You cannot be a robot if you're white, especially if you're a white woman
You cannot be a robot if you're white, especially if you're a white woman
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proof mix race is ugly
nonwhites are all NPCs though
How is this legal? Clear racial discrimination.
>proof mix race is ugly
Or white people are put all over TV adverts and movies and hell of a lot of things they watch making them the beauty standard
>How is this legal? Clear racial discrimination.
I know let's put non-whites in all the modelling agencies with barely any non-whites.
lol. are we even human
Why are they so unnatractive? Doesnt that defeat the purpose of modeling?
There are attractive ethnics.
Either way white men are by default beautiful that's why we need to save them and their BWC.
just cause you're not white doesn't mean you don't have to comply to standard hygiene procedures
some of the people there actually take care of themselves and then you got the ones that look like fucking crack addicts
White women too. you always forget the women, Storm Bolt.
orignal question to udnerstand what you mean
Non whites are ugly as fuck bro. Not even niggers want to fuck their own women and I frankly don't blame them for it
>Non whites are ugly as fuck bro. Not even niggers want to fuck their own women and I frankly don't blame them for it
May as well change the beauty standard, it worked for Asians and Blacks for a while it's time to help pajeets.
Black men aren't exactly thrilled about white women
there are no attractive ethnics, Danny. theyre the fucking enemy, we dont know em we dont wanna know em.
>black hair, black eyes
Checks out
2017 one changed but it showed the same shit except black men on white women rating went down further and so did black women on white men.
I kinda look like that guy in the bottom right corner, except for long hair. And I am white. What does it mean?
>Thinks eyes are a significant part of diversity
>Most people have brown eyes including whites with only a small percentage having blue eyes and an even lower percentage having other colours
That's totally not diverse
>Try to disprove that there's not diversity among shitskins of all sorts
>Admit that the most diverse race is white
Pic torally related too.
>And I am white
roast me harder, White people. my non-diverse genetic make up makes me near impervious to all verbal flames.
Well I do have pale skin, blue bright eyes and higher than most IQ. I clearly am white but my bone structure, nose and eyes look like those of some (semitic? arab?) people.
Are you actually retarded people of all races have different types of lip colours and hair colours. How the fuck does that even make you diverse what Jow Forumstier retarded bullshit is that? You still do realise that majority not whites have brown eyes right? The percentage of blue eyes is also small and the percentage of any other colour is absolutely tiny. How the hell do you come to this shit?
if you have blue eyes then youre White and you dont look like the bottom right guy.
Not true, only 55% of people have brown eyes, and since almost only white people have colored eyes, and whites are globally a minority, there have to be many whites with non-brown eyes.
What race are you? male or female?
That bottom one is wearing contacts and shovel full of makeup. The top on doesn't have contacts but is also wearing a ton of makeup
Wrong post response sorry
>people of all races have different types of lip colours and hair colours
Show me a nigger or gook with natural blonde hair
>You still do realise that majority not whites have brown eyes right? The percentage of blue eyes is also small and the percentage of any other colour is absolutely tiny.
>Say that non whites are the most diverse
>Admit that blue, green and other eyes together with brown are basically only seen in whites
>No matter how few, but still...
Well I don't have the same skin colour and eyes color but my facial structure is very similar to his.
Korean, male.
shes okay, could be a lot worse.
do you look like this?
do you look like this? i consider him to be a """"""diverse"""""" White guy.
amber and hazel are just brown eyelets coping hard
Just let them in u racist cracka
>do you look like this?
Not exactly but there's something slightly similar like his eyes, their shape or something.
Cope. You can't tell if they are wearing contacts or not but even if they did (which they most likely don't), you would have to be retarded to imply there aren't whites with such colors of their lips and eyes.
They're called Melanesians user
thats pretty cool desu. sthetic.
I'm not even trying to be edgy here.
A single person can't be diverse. That makes no fucking sense. Populations are diverse.
Lol whoopdy fucking doo you found a group of baboons in a secluded island with a blonde hair mutation. Meanwhile 99.999% of non-whites are just brown eyed brown haired with no colorful variations and all look like clones of each other
Not with that specific green, find me someone with those eyes who aren't modeling for a picture. and I'm not arguing that they don't have blue and green eyes I'm arguing that it's being exaggerated
dont be like this. thats a diverse WHITE MAN you just feel guilty because youre probably a race mixer.
Tfw blue/green central heterochromia. Feels fucking great not to be an eyelet.
Literally all blonde hair is a mutation. You retarded, or what?
lies! black hair is the mutation. non whites are the chimaera life forms.
Doesn't even make sense dude
You said to show you them like they didn't exist, the point I'm proving is that it is possible
if you insist on looking at it from only your definition of diversity then youre correct.
just racist desu
there is about 7 billion people in the world, and about 700million are "white"
What are these zogwashed retards trying to imply?
Are you saying that the green on the pic of that girl is unrealistic or that the green color they copied from a single pixel isn't? Either way you are just trying to cope.
