Hey anyone who has serious trauma

I know someone who has serious trauma and is self aware, they were saved and fixed by someone they met online, they did meet up irl

I hope this story helps you, he did and still loves them unconditionally, it wasn't a attention seeker, they said they dissociate severely and it only happens to traumatized people.

Stay strong, one day someone will understand and love you for you

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Thanks apu but I don't need anyone to save me
Trauma has taught me to find happiness in isolation and to see human interaction, intimacy and sex as the meaningless shams that they are.

Yes me too user
Many times I thought I would be saved but I wasn't. I was too unstable. Thank you for sharing

The porn on this site kind of ruins my msg but
I think I can add more?
anyway people with sexual trauma are valid too and you don't need to be fixed. Don't let anyone else influence you, it's up to you to analyze it and decide for yourself. For me I can only view sex as validation that I'm normal and can enjoy it, but I can't actually do it irl

>Stay strong, one day someone will understand and love you for you
It's nice that happened to someone but there's no guarantee that it will happen to me.

I'm sorry user, are you at least not a outcast like my person? They said they are bullied and never had real friendships, hopefully you're just insecure and not actually hated

Some people hate me some people like me.
I'm very aloof. Most people assume that I hate them but it's not true, I'm just very distant.
But I'm already 30 so the days of me being a cute boy to be saved are over.

I did not realise my personal details were that public

user.. I read this and this makes sense but.. Do you actually have trauma or are you surprised someone shared something as intimate as that online

Why wouldn't traumatized people share intimate knowledge online?
It's the only safe place to do so.
I do think that it probably deletes your soul though.

yes unfortunately I have pretty much one of the most severe forms of repeated PTSD and PTSS. The neighbourhood probably knows how much shit she has to put up with. Lady next door certainly does because she took this to the police station once and when she realised what it was she did not feel angry anymore. Her grandson next door was setting off episodes with flashbacks, because of the screaming- she did not want to break him part of the conversation at the police station mediation, as he was in fact being abused by his mother. Things have gotten a lot better since for the boy as he is no longer screaming in the night (obscenities amongst that all). So i think in part i am kinda glad i put my foot down that night.

Deletes your soul sounds weird,
It's worse online since people assume you're a a attention seeker. But you can. Find safe spaces so you're right that it's probably safer.

Deletes your soul.. I don't understand that,

break* make.
mobile posting sorry

>one day someone will understand and love you for you
Comments like these I hate the most.

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That sounds wild user, it's a sensitive subject. I got a pang of fear from that,

Sorry user, I was thinking more of my person. I just find it heart warming that someone loved someone unconditionally,

Sorry user, I was thinking more of my person. I just find it heart warming that someone loved someone unconditionally, especially someone who is self aware of their vulnerable.

Sorry i didnot intend that
for us its like ying and yang and we are walking the line down the middle together.

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I don't understand that but I got a feeling of peace from That, thank you

Because intimate details are meant to be shared with intimate partners.
When you share your soul with the endless void of the internet, it simply disappears.

Get around Trauma Release Exercises my friends, youtube.com/watch?v=Y3x_ITdzKbI is the video I follow. also traumaprevention.com/what-is-tre/

The TLDR is there's a implicit trembling/twitching neurological process the body can activate if you do a specific set of exercises. Then you lay on the floor and rest while your body does a bunch of tiny tremors, literal feels like the trauma is being shaken out.

The first time I did it was one of the most relaxed I'd been in years. Doing it regularly.. the world just feels safer, more trusting, and I can feel emotions in my chest it isn't just a numb blank spot. There's some space for optimism.

Hope this helps somebody like it helped me. I've read a few testimonials of vets with PTSD having their first sleep without nightmares in years doing this exercise.

What about writing for yourself like a diary. even if nobody reads it not even you, it's still a good feeling to express it. its not gone from the brain just the feeling of having to carry it can reduce a bit i think

My step dad used to beat the fuck out of me every day just when he felt like it. If someone yells at me I just start crying and shaking. Also my mother hates me when we argue she tells me to go cut my arm some more. Sorry for the pity post just wanted to let it out.

Do you ever get that rush of sweat feeling triggered by shit that isnt an actual threat its just not exactly what you expected to happen?

youtu.be/eQkwLrSxd5w This might really help, if you're curious

I can't handle confrontation because my dad was an angry drunk and used to beat the shit out of me and my mom.
Everyone thinks I'm a pussy but it's because I feel like a little 6 year old going up against a 6'3 220 lb man every time.

Thanks for the video user I will check it out

I feel for you bro if somebody like jokingly goes to touch me I flinch bad and people think I'm weird