>that kid who was smart but who never amounted to anything because he's empty inside and never socialized and crippled by anxiety and depression
Was it you, Jow Forums?
>that kid who was smart but who never amounted to anything because he's empty inside and never socialized and crippled by anxiety and depression
Was it you, Jow Forums?
No, I tried, man!
I may have once been intelligent, but I squandered my potential by relaxing and never putting in more effort than what was required to pass standardized tests and feel superior to the normies who were superior to me in every other way. Now the brain fog has destroyed my mind and I am a brainlet.
Haha, you got me!
>"smart" but without any actual skills or achievements
Yeah kind of except I'm not that smart
No Im /dumbass/ I wish I was dumb enough to the point of not being self aware of how stupid I actually am.
that's exactly who I am (except for the smart part)
Protip: he was not very smart, either
yes that is exactly me except im a female.
>That kid who was dumb but put in the time to do bullshit assignments and it still got him nowhere anyways
haha yes, I was very smart haha
>unintelligent underachievers who think they're actually just lazy
>those parents who thought because their kid got a high score on some test he would go on to become a world famous scientist or doctor or artist
I actually did have achievements. I had great grades both in high school and university, but after getting my Master's i just fell off. I can't get a PhD position because i'm not social, and i'm fucking terrified of committing to a project in an unknown university with people who i do not know. It seems horrible to me.
Also i didn't socialize during university that much, so i'm just alone now, with only my cat keeping me company. Needless to say my mental health isn't great.
Why does the whole "smart but lazy" thing make some anons so angry?
Some of them were dumb and lazy or autistically hardworking and still wound up here with the smart but lazy kids.
>that kid who min/maxed his grades to do the least amount of work possible for the desired grade
>subjects I didn't like: 70.01% for C
>subjects I kinda liked: 80.01% for B
>subjects I liked: 90.01% for A
I pulled that shit off through high school and college
I remember my parents telling me
>we know you are smart! Just apply yourself!
For years. They were always upset because I got all Bs with a C or two every report card, but the insisted I was smart. When my neighbor, call him Rick, got accepted into a gifted program they FREAKED OUT.
>he is just a dumb jock! His father is a doctor, it is his money. user is *much* smarter than Rick!!
They paid a ton for me to get a real IQ test at the university.
The results came in. Mom cried.
IQ 102. Dead average.
Then Rick enlisted in the army
>the dumb jock is really dumb
my dad said, laughing.
They had me go to three SAT prep programs, took the SAT twice. Got into a pretty good uni.
Mom wanted me in ore-med, Dad in pre-law. I just could not hack the math, so pre-law. I had to take remedial classes, anyway.
What use is smart when there's nothing out there that interests you enough to get over your inhibitions and act on it? I got 118 or something on an IQ test when I started therapy with 18 yo but I've been rotting away at home looking at imageboards and trying to lose myself into escapism for so long I doubt that's still accurate. All I ever wanted was out, live alone in the dream world I had built in my head back when I still had the creativity to do so.
>normals have made is so that you must be a normal to reach the highest levels.
132 IQ here, it's all a meme, I'm as much of a sad sack of shit as anyone here.
I really struggled to keep up. Summer between Sophomore and Junior years Rick came home. Some military intelligence job; had been in training 2 years. He was in pro athlete shape, he had learned Arabic and codebreaking or something.
Realized it would take 6 years to get my BA, kept trying for a solid GPA, had no life, just study and drill.
Rick came home after 4 years - had his BS in Engineering (gifted program was for college credits, then online and credit for army stuff). Had pictures of him in Afghanistan, meeting the President, having dinner with the Crown Price of Saudi Arabia, etc.
He had a degree and a life already
>parents not even once
Its just not healthy to have a child unless you genuinely have no ego
Be me
>that kid who effortlessly breezed through school
>that kid whose friends were all the troubled
>that kid whose friends all failed their exams while he studied less than them and even topped some
>that kid who every teacher and adult called the genius
>that kid who made no effort and turned to be the perpetual under-achiever
>that kid who studied 5 hrs before any college exams and got atleast 75%
>that kid who got serious for 1 exam and topped it in the whole college
>that kid who even though ranked 58 out of the class of 90 people was the first one to get a job out of college
>that kid who was found sleeping by his boss in the conference room yet his co-worker was scolded for waking him up because he solved the boss' problem within a second and saved him a certain reprimand
>that kid who asked HR to half his work hours and pay
To be quite honest, it has been fun being that kid. Even those who score better than you or are in a position above you are wary of teasing you. Its almost like being a honeybadger.
smart people can't be lazy, they're smart enough to know that they have to get shit done to progress the social ladder
forgot to mention, it doesn't mean shit if you did well in middle or high school
everyone can do well there, doesn't exactly depend on raw intelligence. College and the world of work is where your mind is really assessed.
Who wants to move up the social ladder. Man the dream would be to get a low work hour job (20hr/week) in some hilly area with legal weed. Smoke every morning, relax on the porch and watch the sun move around the hills.
>smart people can't be lazy
I dont know what you're using the term smart to mean, this is is wrong and fucking dumb as fuck. Broaden your knowledge of human psychology and neurology
I kept plugging away. Rick got a job at Lockheed Martin and was making insane-ass money, started his Masters.
Finally graduated. $92k in student loans. First 32 law schools turned me down over grades and test scores. Finally got into a really low-rated one.
Struggling still.
Rick got married to some 19 year old just-graduated-HS girl that looks like a lingerie model, but hot, by the time I started law school at 25 he has a son.
I went through law school ok, took me four tries to pass the bar. I work for a personal injury firm. After paying student loans I bring home $2,140 a month.
A fucking month.