Can you explain what you mean by diverse white guy?
theyre obviously having a bit of fun, lad.
This entire thread is a shitskin cope
Fuck off with the race b8. The best models in the world are white and white owned
More evidenced against this kikery
>the world's first
Is there seriously nowhere in Africa or Asia with its own modeling agency? I didn't realize modeling was wh*toid shit.
Well hes Morroccan, first of all. Hes a White guy because he has natural blue eyes, hes diverse because he has a northern Moorish ancestry as well. hes all mixed up but still White, hes a diverse White guy.
*evidence against this kikery
then why is it special that its non-white?
What the fuck is wrong with you you fucking idiot? One drop rule shit for brains
Not that guy, but the guy who said I look like guy in OP pic. I think this may be the case for me. I am white but have facial characteristics (face morph)
of probably semites or smth like that.
>really, really good looking
Only like four of those girls look good, and the men only bottom right I'd call good looking. What a fucking joke.
The current model rocking the fashion world, All, a white male with Scandinavian heritage
And this is why you never respond to low iq race supremacists
he went against that one drop rule, and he won bro. his eyes are natural blue, he rolled for the White team. but he still has Moorish ancestry too.
>Whites are the most diverse groups bro seriously 0.1% of the population has this coloured eye and they're all white STAY MAD JAMAAL
Do you have the full picture user?
Whites are superior though obviously
>those filenames
>mfw user is making these shitty autistic posts with his iphone
its not special at all that theyre not White. they all look similarly brown and black, and saying theyre the models of diversity is insincere. just a bit of fun.
>whites are diverse because of eye colour
There are fucking Asians with blue eyes and blonde hair what type of cope is this? Holy shit.
those mongolians and steppe asians??? lemme find some
You are going against your ancestors you fucking traitor
>whites are even better at being plus sized
Eat shit niggers
I forgot what their names were but they're in China or something. Jesus Christ who calls diversity eye colour?
Nigger, if whites aren't diverse, then apemen and shitskins are DEFINATELY not diverse.
Morracans how does being morracan make him diverse? On top of that, what are we considering as white? What percentage of mixed are we considering white?
kek. found one. is this a White girl? yep.
>Look at me. I'm the captain now.
Imagine not posting from work and browsing 24/7
This is clearly some Kazakstanian (or something similar) children. Of course they have white genes in them you absolute nigger.
Let me specify a bit, there are a lot of races in Morroco so saying someone's from Morroco without being able to see them doesn't say a ton about their racial background
What's wrong with his lower body? It looks like he was stretched out.
yup. very diluted White ancestry in Northern China, their parents met and managed to give birth to a White girl ahahahaha.
his Moorish features like his nose, beard, dark hair and skin that tans easy makes him "diverse", and his natural blue eyes marks him as a White guy. hes just a little mixed up genetically.
Turns out they live in China and they're liqians. You dumbfuck
You fucking retard do your fucking research you stupid pigskin. What type idiocy is this?
your an idiot there are people all over the world with different characteristics and genes yes there are more diverse people than whites.
Nope your wrong do your research
So how mixed do you get before you're not white?
White is actually the most robot race, especially in clown world post modern dystopia.
Damn, what country is this race from? I wanna find one and impregnate them. My children would be fucking gods.
>your an idiot there are people all over the world with different characteristics and genes yes there are more diverse people than whites.
>niggers are diverse
>this shade of shit is more diverse than than shade of shit
Niglet trying to cope: the post.
One drop of course
>best fashion house is owned by whites
Surprise surprise
Even then his skin is very pale, it's a tan most white people could accomplish easily, and giving how common tanning is in the modeling industry it doesn't really say too much
I find it pretty funny how shitskins itt are trying to prove their worth by showing pictures of extremely rare cases of non-whites with colored eyes and hair (obviously the so called non-whites have caucasian dna though but still)
I dont jusge by skin, I judge by face proportionality.
I mean, most white models arent that attractive to me, usually there heads are huge.
But regardless, this women are mostly just not ugly
Reality once again being stranger than fiction.
2/3 mugatu derelicte campaign ads
>Nope your wrong do your research
Backsearch the pic you absolute nigger. It gave me links to "learn slavic languages", "Indo-Europeans" etc. So I was right, they look like some very eastern Eyropean/ Western Asiatic mixed babies. Of course they came out with blonde hair, blue eyes and whatnot. KYS.
Just accept it. The sooner you do the sooner you can stop caring about being non white
3/3 muagtu derelicte campaign ads
>The world is just made up of black people
>Other non-whites don't exist
>I'm a retard who doesn't understand basic shit
Pigskin idiocy at its finest
>We are the most diverse people
Your not your retarded if you think you are and a load of people proved you wrong now stop over-inflating your self worth because people with green eyes exist at a tiny amount.
>Pigskin idiocy at its finest
You absolute beast of the field, your shit was already destroyed, so stop barking: