Tfw no fembot gf

>tfw no fembot gf
this thread is original

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Know ur feel user

May as well repost this from the last one: It makes me really sad when I meet guys and girls on this board who are dating people they also met on this board. Makes me so fucking jealous. But it's my own fault. I'm disgusting and no woman in their right mind would want me. Doesn't stop the jealousy, though.

what makes you so disgusting user?

>Makes me so fucking jealous.
I'm personally not jealous. Actually happy that they could find love, and also gives me hope in finding someone

Poor hygiene. Too lazy to fix it. Horrible personality.

I can't do that because I know there's no hope.

i can imagine the hygiene but what makes your personality horrible?

I'm selfish and manipulative and boring and annoying and clingy and just all the worst traits a person can have.

it sounds odd but i would like to talk. people always see the negatives abou tthemselves and make it seem like a bigger deal than it actually is

Post a Discord or something and I'll add you, then. We can chat for a bit. I'll try my best to be talkative.

>should have added my contact since the point of this was contacting a fembot
my contact is sasco#5012
>also gl user, I'm sure you will find someone
because there is no perfect person and the attributes you think can be repulsive might be what the other person wants

>>also gl user, I'm sure you will find someone
You realise where you are, right? Plenty of people on this board end up completely alone.

Gonna give it a few minutes to see if that user posts their Discord and then I'll leave you guys to your thread.

im a bit uncomfortable posting my discord, do you have any contacts you are willing to share?

I made a temporary one. It's:

>didn't add me
Why tease me, user?

She probably regret it, don't take it personally user. But she would probably ghost you sooner or later

>She probably regret it, don't take it personally user. But she would probably ghost you sooner or later
I wasn't sure if it was a girl. I just thought someone wanted to talk for a bit. It's all good. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, anyway. I just wish I had the choice.

Who can you cling to user I thought you were some troglodyte

You don't want a gf. You just want a fucktoy that cooks for you. You will never be able to love a fembot.

Same here bro :(

>18 male

>drop out of UK college 1 year ago because i fail first year exams,reason: muh depression
>move away
>get my 1st own place
>get wage cuck job, progress in wage cuckery

>realise im always tired, never go out, have no friends, and no opportunity to meet girls because im a socially inept retard

>contemplate suicide again

why man :(

tfw cried typing this

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im sorry user, my power had gone out for a while. i'll assume you left, sorry for wasting your time

hey op here my first semester wasn't the best. But you can still recover. Don't settle for min cuck wage job user. You can do better.