question.

Look at how she's texting now
Compared to earlier, user is almost their be just has to make sure everything goes well when they finally meet

I thought about that, but that's just what you say when you dont want to say "I just want to fuck".

The response I went with walks a fine line of saying "I found a cock sleeve, or maybe I found a girl I want to date???" Or at least how dating-retard me sees it.

The cheese one is a totally different person. Shes 26 and is a high school teacher.

It's kind of preachy, but she has flesh dripping out of her pussy right now so it's probablty what she wanted to hear.

I was taught you don't tell a women you're into her too soon, because women are obsessed about getting you to admit that and it's not fun anymore for them when you have.

Teebeeaytch, I don't know what else you could've answered. I hope you're expecting a meltdown from her when you drop her though.

Nothing of what is happening in this thread or in the conversations you have with this girl is healthy or sane.

OP how easy is texting for you? Do you just do it naturally? Do you have a tactic which encompasses how to respond and continue convos? Please enlighten me

Oh I'm well aware. I will just act busier and busier. Do that slow fade. Also she doesnt have her own car (has to borrow her parents to get here), and lives a distance away. Should make it safer for me

>this is what normal tinder shit is like (except less autistic usually)

It's all natural friend. I'm not a sociopath trying to entrap people. I've also been in a women dominated major/field for the last 6 years so I know how to at least not be creepy

>Because I like to talk :(
then keep swiping and talk to more girls for fun
I'm a volcel and I know this

Bruh just talk and engage people. Ask questions. Steer the conversation. OP is actually a terrible example because he legitimately just interrogates the other person but that works for him. What works for others may not work for you. You will not know until you try and fail.

hes unironically harassing her

In my defense I dont usually do that. This is just a stupid cunt who wants to fuck but wont admit it. Although she may be a clingy chick who has already fallen in love with me or some shit like that.

If this thread is alive tomorrow I'll give an update

this, its so mechanical, creepy

What's your immigrant culture user?

This better end with dogs eating a human or I will be disappointed

>took this long for an user to jump on that.
I'm in Wisconsin so, germans, Yankees and scandinavians

>a robot calling other people mechanical
Why is r9k bullying me? I just want to lose my virginity and fuck a thot like chad

This is why OP is getting ass and you are just getting passed.

Sad to disappoint you but I only have pigs at my disposal

Goldstein levels of bullshit

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I regret saying the line because it could easily start me down a very bad path. But its not a lie. Shes an easy fuck.

Here is a (you) of appreciaton

Fake and gay

The whole thing is weird as hell. She had already divulged that she wouldn't take the D in the V because she's dripping blood (where OP should of course have inquired about the secondary option) and now she's asking why OP is on tinder for the second time out of nowhere.
Calm down. It's not like you're marrying a devout christian girl for the sole purpose of having sexual intercourse with her and filing for divorce right after.

>fake and gay
Very real and assuming shes not a trap not gay either. But thanks for the "you". I'll make sure to share any nudes she sends

Very appreciated

It's pretty easy to explain the timeline :
>horny as fuck as all girls are
>letting OP do all the moves though so she won't feel slutty

>period arrives
>less horny but still a lot
>"OwO i got my period but ah well this'll probably end in a blowjob so who cares"

>period about to end
>girls at their least horny at that point (no uterus wall in case they get pumped up)
>"oh shiiiiiiiit, i'm not a slut wtf. let's make sure this about a real relationship, and not a one night stand"

Watch and learn user.

>Why is r9k bullying me? I just want to lose my virginity and fuck a thot like chad
because you text like a fucking freak and you're in here acting like you aren't

Well, the timeline doesn't really add up, except maybe for the last bit.

No it doesn't at all. I overshot when OP started talking to her when it actually just started yesterday;

I thought this a slow lazy chat that had been building up since a week or something.

None of that is true about periods. Stop pretending like you know anything about women

so you are just talking with her and being her friend and wont fuck her, so whats up with that

Yeah I got her # within 10 minutes. Also how tall do you think she is (and yea I know shes ugly, she claims she intentionally looks ugly at work)

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>and yea I know shes ugly, she claims she intentionally looks ugly at work)
We all start somewhere user. And aside from being a shit conversationalist, I commend her for not thinking she's hot shit like half the girls of her generation.

She seems chill and seems down to fuck pretty quickly.

>Yeah I got her # within 10 minutes. Also how tall do you think she is (and yea I know shes ugly, she claims she intentionally looks ugly at work)
she baited you

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Mutt women are so disgusting lol

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It even makes sense biologically. Why have sex when your uterus can't store an egg-cell properly (bad technicals I know, English as a second language and shit).

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What's originally wrong with her legs?

>post screencap study abstract
Holy shit this must be some top top level bait. Are you fucking serious mate?

If you want to know more about girls, hang out with them in person

Not the guy you're responding too, but damn you're a retard.

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>Not the guy youre responding too
Oh, so youre DEFINITELY the guy I was responding to then. Listen, whoever you are...

Girls are horny AF the entire time theyre on their period. If she says she is not horny or in the mood, its because youre annoying or you said something stupid. Its never because shes just not in the mood

>Girls are horny AF the entire time theyre on their period
I agree my man, but user is correct.
Women are the horniest right before their period and it goes down from there (ever so slightly).

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Here I was thinking OP did nothing wrong, and now everyone is shitting on him. I dont even want to create a tinder anymore, not that I was likely to anyway.

But how tall do you think she is?

Just go for it user. Remember, most of the people here either have no idea what they're doing (myself included) or they watch videos made my MRA people on how to pick up girls

Du zuerst, Hundescheisse. OP is technically correct but the way he opened the thread asking for advice only to respond as arrogantly as possible means he deserves my ire

also, pretending to not be OP? Come on man

I nearly panicked when I created a fake tinder with a fake pic and a semi-real bio, just to try it out. One girl asked if I was fake and then I apologized and deleted the app. I cant do it. I think my only small chances are drunk girls and having a coworker come onto me by some miracle. Thats what I tell myself anyway.


Hi, sorry I'm back and that wasn't me. But we seem to agree so I don't see what the argument was for.

Girls are at some of their horniest pre- and during-menstruation. Maybe it was wrong to say that changes near the end of the period though.

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>But we seem to agree so I dont see what the argument was for

We dont agree. The period has no negative effect on female libido. If she doesnt want to have sex with you, its because you said or did something that turned her off

Are you getting laid tonight OP??