Rick has a 145+ IQ. I know because he is in a study of gifted to genius people.
Everyone on the book (30 people) is an overachiever like him.
Smart people are different than us. Better.
>who never amounted to anything
implying i'm done yet
Rick sounds like a pretty beta chad user
We have a salesman like that. He makes the company so much money the gag is if the boss walked in on the salesman fucking the bosses 14 year old daughter the boss would be happy at the hope of marrying him into the firm permanently
"intelligent underachiever" is a meme used to describe any kid who is quiet with abnormal interests/tendencies. The fact is that most of you are probably just alienated, average intelligent people, because average people in our era are alienated.
How hot is the boss' daughter? You dont have to post pics.
Just pay off your loans man, smallfry like us don't get much more of a relief than that. Escapism is the only reality worth doing all this grind for.
>Smart, rich, popular, tough, strong, hot wife, kids
This shit is why only retards believe in that alpha/beta bullshit
Smart but lazy doesn't exist.
You're just dumb.
You know its pretty sweet being
>that kid
I mean personally, I am 21 yo and my partner in the office is 23 yo. Been here a year. Yet by day 15, I was reminiscing my 26 yo boss about his college years while he was asked to cover for me if the boss was enjoying talking to me. One time, he complained that I did something wrong, boss called me, I showed his ass up, boss burned him to ground. Told him he will transfer him to a worse place if he keeps up his shit. He even was from a better college and scored more during employee evaluations
Ty for the post dude. Makes me feel a lot better about being just-about-to-graduate from a T2 law school at 25 w/ 100k+ debt and no job lined up. Already know I'm fucked, but it's nice knowing that there are people out there who were even more fucked and haven't killed themselves yet!
Also you're right about highly intelligent people. Just like highly charismatic people, they have a legit superpower and the rest of us could never measure up.
Not gonna lie, she is enough to make you question AOC laws
Beta because he got married. That's it. Other wise he was in uber chad territory. Now, his wife sooner or later is going to find out about his infidelities and take half his money and his son and the house. A dude like him shouldn't be getting married till 35 or so unless he is too dedicated to his child. In that case, he's a 25yo boomer and that's that
Ever meet a charismatic genius?
I have.
They are legit superhuman
Ever showed up a charismatic genius and made him question his life choices? Been here done that. Felt pretty amazing
Like I said; Game/PUA types are fucktarded.
>checked an uberchad
Are you the guy in ever porn comment thread that insists you went to Hs with her?
No but let me greentext how I showed him up for you
>Be me and my dad
>Dad runs an after parts dealings and service business for high tech equipments in chemical and power plants
>Me and him both tag team the purchase orders
>Uberchad from Fortune 500 company shows up
>Has a tech degree from Stanford and Business degree from Oxford
>Making about 250k/year
>Usual sales presentation
>Dad presses him for 5% discount
>He insists on 0%
>He knows we need the product
>Draw up a contract with him for payment terms
>"Payment to be made after Test and Inspection certificates from Plant Xxxxx"
>He signs
>Goes out to smoke on the roof
>Follow him
>Explain to him how now its upto us when we pay him for the machine since its our job to test it and we can even run it without official TC
>He freaks out
>Pleads us to destroy contract
>Squeeze 18% discount out of him
>Another Chad checked
user when me and my dad work together, I am pretty good at things
>salesman who does not know basic sales
You are one of those
>hurr I recognize da name of dat college, he must be uh genius durr
News flash! The average IQ of an Ivy League grad is a blistering 107, not even an SD up, so - normal
I am starting to think we were not so "charismatic" after all
I never wanted to "socialize" though, fucking hated group work and class presentations, god I just wanted to be alone in school not get forced into groups in classes
user doubt him the day you start making 250k/year on your merit because he is doing that. And also, this trick has been cultivated due to my dad's experience. See we insisted on a 60 day payment period. He insisted on 30 days. So we compromised and said we will pay within 7 days of TC. Now, its the industrial norm to obtain TC before installation but since we do installation and servicing, company agreed to just install the module without TC provided we gave 2 year Guarantee. Truth be told, had he called our bluff, we would have been at loss as well but he would've been fired. I can assure, we are the only company capable of pulling such a heist on him in Qatar
Wouldn't say i'm smart but If I have motivation I can usually get good at most things just through dedication alone. However nothing in this life can motivate me now, when I was younger it was different.
fuck you dude fuck you...
I know high school drop outs making $250k/year as plumbers
Uh-huh. That explains everything.
I don't know, probably. I was top of my class in Year 3 and happy. But now I've failed the last 5 years of school and dropped out in the last 2 months of the last year.
>Now the brain fog has destroyed my mind and I am a brainlet.
For me, its porn addiction
I'm not really "smart", yeah I'm good at math but math isn't a skill.
I don't wanna call myself smart, cause it's possible that in 5 years I'll look back on it and realise how stupid I was.
So I'll just consider myself stupid for now.
>knowing something means doing it
you are not very smart are you
>being this buttblasted about random people on Jow Forums claiming to be smart you make up a fanfiction sucking off imaginary chad so you can convince people here they're dumb and get off on making someon else feel bad
i geniunely pray you die a gruesome painful death
if by smart you mean 107 IQ with a large ego then yes that was me
Please dont ever remind me again
i will remind you again and again
>that kid who was smart but who never amounted to anything
>because he's empty inside and never socialized and crippled by anxiety and depression
AYYY, 'DAS NOT ME, MAYN! I was extremely violent as a child. I was going to be accelerated up to 1-3 grades but I would try to literally try to kill other kids because how dare they be annoying kids in my presence. Carried a 100% in coding-whatnot and such, during my later years. I just want to be left alone in my box. I have little interest in your subjective views of reality.